A Historic Candidacy Based on a Lie
Pardon me, readers, if it seems I am fixated on helping stop Obama from becoming POTUS.
I am.
I guess its the years of being used & abused by pathological people, men & women -- and spending time with Trauma Counselors 4 years ago and now counseling other abused women and seeing the patterns, the dysfunction and the devastation these kinds of people leave in their wake. Even those "a little" pathological are enough to destroy lives.
One of those people, I believe, is Barack Obama. I am dead certain of it. Barack makes the hair stand up on my neck. And before you call me a racist, my first roommate in New York when I moved here in 1979 was an African American male. I had no problems with him or he with me. So, no, it's not because Barack isn't as lily-white as me. It's because he's a con man and his entire life story and campaign is a carefully concocted lie being spoon fed with a lot of the usual mind-numbing rhetoric those of us who grew up in the TV-generation have gotten.
I also admit to being a lifelong political junkie. While I was married I wasn't "allowed" to have a voice about politics. Now I can... and I will speak my mind. I have children that will be left here when I am gone someday to clean up this mess. I am not going to sit idly on my hands and cry foul when I see and smell one. And Obama's candidacy is most foul, indeed.
He's bad news. He's a whole different kind of bad news than George Bush. And we don't need that in this country right now. No one's perfect but Obama isn't even real.
And American needs real now. Damn real.
I am Sgt. Patsy Rogers, stationed at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina.
In his own words, the historic candidacy of Senator Obama can be traced all the way back to Selma, Alabama. A place Senator Obama states in his speech in 2007 he owes his very existence to. His passionate speech before a congregation at Brown Chapel A.M.E. Church tells the story of how the protests in Selma played a part in him being able to stand before them that day.
The riveting story of how JFK played a part in his father having the chance to be one of the young Africans who were brought to this country and given scholarships to study so they could learn what a wonderful country this is, was poignant and beautiful. He described how the events and his very existence came about as reflected in this passage of his speech:
It is mathematically impossible for Obama senior and Ann Dunham to decide to marry based on the “march” in Selma and produce Senator Obama, if Senator Obama was born in AUGUST 1961 and the march in Selma happened in 1965. How can he state JFK was responsible for the first airlift bringing Kenyans over when Kenyan nationalist leader, Tom MBoya was responsible between 1959 & 1960 for gaining financial support for this endeavor? JFK was responsible for the SECOND airlift and had nothing to do with the first. Senator Obama’s father was already in Hawaii studying.
But there are those who had an impact and were part of that movement that Senator Obama carelessly used in a speech for political gain, destroying our history without KNOWING our history:
Because of the threat of the Democratic Party losing congressional state and local campaigns based on alienating the “African American” community from having a “historical” election, our country will end up suffering a possible 4 years of the most worthless candidate in American history that should never have made it this far.
Who made it to this point based on the pigmentation of their skin alone? Civil Rights Leaders and Activists fought to NOT be judged by the color of their skin; to have fair representation and NOT be denied based on the color of their skin. But you want us to vote based on his? Now, it is to the point the DNC would rather lose the 2008 election just to gain seats in the House and the Senate: by using the ignorance of the black community; by not explaining the process; by not educating them on how the nomination process works; by putting the idea in their head that the Super Delegates voting at the convention is some form of “backroom” deal.
I am black. And hell will freeze over before I ever give my vote, my support, or my loyalty to an individual who uses the backs of the black community and our history as a stepping stone to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Obama is a man who has zero problem straight out lying, embellishing stories and twisting the words to give the appearance of something that is not there and is nothing but an illusion.
Mariah Carey, Rosario Dawson, Vin Diesel, Halle Berry, Rachel Ray Smith, Miss USA 2007, Soledad O’Brien, Barack Obama. What do they all have in common? They are bi-racial. Senator Obama doesn’t acknowledge his “other side” because it would ruin his image of being called the first “black” president. That is why you get to see his Kenyan relatives and not the loving “white” ones who raised him. If he can throw his grandmother under the closest bus, and she raised him, what will he do to his so called “black community” when they find out what he “really” means after the convention? Then, their votes will be based on the “lesser of two evils” and they will see they were used to achieve a goal. Especially when he lied and stated he can no more disown them than Rev Jeremiah Wright.
Yes, I am disappointed in those of my race who would rather dance in the streets screaming “Yes We Can” and who state they want a “black” president and a “historic” election more than a job or health insurance. What will they do on Nov 5th when he loses and they realize they STILL don’t have a job, still don’t have a house, still don’t have health insurance, still struggle to make ends meet, still can barely afford gas, that they are still standing in that same damned welfare line, still standing in the unemployment line, and still struggling to put food on the table? Will everyone then go back to screaming the mantra that “the white man is still keeping you down”? Probably. But they keep themselves down by making irrational and frivolous decisions. They DESERVE to struggle. You can only be a victim for so long before it is time to become accountable for your own actions.
They cannot see that the “white” elected officials like Robert Wexler, who apply the word “racist” to anyone having the audacity to ask a question of Senator Obama, use words such as this to “incite” the black people, to “rile” up the black community, and like idiots they fall for it hook, line and sinker.
To the African American Super Delegates & Delegates, elected officials, Local and State leaders, community leaders, & Ministers within the black community: You are worthless; positively worthless. You have condemned MILLIONS to suffer based on the fact you can’t look past of the color of the hand before you. You would rather have a “historic” election, gain seats, and lose the general election, than to have change.
If Senator Barack Obama was a white man, or if this was Senator McCain who had a WHITE pastor giving anti-American speeches in the pulpit, associates like Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and Rezko, endorsing Raila Odinga, HE WOULD NOT HAVE MADE IT THIS FAR. That Senator Obama was ignorant of the actions of his associates is hard to believe considering his degree from Harvard University.
To the local and state officials, white & black, and the African American community leaders in Mississippi, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Louisiana: If your constituents are voting for Senator Obama based on skin color, please forward my email address to them: soldier4hillary@yahoo.com. They are going to need it to get a clear explanation and reason for why Senator Obama lost.
Senator Clinton does not need to be anywhere near an Obama ticket. I could care less about her endorsement of Senator Obama. I could care less about her words of support. She can give that speech during the convention with the original birth certificate of Senator Obama in one hand, his hidden grandmother standing behind her, and the other hand linked to Larry Sinclair all while giving a speech stating the truth was really not the truth, all while singing Kumbayah and I would still vote against him.
And if she is on the ticket I would vote AGAINST her as well. Because when Senator Obama’s political career goes down the drain and he loses the election, based on the information the Democratic Party chose to overlook, she does not need to be anywhere in the vicinity, and the political career she has worked for all her life does not need to be jeopardized. I could care less about your black constituents voting solely on skin color and a false belief Senator Obama is “one of them.” If you want to see a true riot, not the “paid” rioters Al Sharpton talked about, put her on that losing ticket and let her political career become tarnished by that loser. I would rather re-elect a Republican Senator who takes gifts to get his house fixed than to vote for one Democratic Party member on ANY ballot that is willing to sacrifice the safety of our country, nominate a candidate that foreign countries have the ability to blackmail and gain the upper hand based on information this party overlooked.
It’s no longer about Senator Clinton. Because the day after the Democratic Convention, it is going to be an all out assault on those looking to have the “black folks” backs be the path to maintaining your seat because you have done your part and given them their “historical” election with their “historical” candidate knowing he does not have a prayer of a chance of winning.
When Senator Barack Obama loses in November, and he will lose big, you will blame Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. You will blame her because as she fought for the heart and soul of your party, to be able to push this country forward and back on track, you fought just to have Senator Obama, his coattails and a couple of extra seats and positions in your districts. You care nothing for this country. You have no LOYALTY to its people. No matter what happens from this day forward I will ALWAYS continue to support, stand by, and do all I can for Senator Clinton. Not because she asked or feels it’s her right, but because she EARNED IT!
She earned it when it was deemed necessary to label a former First Lady, sitting Senator, and Presidential Candidate racist. She earned it every time one of her supporters received death threats and hate mail, she earned it for every single time I was called a “Hillary Nigger”, “Hillarity Nigger”, “Sell Out”, “Uncle Tom” “Military Republican Troll”, “Dead Ender” from those of my very own race who are quick to call someone else racist, as they throw every racial slur they can think of my way, because I choose not to support a candidate that is here today only because of the color of his skin.
I have no loyalties to any party be it Democratic or Republican. I could care less about fake “riots” as threats instigated by Al Sharpton. I could care less about any Democrats on any ballots. The idea of true “change” went out the door when people turned a blind eye to the dead coming back to vote in a primaries against my goddamned candidate. If they thought people choosing ‘the lesser of two evils’ was the route this party would go, they never realized we wanted solutions for our country versus a historic election.

For Rev Al Sharpton: You had the audacity to get on television and state there would be “riots” if anything was taken away from Senator Obama if he won the popular vote. Al? HE DIDN'T. Senator Clinton did. You know good and damned well no one is going to “riot” for Senator Obama.
The reason they like Senator Obama is based on the fact that he thinks he can come to the black churches and give speeches “telling you about yourselves” and what the “black community” has done wrong. He comes and talks down to the people by telling them everything wrong, i.e., black men abandoning their families, and never saying anything done right. He tells you about his father being a goat herder and his mother on welfare as if that is what being “Black in America” is all about, and the masses eat that shit up. Because now they think he is knows about the struggle, overcoming and beating the odds.

Does he highlight going to school in Hawaii? Or that he had loving grandparents who raised him? Hell, no. You didn’t have the decency to check the goddamn facts before you got up on national television spouting useless, false nonsense. Between Jesse Jackson, Jr. who threw his own father under the bus for Senator Obama, you have hurt the chances of millions having the benefits outlined throughout Senator Clinton’s campaign. Amazing!
You and the African American Super Delegates and Delegates have a Senator who has come along and will credit himself as the one who banished racial divide and affirmative action forever because since he is nominated it must mean it is no longer needed or no longer happening. All by just waving his sparkly magic wand in the air to make it all go away; all while riding on his prancing sparkly pony as leprechauns prance around yelling “Yes We Can”. The sky is opening up with angels playing a harp with glittery butterflies in the air.
Now, if you speak out, according to CNN, you’re just jealous and bitter because he is our new messiah who transcends race.
Rev. Sharpton, what do you think will happen if he is nominated? You and all of those in the black community who support him will be under the closest bus. You are no longer needed. Your threats in the Primary of riots allowed him to win based on paid Super Delegates and scared Super Delegates afraid to have those in their community not vote for them. Simply amazing.
Senator Obama talks about his father “abandoning” him. Get real. His father was already married with a family. Do you see Obama giving speeches on adultery?
His father went to an Ivy League school. Did you see Obama give a speech on being able to succeed? His mother went to an Ivy League school.
Did you see Obama give a speech about his mother who was on “welfare” but was able to attend a prestigious college despite the odds?
Senator Obama says what is needed for the moment and has no problem destroying everything people fought for. The only thing he knows about the black community is based on what David Axelrod has taught him. Rev. Sharpton, they brought you out to incite the masses with words of “riots.” You know good and damn well what happens during a primary. You know how the process works. You know. But you allowed people to remain ignorant to achieve a goal.
So I will continue to be a Republican Dead Ender Puma Kitty Hillary Nigger Troll who gets hate mail and threats, I wear the title as proudly as the flag on my right shoulder. I would rather stand for something than to stand for nothing at all.
I am.
One of those people, I believe, is Barack Obama. I am dead certain of it. Barack makes the hair stand up on my neck. And before you call me a racist, my first roommate in New York when I moved here in 1979 was an African American male. I had no problems with him or he with me. So, no, it's not because Barack isn't as lily-white as me. It's because he's a con man and his entire life story and campaign is a carefully concocted lie being spoon fed with a lot of the usual mind-numbing rhetoric those of us who grew up in the TV-generation have gotten.
I also admit to being a lifelong political junkie. While I was married I wasn't "allowed" to have a voice about politics. Now I can... and I will speak my mind. I have children that will be left here when I am gone someday to clean up this mess. I am not going to sit idly on my hands and cry foul when I see and smell one. And Obama's candidacy is most foul, indeed.
He's bad news. He's a whole different kind of bad news than George Bush. And we don't need that in this country right now. No one's perfect but Obama isn't even real.
And American needs real now. Damn real.
I am Sgt. Patsy Rogers, stationed at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina.
In his own words, the historic candidacy of Senator Obama can be traced all the way back to Selma, Alabama. A place Senator Obama states in his speech in 2007 he owes his very existence to. His passionate speech before a congregation at Brown Chapel A.M.E. Church tells the story of how the protests in Selma played a part in him being able to stand before them that day.
The riveting story of how JFK played a part in his father having the chance to be one of the young Africans who were brought to this country and given scholarships to study so they could learn what a wonderful country this is, was poignant and beautiful. He described how the events and his very existence came about as reflected in this passage of his speech:
“This young man named Barack Obama got one of those tickets and came over to this country. He met this woman whose great-great-great-great grandfather had owned slaves. But she had a good idea there was some craziness going on because they looked at each other and they decided that we know that in the world as it had been, it might not be possible for us to get together and have a child.”He goes even more in depth, filled with emotion, as he describes the impact of this movement on who he is, and where he is today…
“…there was something stirring across the country because of what happened in Selma, Alabama, because some folks are willing to march across a bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. was born. So don’t tell me I don’t have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don’t tell me I’m not coming home to Selma Alabama. I’m here because somebody marched. I’m here because you all sacrificed for me. I stand on the shoulders of giants”.Moving, riveting and nothing but LIES. The march to which he refers happened on March 7, 1965, when demonstrators attempted to cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma Alabama.
It is mathematically impossible for Obama senior and Ann Dunham to decide to marry based on the “march” in Selma and produce Senator Obama, if Senator Obama was born in AUGUST 1961 and the march in Selma happened in 1965. How can he state JFK was responsible for the first airlift bringing Kenyans over when Kenyan nationalist leader, Tom MBoya was responsible between 1959 & 1960 for gaining financial support for this endeavor? JFK was responsible for the SECOND airlift and had nothing to do with the first. Senator Obama’s father was already in Hawaii studying.
But there are those who had an impact and were part of that movement that Senator Obama carelessly used in a speech for political gain, destroying our history without KNOWING our history:
Amelia Boynton Robinson, whose mother, with a horse and buggy, used to get people down to the registration office and help them register in Savannah Georgia in 1920. She herself decided that she would help people vote because so many were illiterate and couldn’t fill out the two page literacy tests.2.1 percent: 2.1 percent of black people of age were registered to vote. Hundreds of black people lined up and stood outside of a county courthouse for almost an ENTIRE DAY on October 8th 1963. At the end of that day, after elderly black men and women stood outside all day, only 5 people made it in to take the literacy tests. Five. Almost similar to the treatment of those who attempted to vote in the caucuses in this election. But just like the elected officials we have now, the ones back in Selma in 1963 did not care because they looked to the bigger picture. Suppressing the right for some to vote.
Or John Lewis who talks about Freedom Day in Selma, October 8, 1963, which he felt was a turning point during the Civil Rights movement; who witnessed the march on Washington by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee call for “one man, one vote” and decided to see if that idea would work down in Selma.
Because of the threat of the Democratic Party losing congressional state and local campaigns based on alienating the “African American” community from having a “historical” election, our country will end up suffering a possible 4 years of the most worthless candidate in American history that should never have made it this far.
Who made it to this point based on the pigmentation of their skin alone? Civil Rights Leaders and Activists fought to NOT be judged by the color of their skin; to have fair representation and NOT be denied based on the color of their skin. But you want us to vote based on his? Now, it is to the point the DNC would rather lose the 2008 election just to gain seats in the House and the Senate: by using the ignorance of the black community; by not explaining the process; by not educating them on how the nomination process works; by putting the idea in their head that the Super Delegates voting at the convention is some form of “backroom” deal.
I am black. And hell will freeze over before I ever give my vote, my support, or my loyalty to an individual who uses the backs of the black community and our history as a stepping stone to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Obama is a man who has zero problem straight out lying, embellishing stories and twisting the words to give the appearance of something that is not there and is nothing but an illusion.
Mariah Carey, Rosario Dawson, Vin Diesel, Halle Berry, Rachel Ray Smith, Miss USA 2007, Soledad O’Brien, Barack Obama. What do they all have in common? They are bi-racial. Senator Obama doesn’t acknowledge his “other side” because it would ruin his image of being called the first “black” president. That is why you get to see his Kenyan relatives and not the loving “white” ones who raised him. If he can throw his grandmother under the closest bus, and she raised him, what will he do to his so called “black community” when they find out what he “really” means after the convention? Then, their votes will be based on the “lesser of two evils” and they will see they were used to achieve a goal. Especially when he lied and stated he can no more disown them than Rev Jeremiah Wright.
Yes, I am disappointed in those of my race who would rather dance in the streets screaming “Yes We Can” and who state they want a “black” president and a “historic” election more than a job or health insurance. What will they do on Nov 5th when he loses and they realize they STILL don’t have a job, still don’t have a house, still don’t have health insurance, still struggle to make ends meet, still can barely afford gas, that they are still standing in that same damned welfare line, still standing in the unemployment line, and still struggling to put food on the table? Will everyone then go back to screaming the mantra that “the white man is still keeping you down”? Probably. But they keep themselves down by making irrational and frivolous decisions. They DESERVE to struggle. You can only be a victim for so long before it is time to become accountable for your own actions.
They cannot see that the “white” elected officials like Robert Wexler, who apply the word “racist” to anyone having the audacity to ask a question of Senator Obama, use words such as this to “incite” the black people, to “rile” up the black community, and like idiots they fall for it hook, line and sinker.
To the African American Super Delegates & Delegates, elected officials, Local and State leaders, community leaders, & Ministers within the black community: You are worthless; positively worthless. You have condemned MILLIONS to suffer based on the fact you can’t look past of the color of the hand before you. You would rather have a “historic” election, gain seats, and lose the general election, than to have change.
If Senator Barack Obama was a white man, or if this was Senator McCain who had a WHITE pastor giving anti-American speeches in the pulpit, associates like Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and Rezko, endorsing Raila Odinga, HE WOULD NOT HAVE MADE IT THIS FAR. That Senator Obama was ignorant of the actions of his associates is hard to believe considering his degree from Harvard University.
To the local and state officials, white & black, and the African American community leaders in Mississippi, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Louisiana: If your constituents are voting for Senator Obama based on skin color, please forward my email address to them: soldier4hillary@yahoo.com. They are going to need it to get a clear explanation and reason for why Senator Obama lost.
Senator Clinton does not need to be anywhere near an Obama ticket. I could care less about her endorsement of Senator Obama. I could care less about her words of support. She can give that speech during the convention with the original birth certificate of Senator Obama in one hand, his hidden grandmother standing behind her, and the other hand linked to Larry Sinclair all while giving a speech stating the truth was really not the truth, all while singing Kumbayah and I would still vote against him.
And if she is on the ticket I would vote AGAINST her as well. Because when Senator Obama’s political career goes down the drain and he loses the election, based on the information the Democratic Party chose to overlook, she does not need to be anywhere in the vicinity, and the political career she has worked for all her life does not need to be jeopardized. I could care less about your black constituents voting solely on skin color and a false belief Senator Obama is “one of them.” If you want to see a true riot, not the “paid” rioters Al Sharpton talked about, put her on that losing ticket and let her political career become tarnished by that loser. I would rather re-elect a Republican Senator who takes gifts to get his house fixed than to vote for one Democratic Party member on ANY ballot that is willing to sacrifice the safety of our country, nominate a candidate that foreign countries have the ability to blackmail and gain the upper hand based on information this party overlooked.
It’s no longer about Senator Clinton. Because the day after the Democratic Convention, it is going to be an all out assault on those looking to have the “black folks” backs be the path to maintaining your seat because you have done your part and given them their “historical” election with their “historical” candidate knowing he does not have a prayer of a chance of winning.
When Senator Barack Obama loses in November, and he will lose big, you will blame Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. You will blame her because as she fought for the heart and soul of your party, to be able to push this country forward and back on track, you fought just to have Senator Obama, his coattails and a couple of extra seats and positions in your districts. You care nothing for this country. You have no LOYALTY to its people. No matter what happens from this day forward I will ALWAYS continue to support, stand by, and do all I can for Senator Clinton. Not because she asked or feels it’s her right, but because she EARNED IT!
She earned it when it was deemed necessary to label a former First Lady, sitting Senator, and Presidential Candidate racist. She earned it every time one of her supporters received death threats and hate mail, she earned it for every single time I was called a “Hillary Nigger”, “Hillarity Nigger”, “Sell Out”, “Uncle Tom” “Military Republican Troll”, “Dead Ender” from those of my very own race who are quick to call someone else racist, as they throw every racial slur they can think of my way, because I choose not to support a candidate that is here today only because of the color of his skin.
I have no loyalties to any party be it Democratic or Republican. I could care less about fake “riots” as threats instigated by Al Sharpton. I could care less about any Democrats on any ballots. The idea of true “change” went out the door when people turned a blind eye to the dead coming back to vote in a primaries against my goddamned candidate. If they thought people choosing ‘the lesser of two evils’ was the route this party would go, they never realized we wanted solutions for our country versus a historic election.
The reason they like Senator Obama is based on the fact that he thinks he can come to the black churches and give speeches “telling you about yourselves” and what the “black community” has done wrong. He comes and talks down to the people by telling them everything wrong, i.e., black men abandoning their families, and never saying anything done right. He tells you about his father being a goat herder and his mother on welfare as if that is what being “Black in America” is all about, and the masses eat that shit up. Because now they think he is knows about the struggle, overcoming and beating the odds.
Does he highlight going to school in Hawaii? Or that he had loving grandparents who raised him? Hell, no. You didn’t have the decency to check the goddamn facts before you got up on national television spouting useless, false nonsense. Between Jesse Jackson, Jr. who threw his own father under the bus for Senator Obama, you have hurt the chances of millions having the benefits outlined throughout Senator Clinton’s campaign. Amazing!
You and the African American Super Delegates and Delegates have a Senator who has come along and will credit himself as the one who banished racial divide and affirmative action forever because since he is nominated it must mean it is no longer needed or no longer happening. All by just waving his sparkly magic wand in the air to make it all go away; all while riding on his prancing sparkly pony as leprechauns prance around yelling “Yes We Can”. The sky is opening up with angels playing a harp with glittery butterflies in the air.
Now, if you speak out, according to CNN, you’re just jealous and bitter because he is our new messiah who transcends race.
Rev. Sharpton, what do you think will happen if he is nominated? You and all of those in the black community who support him will be under the closest bus. You are no longer needed. Your threats in the Primary of riots allowed him to win based on paid Super Delegates and scared Super Delegates afraid to have those in their community not vote for them. Simply amazing.
Senator Obama talks about his father “abandoning” him. Get real. His father was already married with a family. Do you see Obama giving speeches on adultery?
His father went to an Ivy League school. Did you see Obama give a speech on being able to succeed? His mother went to an Ivy League school.
Did you see Obama give a speech about his mother who was on “welfare” but was able to attend a prestigious college despite the odds?
Senator Obama says what is needed for the moment and has no problem destroying everything people fought for. The only thing he knows about the black community is based on what David Axelrod has taught him. Rev. Sharpton, they brought you out to incite the masses with words of “riots.” You know good and damn well what happens during a primary. You know how the process works. You know. But you allowed people to remain ignorant to achieve a goal.
So I will continue to be a Republican Dead Ender Puma Kitty Hillary Nigger Troll who gets hate mail and threats, I wear the title as proudly as the flag on my right shoulder. I would rather stand for something than to stand for nothing at all.