Do You Need MORE Reasons to Vote McCain?
A week ago, Obama Democrats were telling us that a vote for a Republican was tantamount to a vote against modernity. Never mind the fallacious simile, suggesting that McCain was the kind of Republican to whom such charges applied. Obama Democrats are anti-intellectual by definition, or at best “fake” intellectual, and I don’t expect them to use their faculties of recall or historic reference. Implying that a vote for the most centrist candidate in the Primary, is a vote for the most retrograde Creationists and Anti-Abortionists, requires you be deliberately oblivious to the fact that only four years ago John Kerry was seriously considering nominating John McCain as his Democratic Vice Presidential running mate.
Well, now the GOP, or McCain, need not even bother answering the ignorance of Obama’s crowds as expressed in that ad. A new video, called Blue Balled, takes up where Obama Slut left off. Whoring politics to our new “enlightened” latte sipping generation with “I only Sleep with Dems.”
If tits with the words “Obama” weren’t primitive enough, the project “Truth Through Action?” will make Barely Political look like crumpets in comparison with this expression of pathetic teenage profundity. Good thing they plan an entire campaing prediceted on their “edgy” and “racy” independent movie making. The originality gets especially fast-paced when you recognize Clint Mansell’s Requiem for a Dream in their soundrack - performed by the Kronos Quartet! Did they pay royalties for this?
But then, is “Blue Balled” -as this new video campaign is called- really worse than selling baby clothes with Obama rattles- such as found on Turd0’s official website? Then there is this start-up to keep our eyes on; I know everyone already knows about the Kids for Obama.
Yes, the difference is slim.
If you needed further proof of what voting Democratic (Obama) in 2008 implies, Truth Through Action, just provided you with some.
Don’t expect a peep of protest from Hussein0.
Click here for the Source and some "lovely" pics of possible "tunnel-bunnies" wearing Obama Gear.

Well, now the GOP, or McCain, need not even bother answering the ignorance of Obama’s crowds as expressed in that ad. A new video, called Blue Balled, takes up where Obama Slut left off. Whoring politics to our new “enlightened” latte sipping generation with “I only Sleep with Dems.”
If tits with the words “Obama” weren’t primitive enough, the project “Truth Through Action?” will make Barely Political look like crumpets in comparison with this expression of pathetic teenage profundity. Good thing they plan an entire campaing prediceted on their “edgy” and “racy” independent movie making. The originality gets especially fast-paced when you recognize Clint Mansell’s Requiem for a Dream in their soundrack - performed by the Kronos Quartet! Did they pay royalties for this?
But then, is “Blue Balled” -as this new video campaign is called- really worse than selling baby clothes with Obama rattles- such as found on Turd0’s official website? Then there is this start-up to keep our eyes on; I know everyone already knows about the Kids for Obama.
Yes, the difference is slim.
If you needed further proof of what voting Democratic (Obama) in 2008 implies, Truth Through Action, just provided you with some.
Don’t expect a peep of protest from Hussein0.
Click here for the Source and some "lovely" pics of possible "tunnel-bunnies" wearing Obama Gear.