I'm With You, Howard Beale!
If you are on aggregator - click here to view this video!
WOMEN -- WE CAN'T LET THIS HAPPEN. Put down the Obama Kool-Aid!! Engage your brains! Now that these men have showed their true colors are we going to allow this in OUR COUNTRY? The country where we work, went to school, had and raised our children, paid our taxes, went to our doctors, shopped, cried, cradled, pulled, pushed and given our BLOOD SWEAT & TEARS? Are we going to let the now-revealed misogyny and testosterone-driven bull**** drive our country into the hands of some man who doesn't even know what they are doing or someone who's so confused they barely know what planet they're on?
Has 8 years of Bush/ Cheney/ Rove insanity driven us THIS FAR OFF THE EDGE?
I'm with you, Howard Beale:
If you are on an aggregator, click here to see an Academy Award Winning performance!