Today is Women's Equality Day - Tonight Hillary Speaks

August 26 of each year is designated in the United States as Women's Equality Day. Instituted by Rep. Bella Abzug and first established in 1971, the date commemorates the passage of the 19th Amendment, the Woman Suffrage Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which gave U.S. women full voting rights in 1920.

And here's what Obama and his crew did in furtherance of this great moment in U.S. History:


She speaks tonight.

From Uppity Woman:

Geeklove says,
I am sick and tired of Hillary “working her heart out” for the ungrateful Obama who has done nothing to reach out to Clinton or her supporters. While, Obama states that Hillary would be on anybody’s vice presidential short list, he doesn’t even give her the time of day or even pretend to do so. If Obama wants people to vote for him because of his judgment, I say, that it really was poor judgment not to even consider her and extremely poor judgment to mock her by sending the dissing text message at 3 a.m.

It is time for Hillary to send Obama off on his own. No one can save “Barack America” now.
Well Put, Geeklove, my feelings exactly – except that I didn’t want her to be that moron’s Bridesmaid so he could get her to drag his lazy ass across the finish line and take all the credit. I simply cannot stand this phony, sexist pretty-boy loser. And I simply wouldn’t vote for him even if he picked my mother as his VP. I know the difference between VP and President and I do not want that pig to be my President. As for the MSM, now nice of you to keep trying to tell me who I should support – right here in America. Bug off.

Get off on your own, Barky, you Narcissistic jerk. See the gif above? Go bite it. Go play “Pretend I’m Gonna Be President” and leave me out of it. Hillary doesn’t owe you sh*t. She’s not going to drag your ass across the line the way the superdelegates did in the Primaries. We won’t go. So get used to it. You are a very rude, abusive man, Barack Obama. You are the kind of guy who would break a woman’s jaw and then come home later with flowers. Stop abusing that woman for your own Narcissistic purposes. We hate you for it and it’s not going away, “Barack America“.

She’s done more for you than you deserved. You deserved NOTHING. Did we see your hood ornament, Howard Dean, do these things for John Kerry? What you do want her to do, carry your worthless ass on her back? She’s better than you, Barky, in every way, shape and form. And you know it. On November 5, you can slink away with your bag full of kneecaps and go back to Chicago Thug Land.

Move on, Jerk. And take your ignorant thugs with you. The more they act like threatening street thugs, the more we hate you Barky. Get it? You ain’t in Chicago anymore, Toto. Enjoy your little Narcissistic convention and your poll bump. It’s the last bump you are going to see.

Here’s Geeklove’s latest video, “Go Your Own Way”.


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