Colorado Democratic Party is Obama's "Thought Police"?
This really deserves as much distribution as it can get. The Denver Post article contains this quote from Millstone (see below) which is worth repeating:
Obama's Thuggery and the mod tactics of the DNC really shine between the lines here. I love that Millstone saved these emails and is more than willing to have them posted everywhere to show what she did & didn't do. A woman with nothing to hide; someone after my own heart!
By Uppity Woman's from No Quarter:
(read the original there)
Frequent No Quarter writer Bud White contacted Sacha Millstone, the Hillary Clinton delegate who displeased the Democratic Party by having the audacity to privately express doubts about Barack Obama to another delegate.
Ms. Millstone was concerned that it was implied that she did not respond to the letter sent to her by the Political Director of Colorado’s Democratic Party, William Thompson. Ms. Millstone stated that this was not true and forwarded all pertinent emails to Bud White.
Ms. Millstone also says that the Denver and Colorado Democratic Party leaders involved did not respond to her email, nor did they respond to her lawyer’s letter. In order to clarify, Ms. Millstone has asked that we publicize all actual correspondences involved.
I have XX’d out email addresses so that the parties involved are not harassed in any way. We all understand first-hand what people are capable of. Also please note that one of the original story links — to the “Denver Post” — which was used in the story, is no longer available and clicking on it yields an “Access Denied” page. In order to avoid conspiracy theories, please note that while all things are possible, it is also possible that there was too much traffic to the story and they decided to deny access to it. The Denver Channel 7 Investigative Report page, however, is still standing and open to readers. This is the article that also includes the video of Ms Millstone. Correspondences between Ms. Millstone and a Denver Post reporter (denied story link) are also included below. :

Here is the email sent to Sacha Millstone by William Compton, Political Director of the Colorado Democratic Party:
Below is a copy of Sacha Millstone’s email response to Mr. Compton.

Sacha Millstone, infuriated at Mr. Compton’s intimidating email, also hired an attorney, who also responded to Mr. Compton with the following letter:
Millstone firmly believed the e-mail from Compton was a clear message to Clinton delegates nationwide to refrain from critical comments of Obama if they wish to attend the convention."I think that it was calculated to have an impact on other delegates and I think this kind of communication does have a very chilling impact on other delegates because people become afraid to speak up. They become afraid to say what they think."
Millstone added, "You can't get unity by telling people to shut up."
Obama's Thuggery and the mod tactics of the DNC really shine between the lines here. I love that Millstone saved these emails and is more than willing to have them posted everywhere to show what she did & didn't do. A woman with nothing to hide; someone after my own heart!
By Uppity Woman's from No Quarter:
(read the original there)
Frequent No Quarter writer Bud White contacted Sacha Millstone, the Hillary Clinton delegate who displeased the Democratic Party by having the audacity to privately express doubts about Barack Obama to another delegate.
Ms. Millstone was concerned that it was implied that she did not respond to the letter sent to her by the Political Director of Colorado’s Democratic Party, William Thompson. Ms. Millstone stated that this was not true and forwarded all pertinent emails to Bud White.
Ms. Millstone also says that the Denver and Colorado Democratic Party leaders involved did not respond to her email, nor did they respond to her lawyer’s letter. In order to clarify, Ms. Millstone has asked that we publicize all actual correspondences involved.
I have XX’d out email addresses so that the parties involved are not harassed in any way. We all understand first-hand what people are capable of. Also please note that one of the original story links — to the “Denver Post” — which was used in the story, is no longer available and clicking on it yields an “Access Denied” page. In order to avoid conspiracy theories, please note that while all things are possible, it is also possible that there was too much traffic to the story and they decided to deny access to it. The Denver Channel 7 Investigative Report page, however, is still standing and open to readers. This is the article that also includes the video of Ms Millstone. Correspondences between Ms. Millstone and a Denver Post reporter (denied story link) are also included below. :

Here is the email sent to Sacha Millstone by William Compton, Political Director of the Colorado Democratic Party:
—–Original Message—–:::Shiver::::
From: Bill Compton [mailto:XXXXX@XXXXX]
Sent: Monday, August 04, 2008 5:10 PM
To: Sacha Millstone
Subject: Urgent Matter
Importance: High
Dear Ms. Millstone:
A complaint has been filed with the Colorado Democratic Party, by a fellow Democratic National Convention delegate, regarding your position as a Delegate to the National Convention in light of the disparaging public remarks you have made and continue to make regarding our Party’s presumptive nominee for President, Sen. Obama. Therefore, you are hereby directed to come in to the Party Headquarters and explain your comments and why you should remain a national delegate to the 2008 Democratic National Convention in light of these comments. I can be reached at XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Your immediate attention to this urgent matter is requested.
William C. (Billy) Compton
Political Director
Colorado Democratic Party
(XXX)xxx-xxxx (O)
(XXX)xxx-xxxx (Fax)
Below is a copy of Sacha Millstone’s email response to Mr. Compton.
—–Original Message—–
From: Sacha Millstone [mailto:XXXXX@XXXXX]
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 8:10 AM
To: ‘Bill Compton’
Subject: RE: Urgent Matter
Dear Mr. Compton,
I am in Florida taking a professional training and exams this week. Frankly, I was stunned when I received your email. I have not responded until now as I have been seeking the advice of many people whose counsel I think is important. I am still in the process of talking to a number of people about the best way to respond.
I will get back to you early next week.
Sacha Millstone

Sacha Millstone, infuriated at Mr. Compton’s intimidating email, also hired an attorney, who also responded to Mr. Compton with the following letter:
—– Forwarded Message —-Ms. Millstone also emailed the Denver Post reporter who covered the story to clarify that she did indeed respond to Compton. Below are the correspondences between them.
From: Aubrey Ardema
To: Bill Compton
Sent: Thursday, August 7, 2008 8:56:00 PM
Subject: Sacha Millstone
Dear Mr. Compton,
I am representing Ms. Sacha Millstone regarding the matter addressed in your email of Tuesday, August 5th, 2008 (included below). Because your email is not exactly clear on why Ms. Millstone is being summoned to the Party’s headquarters, I would like to ask you for a few things:
1) Please send me a copy of the complaint that was filed against Ms. Millstone.
2) Please provide me with the relevant rules that allow you to threaten Ms. Millstone’s removal from the Colorado Delegation to the DNCC.
3) Please provide me with the relevant rules that require Ms. Millstone to explain her comments and justify why she should remain a national delegate.
Once we have had the chance to review these materials, we will be able to respond to your email more fully. Please direct all further comments or inquiries to me. If you have any further questions or comments, I can be reached at (XXX) XXX-XXXX.
Aubrey L. Ardema
Attorney, Ardema LLC
William C. (Billy) Compton
Political Director
Colorado Democratic Party
From: Sacha Millstone [mailto:XXXXX@XXXXX]Allison of the Denver Post responded with the following email:
Sent: Tue 8/12/2008 10:54 PM
To: Sherry, Allison
Subject: RE: Sacha Millstone contact or attorney?
I did want to correct one thing. Pat Waak says I never responded to Compton’s email letter, but I did and I am forwarding the two responses, one from me and one from my attorney, to you so you can see that I did.
My attorney asked for information so we could prepare for a meeting. The Colorado Dem Party never responded to either of those two emails from us.
From: Sherry, Allison [XXXXX@XXXXX]
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 6:54 AM
To:Sacha Millston
Subject: RE: Sacha Millstone contact or attorney?
Hi Sacha,
Thanks for the copy of the letter. When I asked Waak about it, she says she “didn’t know anything about it.” Has Susan Greene reached out to you?