Obfuscate The Smears

We welcome this new development. But before the Obama camp throws off the gloves, it would do well to at least keep its head gear. This one is fake, but painfully funny.
The new Fight the Smears page on My.BarackObama.com, has a few distortions and inaccuracies of its own. Johnson will no doubt have little trouble exposing those which pertain to himself. As for those which pertain to us, here are a few sobering thoughts for Obama’s failing attempt to “correct the record.”
Obama emphatically claims that he was never a Muslim. This is factually wrong. View our “Islam in his Life” in the contents tab. (watch it disappear now that it's been pointed out - B.)
Obama says quotes about race from “Dreams from my Father” have been taken “out of context”. Funny.
Out of the four quotes Obama addresses, three are invented - and never featured on our site. Only one quote is actually “taken out of context” and pitifully, the context doesn’t help. For anyone serious about Obama’s views on Race as divined from his autobiographical “Dream from My Father,” read Gregory Chang’s exhaustive posts.

It is instructive, that “Fight the Smears” relies on falsehoods to keep Obama “clean.” Equally instructive, its utility in portraying Obama as a victim of bigotry.
Too bad Clinton was lacking the mindset to set up a “Fight the Smears” of her own. It could have come in handy in her fight with the vicious psychological warfare and media campaign against her credibility.
Playing with history
One of the Many Games Destructive Narcissists Play
When all else fails, this is what they do. Put them in a corner about something that happened as recently as an hour ago and they will either tell you that they have no recall of it whatsoever or simply tell you that you are wrong. At this point they will be more than happy to go into great detail about what really transpired, which can be so blatantly untrue that it leaves you standing mouth agape.
They will claim to have said or done things that they didn't; claim that you did or said things that you didn't or simply rewrite the story entirely. In extreme cases they will even claim that the incident never happened at all.

We welcome this new development. But before the Obama camp throws off the gloves, it would do well to at least keep its head gear. This one is fake, but painfully funny.
The new Fight the Smears page on My.BarackObama.com, has a few distortions and inaccuracies of its own. Johnson will no doubt have little trouble exposing those which pertain to himself. As for those which pertain to us, here are a few sobering thoughts for Obama’s failing attempt to “correct the record.”
Obama emphatically claims that he was never a Muslim. This is factually wrong. View our “Islam in his Life” in the contents tab. (watch it disappear now that it's been pointed out - B.)
Obama says quotes about race from “Dreams from my Father” have been taken “out of context”. Funny.
Out of the four quotes Obama addresses, three are invented - and never featured on our site. Only one quote is actually “taken out of context” and pitifully, the context doesn’t help. For anyone serious about Obama’s views on Race as divined from his autobiographical “Dream from My Father,” read Gregory Chang’s exhaustive posts.

It is instructive, that “Fight the Smears” relies on falsehoods to keep Obama “clean.” Equally instructive, its utility in portraying Obama as a victim of bigotry.
Too bad Clinton was lacking the mindset to set up a “Fight the Smears” of her own. It could have come in handy in her fight with the vicious psychological warfare and media campaign against her credibility.
ps. I love how Obama is putting the American eagle everywhere, and reliant on a June 2nd quote about how we are all “Americans” to Fight his Smears. I am relieved to see Obama acknowledges that his first and foremost priority in this election is to “prove” to voters that he hasn’t nurtured a life long contempt of their country, ideology, and way of life.SOURCE
Playing with history
One of the Many Games Destructive Narcissists Play
When all else fails, this is what they do. Put them in a corner about something that happened as recently as an hour ago and they will either tell you that they have no recall of it whatsoever or simply tell you that you are wrong. At this point they will be more than happy to go into great detail about what really transpired, which can be so blatantly untrue that it leaves you standing mouth agape.
They will claim to have said or done things that they didn't; claim that you did or said things that you didn't or simply rewrite the story entirely. In extreme cases they will even claim that the incident never happened at all.
"What you won't hear from this campaign or this party is the kind of politics that uses religion as a wedge," says Mr. Obama, while denouncing statements of him being a Muslim as a smear. Why is the presidential candidate who claims to be religiously inclusive is treating the word "Muslim" as an insult? Apparently, it is OK for Mr. Obama to be associated with terrorists like William Ayers or racists like Jeremiah Wright, but God forbid somebody would call him a Muslim! No, he won't stand for that kind of smear! We admit that most terrorists are Muslims, but most Muslims are not terrorists and the statement on Mr. Obama's website is insulting to hundreds of millions of people.
How could a man who discards his family heritage in favor of political expediency be even considered for presidency of the United States? Where are all the so-called "Islamic civil rights groups" like CAIR, MPAC, ISNA, MAS, etc. who are quick to defend every Islamic terrorist, but are silent when Muslims in general are being denigrated? Would Mr. Obama have the same reaction if someone claimed that he was raised as a Jew? We sincerely doubt that.
Muslims Against Sharia demand immediate removal of "SMEAR: Barack Obama is a Muslim" statement from the official Barack Obama's website as well as an apology for giving the word "Muslim" a negative connotation.