Election 2008 - Where I Stand Now
The Obama Thugs got their boy in. He's the nominee. Hillary's lukewarm endorsement was still one of the best speeches she's ever given. In terms of her, I want her to look to 2012, when people will REALLY need her to step in and clean up any further messes made.

Here's where I stand - NOBAMA. There is no way in hell I am voting for or backing Barack Obama. The guy gives me the creeps. Yes, I have seen the Temple of Obama being built for the dear boy at the DNC. After Bubba's speech tonight, I am not watching anymore. I am not a Democrat. And I don't have to watch one more second of that pathological con-man and his duped, memerized worshippers or that wife of his, who also gives me the creeps.
My hats off to my fellow PUMAs. Despite being maligned and called names (like 'immature' and 'rude' and being told to 'get over it') you stuck to your convictions. And you continue to stick to your convictions. Let's all work together to make sure the truth continues to come out about this candidate and that the White House stays Obaminator-free.
From this point on -- I will be throwing my support behind John McCain. When I have more time I will make the changes in my sidebar to show that. I will do whatever it takes to prevent Barky from taking the White House. -- Barbara

Feeling a Little Ill
by Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy
I have to admit, I am feeling a bit ill this morning. I picked up my newspaper, and there was a lovely photo of Hillary Clinton, with the headline, “Clinton ‘proud” to back Obama.” Ugh. I know, I know, she is a sitting US Senator, and a Democratic one to boot, so yes, she HAS to say that. I guess. I am still just so dismayed at what the Democratic Party has become this year, I can barely stand it. Like I said, it makes me ill. I never, ever thought I would see this day.
Others have been discussing Obama’s “Greek temple” stage, and some of the other Convention shenanigans, so I’ll spare you. Except to say this about the FAKE Greek Temple - that should be a little clue to all of you Obama supporters out there of his real mindset. I’m just sayin’ - take a good hard look, and then ask yourselves - what the heck were you THINKING?!?!?! Because of ONE LOUSY SPEECH you think this first term senator who has done nothing of note but run for President really DESERVES the highest office in the land?? And you are willing to destroy the Democratic Party, denigate the only two-term Democratic president in four decades, and any real chance of taking BACK the White House with this man? All I can ask is, WHY??? WHY are you so supportive of him? What has he done that makes you think he will follow up on ANY ONE of his promises?? Why do you dismiss the people with whom he chooses to surround himself?? Why do you keep claiming he has “good judgment”??? I just do not get it. I do not understand any of this.

And then there’s Howard Dean. And Donna Brazile. Nancy Pelosi. John Kerry. Ted Kennedy. ESPECIALLY Ted Kennedy, the man who fought tooth and nail for the Democratic nomination has become the one DEMANDING the popular vote winner get out of the race, and shut up already. All of them did not even want Hillary Clinton on the ROLL CALL. All of the leadership at the DNC has to be thrown out if we have any chance whatsoever of re-CLAIMING the DNC. What these people have done, what the DNC has BECOME is anything BUT Democratic.
So, Hillary Clinton’s speech is done. I am so going to miss hearing from her. Whoever wins this election, it will be four more years of me not being able to listen to the president speak, that’s for sure.
Oh, and one last thing - as others have pointed out so eloquently - HILLARY CLINTON is not responsible for Obama’s loss OR win (yeah, right). Stop freakin’ blaming your candidate’s poor performances on HER. It is ALL about him, which is what those of us who did not drink the Kool Aid have been saying all along. Instead of focusing so much of your energies on Clinton and REAL Democrats, maybe you should have been looking at who Obama really is/is not. Hillary is not his mother; she is not his handmaiden; she is not the cause of his not getting our votes - HE is doing that all by his own self.
So knock it off already and get a clue. Go look at him standing up in his faux Greek temple, and open your eyes. It’s too late for this election, though, but still, maybe, JUST maybe, we’ll get the Democratic Party back to being one of Democratic ideals - REAL Democratic ideal, not vote stealing, caucus fraud, and all the stuff you already know the DNC did this year. Yep, getting back to real Democratic Ideas? Now THAT would be change I could believe in.
And this is WHO I believe in:

Here's where I stand - NOBAMA. There is no way in hell I am voting for or backing Barack Obama. The guy gives me the creeps. Yes, I have seen the Temple of Obama being built for the dear boy at the DNC. After Bubba's speech tonight, I am not watching anymore. I am not a Democrat. And I don't have to watch one more second of that pathological con-man and his duped, memerized worshippers or that wife of his, who also gives me the creeps.
My hats off to my fellow PUMAs. Despite being maligned and called names (like 'immature' and 'rude' and being told to 'get over it') you stuck to your convictions. And you continue to stick to your convictions. Let's all work together to make sure the truth continues to come out about this candidate and that the White House stays Obaminator-free.
"Thank you Hillary Clinton - We’ll take it from here.
PUMAS - stay the course. We expected this. Our mission has not changed. This is no longer about Senator Clinton - this is about all of us who have been told to sit down, shut up and fall in line. This is about all of us in Denver and around the nation who have been counted out.
I ask that ALL PUMAS consider Hillary’s message from last night.
“When you hear the dogs - KEEP RUNNING!”
We will not sit down. We will continue to fight.
We will remember in November.
Tomorrow is a new day. Be good to each other. We must remain united."
PUMAS - stay the course. We expected this. Our mission has not changed. This is no longer about Senator Clinton - this is about all of us who have been told to sit down, shut up and fall in line. This is about all of us in Denver and around the nation who have been counted out.
I ask that ALL PUMAS consider Hillary’s message from last night.
“When you hear the dogs - KEEP RUNNING!”
We will not sit down. We will continue to fight.
We will remember in November.
Tomorrow is a new day. Be good to each other. We must remain united."
From this point on -- I will be throwing my support behind John McCain. When I have more time I will make the changes in my sidebar to show that. I will do whatever it takes to prevent Barky from taking the White House. -- Barbara

Feeling a Little Ill
by Rabble Rouser Reverend Amy
I have to admit, I am feeling a bit ill this morning. I picked up my newspaper, and there was a lovely photo of Hillary Clinton, with the headline, “Clinton ‘proud” to back Obama.” Ugh. I know, I know, she is a sitting US Senator, and a Democratic one to boot, so yes, she HAS to say that. I guess. I am still just so dismayed at what the Democratic Party has become this year, I can barely stand it. Like I said, it makes me ill. I never, ever thought I would see this day.
Others have been discussing Obama’s “Greek temple” stage, and some of the other Convention shenanigans, so I’ll spare you. Except to say this about the FAKE Greek Temple - that should be a little clue to all of you Obama supporters out there of his real mindset. I’m just sayin’ - take a good hard look, and then ask yourselves - what the heck were you THINKING?!?!?! Because of ONE LOUSY SPEECH you think this first term senator who has done nothing of note but run for President really DESERVES the highest office in the land?? And you are willing to destroy the Democratic Party, denigate the only two-term Democratic president in four decades, and any real chance of taking BACK the White House with this man? All I can ask is, WHY??? WHY are you so supportive of him? What has he done that makes you think he will follow up on ANY ONE of his promises?? Why do you dismiss the people with whom he chooses to surround himself?? Why do you keep claiming he has “good judgment”??? I just do not get it. I do not understand any of this.

And then there’s Howard Dean. And Donna Brazile. Nancy Pelosi. John Kerry. Ted Kennedy. ESPECIALLY Ted Kennedy, the man who fought tooth and nail for the Democratic nomination has become the one DEMANDING the popular vote winner get out of the race, and shut up already. All of them did not even want Hillary Clinton on the ROLL CALL. All of the leadership at the DNC has to be thrown out if we have any chance whatsoever of re-CLAIMING the DNC. What these people have done, what the DNC has BECOME is anything BUT Democratic.
So, Hillary Clinton’s speech is done. I am so going to miss hearing from her. Whoever wins this election, it will be four more years of me not being able to listen to the president speak, that’s for sure.
Oh, and one last thing - as others have pointed out so eloquently - HILLARY CLINTON is not responsible for Obama’s loss OR win (yeah, right). Stop freakin’ blaming your candidate’s poor performances on HER. It is ALL about him, which is what those of us who did not drink the Kool Aid have been saying all along. Instead of focusing so much of your energies on Clinton and REAL Democrats, maybe you should have been looking at who Obama really is/is not. Hillary is not his mother; she is not his handmaiden; she is not the cause of his not getting our votes - HE is doing that all by his own self.
So knock it off already and get a clue. Go look at him standing up in his faux Greek temple, and open your eyes. It’s too late for this election, though, but still, maybe, JUST maybe, we’ll get the Democratic Party back to being one of Democratic ideals - REAL Democratic ideal, not vote stealing, caucus fraud, and all the stuff you already know the DNC did this year. Yep, getting back to real Democratic Ideas? Now THAT would be change I could believe in.
And this is WHO I believe in: