Obama, Where's the Beef?

Thirty percent (30%) of conservative Democrats say they’re voting for John McCain. Rasmussen Reports data also shows the Republican hopeful picking up support from 19% of White Democrats and 15% of Democrats over the age of 50. These results are from national telephone survey interviews conducted with 14,000 Likely Voters during the two weeks ending July 24. The sample includes 5,074 Democratic voters.We can only HOPE this trend GROWS!!
While Obama is losing some Democratic voters, he begins with a significant advantage over McCain by virtue of the fact that there are far more Democrats in the country than Republicans.
Overall, there are twice as many uncommitted voters at this point in Election 2008 as there were four years ago. An analysis released yesterday showed that there are more Democrats than Republicans in the uncommitted category, but that they are leaning more towards McCain than Obama.

Excuse me Mr. Obama, I mean Senator Obama, sir. Um……I know you are busy and important and stuff. I mean running for president is very important and….ORIGINAL
…..ah………I hate to bother you. I will only take a minute ok, sir?
See, I have these missing pieces that are holding me up, and I was wondering sir, if you could take time out of your busy schedule and help me out. You know, no big deal, just some loose ends and things.
Hey, you have a nice place here! The wife sees houses like this on TV all the time and says boy she wishes she had digs like this you know? is that painting real? Really??? Wow. I saw something like that in a museum once!
Oh, sorry sir. I didn’t mean to get off the track. So if you could just help me out a minute and give me some details, I will get right out of your way. I want to close this case and maybe take the wife to Coney Island or something. Ever been to Coney Island? No, I didn’t think so…….
Well, listen, anyways, I can’t seem to get some information I need to wrap this up. These things seem to either be “locked” or “not available’. I’m sure it’s just some oversight or glitch or something, so if you could you tell me where these things are….. I….I…. have them written down here somewhere….oh wait. Sorry about the smears. It was raining out. I’ll just read it to you.
Could you help me please find these things, sir?
Your Occidental College records
Your Columbia College records
Your Columbia Thesis paper
Your Harvard College records
Your Selective Service Registration
Your medical records
Your Illinois State Senate records
Your Illinois State Senate schedule
Your Law practice client list
A Certified Copy of your original Birth certificate
Your embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth – Not released
Your Harvard Law Review articles that were published
Your University of Chicago scholarly articles
Your Record of baptism
Oh hey…listen! I know you are busy! Is this too much for you now? I mean tell you what. I will come back tomorrow. Give you some time to get these things together, you know? I mean, I know you are busy, so I will just let my self out. I will be back tomorrow. And the day after……
Graphics in this post from UPPITY WOMAN!! Funny & Creative!