A "Scorned Woman"?
Poor Scott McClelland. Now BushCo and their PNAC cronies are calling the guy everything but a "scorned woman." If he was a Jew - there'd be accusations of "lashon hara" being leveled at him. If we wait long enough -- maybe there will.
I've been called "a scorned woman" or "hell hath no fury" or "unrequieted stalker" and even a "disgruntled employee." I always did it for the right reasons. I never ever have done so to "get" someone or to "have revenge." I have to laugh because each and every SINGLE TIME I've been called those names it has been for the same exact reason:
Being a truth-teller or whistleblower is no fun. Scott obviously just couldn't live with himself anymore. What he said was no different than what many people have said in the last 8 years of the Bush Crime Family disaster in Washington. The Republican Party is going have a rough time pulling up from the last 8 years.
George Simon in his book "In Sheep's Clothing" describes it as one of the tactics of abusive personalities when confronted with their lies or horrible actions:
White House press secretary Dana Perino released this statement on Scott McClellan's critical book on the Bush White House:
Scott, I know you're telling the truth and I know history will bear you out. You just didn't want another 4 years of this nonsense in D.C. Writer Caroline Konrad describes the BushCo sycophants you dealt with as "Malignant Personalities" and says:
I've been called "a scorned woman" or "hell hath no fury" or "unrequieted stalker" and even a "disgruntled employee." I always did it for the right reasons. I never ever have done so to "get" someone or to "have revenge." I have to laugh because each and every SINGLE TIME I've been called those names it has been for the same exact reason:
Being a truth-teller or whistleblower is no fun. Scott obviously just couldn't live with himself anymore. What he said was no different than what many people have said in the last 8 years of the Bush Crime Family disaster in Washington. The Republican Party is going have a rough time pulling up from the last 8 years.
George Simon in his book "In Sheep's Clothing" describes it as one of the tactics of abusive personalities when confronted with their lies or horrible actions:
Vilifying the Victim – This tactic is frequently used in conjunction with the tactic of playing the victim role. The aggressor uses this tactic to make it appear he is only responding (i.e. defending himself against) aggression on the part of the victim.Read on:
White House press secretary Dana Perino released this statement on Scott McClellan's critical book on the Bush White House:
"Scott, we now know, is disgruntled about his experience at the White House. For those of us who fully supported him, before, during and after he was press secretary, we are puzzled. It is sad -- this is not the Scott we knew."And the one other thing McClelland said in his book that struck me right away? This section:
More from Perino: "The book, as reported by the press, has been described to the president. I do not expect a comment from him on it -- he has more pressing matters than to spend time commenting on books by former staffers."
"'The media won't let go of these ridiculous cocaine rumors,' I heard Bush say. 'You know, the truth is I honestly don't remember whether I tried it or not. We had some pretty wild parties back in the day, and I just don't remember.'"Compare that to this description of sociopaths:
"I remember thinking to myself, How can that be?" McClellan wrote. "How can someone simply not remember whether or not they used an illegal substance like cocaine? It didn't make a lot of sense."
"So I think he meant what he said in that conversation about cocaine. It's the first time when I felt I was witnessing Bush convincing himself to believe something that probably was not true, and that, deep down, he knew was not true," McClellan wrote.
In the years that followed, McClellan "would come to believe that sometimes he convinces himself to believe what suits his needs at the moment." McClellan likened it to a witness who resorts to "I do not recall."
"Bush, similarly, has a way of falling back on the hazy memory to protect himself from potential political embarrassment," McClellan wrote, adding, "In other words, being evasive is not the same as lying in Bush's mind."
“They are absolutely the world’s best manipulators, liars, and fabricators of truth. They do so convincingly because they believe their own lies. After all their life is nothing but a lie, a sham, how can we possibly assume they know anything different.” - cassiopea.com
Scott, I know you're telling the truth and I know history will bear you out. You just didn't want another 4 years of this nonsense in D.C. Writer Caroline Konrad describes the BushCo sycophants you dealt with as "Malignant Personalities" and says:
These people are mentally ill and extremely dangerous! The following precautions will help to protect you from the destructive acts of which they are capable.Kudos to you, Scott. You stood up to political evil.
First, to recognize them, keep the following guidelines in mind.
(1) They are habitual liars. They seem incapable of either knowing or telling the truth about anything.
(2) They are egotistical to the point of narcissism. They really believe they are set apart from the rest of humanity by some special grace.
(3) They scapegoat; they are incapable of either having the insight or willingness to accept responsibility for anything they do.
Whatever the problem, it is always someone else's fault.
(4) They are remorselessly vindictive when thwarted or exposed.
(5) Genuine religious, moral, or other values play no part in their lives. They have no empathy for others and are capable of violence. Under older psychological terminology, they fall into the category of psychopath or sociopath, but unlike the typical psychopath, their behavior is masked by a superficial social facade.