
Showing posts from August, 2008

How LOW Can They Go?

Unbelievable! The smearing and slamming of Sarah Palin is already boggling my mind. I remember a professor of mine in college talking about the inner process of acting with me. We were sitting in his office and the conversation was getting very esoteric and interesting to me. At one point in our chat he leaned forward and said, "be careful what you hate and fear; because there's an inherent danger in BECOMING that thing as you try to fight it." I didn't understand what he meant at the time but I remembered and as the years wore on he's been proved right over & over again. The Dems and Far Left as now JUST AS BAD AS THE ACCUSED THE FAR RIGHT OF BEING IN 2000 AND 2004!! Today alone I heard that: Sarah Palin isn't a good mother to her infant, special needs child - because she's running for Vice President! (Would they say that to a man?) Sarah Palin was a knee-jerk choice on McCain's part because the RNC vetoed Joe Lieberman. (say what??) Sarah Pa...

Quantum Repentance

By Arnie Gotfryd Imagine if you could turn your very worst liabilities into your most precious assets. Nice dream, isn't it? Well, as it turns out, this is no wistful fancy but a daily reality, according to both cutting edge science and state-of-the-art religion, i.e., Judaism. To explain, let's peer into the subatomic world of the quantum and explore an amazing property of nature, a weird, almost quirky kind of fact: Wave-particle duality. The idea is that things are what you choose them to be, literally. For example, when photons pass through a barrier with two slits, you can choose to observe them as waves, in which case they necessarily went through both slits, or as particles, in which case they went through only one. You determine the reality. But it gets even stranger. An implication of this "observer power" is that once you choose to see the photon as a wave, it was a wave all the way back to when it was emitted. Similarly if you choose to observe it as a part...

This One's for You & Yours, Barky!

THE HEART OF MALICE by (the late) Kathy Krajco A narcissist's need to have it all is something one must see, I'm afraid, to believe. It literally pains a narcissist to see anyone else get any. "Any" being any credit, appreciation, praise, recognition - whatever - just any form of what one narcissist I know called "sugar." It's just any form of the regard and respect human beings show each other in human relations, that stuff by which we VALUE other human beings as WORTHY of any regard. Narcissists are pigs who gotta have it all. They begrudge anyone else any. Like three-year-olds who haven't been taught to share. Doubt it? Just watch a narcissist while anyone present is getting credit for something or is being thanked or praised. He or she will look just sick. He acts HURT by it. Short changed, cheated of what rightly belonged to him. It's as though any shine on anyone else diminishes the glow of God Almighty's glory. He's gotta smear tha...

Let the Smearing Begin!

Smear campaigns . As ridiculous as they are ugly. I've been the target of a couple in my lifetime; including one that's continued for a couple years now. What is really scary is how the smearer isolates his audience from the target so that they don't think for themselves. The smearer uses plausible lies and revisionist history and selective facts. (In my case I hear I have supposedly done things that would require me to defy my permanent physical limitations, bend the time-space continuum and be invisible at will!) They never ever tell the truth nor do they tell everything. And usually the smearer (somewhat pathological to begin with) is charming, glib, a good talker and tends believe the lies after they tell them enough. Kind of like Harold Hill of the Music Man. Good smearers concentrate their vitriol on an audience that doesn't know the target well or at all. People with a blank slate. Because anyone who knows their target should say "hey, wait a mi...

Online "Groomer" Recruiting New Terrorists in U.K.

A British cyber groomer was jailed for 12 years today after recruiting the country's youngest terrorist to a "worldwide" holy war against non-Muslims. Aabid Khan, who was possibly plotting to attack the Queen, was a "key player" in radicalising others. He had spent years building up a computer "encyclopaedia" of extremist material, including a file on various members of the Royal family, when he met 15-year-old schoolboy Muhammad Munshi. He lost little time enrolling the teenager in his "mission in life" - the destruction of Western values and the "wiping out" of all "kuffar" or non-believers. The youngster, whose grandfather is a leading Islamic scholar, was 16 and in the middle of his GCSEs when arrested on his way home from school in 2006. London's Blackfriars Crown Court heard he had two bags of ball-bearings - the shrapnel of choice for suicide bombers - in his pockets and notes about martyrdom under his bed. Lea...

Hillary, Geraldine... Sarah -- THANK YOU, LADIES!

And I do mean, LADIES! AGGREGATOR VIEWERS, CLICK HERE FOR THE ABOVE VIDEO Go, Geraldine Ferraro That was a great interview today, Geraldine (despite the audio problem at the beginnning). You were the first, and we’ll always remember you for that. And you’ll always be in our hearts for your bravery in the face of hideous and wholly unfair attacks on you during this primary season. And I hope you got to read Geraldine Ferraro’s outstanding op-ed, “ What Hillary Clinton’s women want,” published yesterday in the New York Daily News : Hillary Clinton's speech before the convention on Tuesday night was brilliant. It reminded me of the one that Jesse Jackson gave in 1984 after a very contentious primary, when his name would be put into nomination the next evening and his 465-1/2 delegate votes would be recorded in the history books. His speech soared with reminders of a historic campaign, thanked supporters and recognized it was time to move on as a unified party. Hillary's remarks, h...

Fire & Nice: Sarah Palin

Adam Brickely, age 21, who managed the Draft Palin Movement from its inception to its end (total success) wrote the following to hundreds of Palin Supporters who were dispirited yesterday because it look as if she wouldn't get the nomination. At 3 a.m. last nite I went with the story because my sources were wonderful. Here's Adam's powerful defense of Gov. Palin. I want to combine forces with NoBama and the big Palin Movement -- soon, as in today/ tomorrow. You all heard the speech. The Obama-bots will launch the same sexist, misogynistic attacks on her that they did with another female candidate. Sarah Palin is an anomaly in American politics. It's not because she's a woman, not because of her blue-collar background, and not because of her ability to juggle the titles of "governor" and "committed mother of five". Forget about all of that stuff for a moment; it's interesting, but if Barack Obama has taught us anything, it's that a co...

Sarah Palin: Masterful Choice

The last few days I have been naseauted by the Liberal Media's attempt to eviscerate Sarah Palin. Do they realize they sound JUST AS BAD AS THE REPUBLICANS DID IN 2004 WHEN THEY WENT AFTER KERRY? JUST AS BAD!!! Considering the hate and misogyny directed at Hillary, to have this same hate & misogyny pointed at Palin is merely galvanizing us PUMAs to back Palin. NoBama, you're screwed. The key article on Sarah Palin was written a year-and-a-half ago by Fred Barnes of The Weekly Standard. It's called "The Most Popular Governor: Alaska's Sarah Palin i the GOP's Newest Star." Her rise is a great (and rare) story of how adherence to principle--especially to transparency and accountability in government--can produce political success. And by the way, Palin is a conservative who only last month vetoed 13 percent of the state's proposed budget for capital projects. The cuts, the Anchorage Daily News said, "may be the biggest single-year line-item v...

National Pain Awareness Month

AUGUST 2008 Chronic pain is pain that goes on longer than six months and does not respond to conventional medical treatment. In other words, chronic pain is pain that does not go away. What’s more, chronic pain often has no concrete explanation and no tangible diagnosis. That does not mean that chronic pain is not real. It simply means that, using the information available today, modern medical specialists cannot define a “cause’ for the pain. Chronic pain is pain that many people have to “learn to live with.” The question then is, how do you do that? Eighty-six million Americans are affected by some sort of chronic pain. Chronic pain presents business and industry with a bill of $90 billion annually, including lost work hours, retraining, and insurance claims. It causes untold stress on families. The pain can become life-threatening to many who suffer with overwhelming all-controlling pain. Chronic pain is an affliction that must be dealt with now. Who is affected by pain? It affects...

Jew Crew That Helped Get McCain Nominated

By Anthony Weiss If pre-convention polls are to be believed, John McCain enters the convention poised to pull in a greater percentage of the Jewish vote than any Republican candidate in the past two decades. There are many possible explanations — his long record on Israel, his image as an independent political moderate, lingering concerns about Barack Obama — but one factor is certainly the ties that his campaign has cultivated with important Jewish Republicans and moderates alike. The Forward takes a look at the Republicans who have helped McCain make it to the spotlight in Minneapolis, and who hope to take him beyond. Mark Broxmeyer The Israel Hawk As Mark Broxmeyer roams through the convention, his face may not be well known, but Jewish Republicans bigwigs will recognize his voice. Not only has Broxmeyer been one of the McCain campaign’s leading Jewish fundraisers, but he also has been, to this point, the closest thing to a Jewish liaison, which means that he has been the one on wee...