Operation: Get The Hell Off My Porch!
From Cinie's World:
Have you had the thrill of an Obamaniac, clipboard in hand, goofy, KoolAid addled, Hoover vac salesman smile plastered across their too-eager, hopey-changey face, happily dingdonging your doorbell like a days-gone-by Avon Lady or modern-day teenage religious missionary, earnestly selling rainbows and half-price Unity pony rides? No? Me neither. Luckily for the Obots, I’m sure my name is number one atop the Don’t Even Bother Do Not Call list.

Unlike millions of my fellow Americans, determined to remain huddled behind furniture with their families, cowering in fear as they shush the children and wait for the crazed ObArmy members in their neighborhood charged with getting in their faces to collect signatures for their Dear Leader, Just Barely President Baracus Hubris Maximus (Hail! Ceasar!) to get tired and leave, I would welcome the opportunity to put my own counter-program to their Operation Pledge Project Canvass -- Operation Get The Hell Off My Porch, in effect.
If you have a life and haven’t heard of the latest wrinkle in the Spokesmodel-in-Chief’s Perpetual Campaign, the gist is that ordinary citizens, besotted with the Obamessiah, are supposed to bug ordinary citizens who aren’t until the unbesotted give up their signatures and email addresses, anything, to make the Obot just please shut up already and go away:
Oh, happy, happy, joy, joy. Can’t think of a better way to waste part of my life that I’ll never get back. I’m sure that after watching the following videos of the Stepford President’s Children of the Damned preparing to assault the unsuspecting citizenry, you too will be motivated to action. Never mind that the pledge you’ll be asked to sign if you let the Obaidiot who knocks at your door actually start talking before you start cussing them out, has no specifics, pish tosh, who needs details when you’ve got hope and a clipboard?
Well, I’m sure the Teflon TelePrompTer Reader will be pleased to know that teenagers in Salt Lake City, activists in Minnesota, and the usual suspects across the country have already spent Day One annoying his constituents with varying degrees of success. Seems the usual suspects have the edge, knowing as they do to limit their exhortations to the already committed:
Okay, I’m willing to step up as Leader. Who will join me, Cinie the Cynical, in opposing the very idea of organizing for a Plastic President and his vague plans to make plans for “change?” First order of business is to choose a name for our counter-offensive, so please vote and keep checking this space for further instructions. Or, just adjust your tinfoil hats 45 degrees while you run your empty microwave oven on high for 20:09 minutes while humming One Nation Under A Groove.
Nan noo nan noo, over and out.
Have you had the thrill of an Obamaniac, clipboard in hand, goofy, KoolAid addled, Hoover vac salesman smile plastered across their too-eager, hopey-changey face, happily dingdonging your doorbell like a days-gone-by Avon Lady or modern-day teenage religious missionary, earnestly selling rainbows and half-price Unity pony rides? No? Me neither. Luckily for the Obots, I’m sure my name is number one atop the Don’t Even Bother Do Not Call list.
Unlike millions of my fellow Americans, determined to remain huddled behind furniture with their families, cowering in fear as they shush the children and wait for the crazed ObArmy members in their neighborhood charged with getting in their faces to collect signatures for their Dear Leader, Just Barely President Baracus Hubris Maximus (Hail! Ceasar!) to get tired and leave, I would welcome the opportunity to put my own counter-program to their Operation Pledge Project Canvass -- Operation Get The Hell Off My Porch, in effect.
If you have a life and haven’t heard of the latest wrinkle in the Spokesmodel-in-Chief’s Perpetual Campaign, the gist is that ordinary citizens, besotted with the Obamessiah, are supposed to bug ordinary citizens who aren’t until the unbesotted give up their signatures and email addresses, anything, to make the Obot just please shut up already and go away:
The Pledge Project Canvass is an unprecedented effort by a president to reach beyond Congress and tap grassroots supporters for help. Volunteers recruited online by Obama’s Organizing for America, a post-election group, will ask citizens to sign a pledge in support of the president’s policies on energy, health care and education.
Those who pledge will be asked for their e-mail addresses so the Obama-ites can keep in touch.
Oh, happy, happy, joy, joy. Can’t think of a better way to waste part of my life that I’ll never get back. I’m sure that after watching the following videos of the Stepford President’s Children of the Damned preparing to assault the unsuspecting citizenry, you too will be motivated to action. Never mind that the pledge you’ll be asked to sign if you let the Obaidiot who knocks at your door actually start talking before you start cussing them out, has no specifics, pish tosh, who needs details when you’ve got hope and a clipboard?
“There was a lot of excitement during the campaign and we were talking about the importance of bringing about change,” Obama said Thursday at a town-hall event in Los Angeles. “We are moving systematically to bring about change, but change is hard. Change doesn’t happen overnight.”
The president urged patience even as Organizing for America, as the re-election-campaign-in-waiting is called, published an Internet-based tool to help voters find their representatives in Congress. He urged supporters to make phone calls to Capitol Hill, regardless of political party.
The president also directed volunteers to return to the streets this weekend, as they did during the campaign.
“I’m asking you to head outside this Saturday to knock on some doors, talk to some neighbors, and let them know how important this budget is to our future,” Obama said in a video message to supporters.
Well, I’m sure the Teflon TelePrompTer Reader will be pleased to know that teenagers in Salt Lake City, activists in Minnesota, and the usual suspects across the country have already spent Day One annoying his constituents with varying degrees of success. Seems the usual suspects have the edge, knowing as they do to limit their exhortations to the already committed:
In the Washington area, David McCracken, a retired teacher, said he was surprised at how readily people signed pledge cards outside a Herndon supermarket. Within 15 minutes, four people had signed, and he was soon on his way to make more copies, humming a line from the ’60s musical “Hair.”
“This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius; that’s about this whole process,” McCracken said. “I feel like we’re finally getting somewhere.”
Not every volunteer had the same success. In Reston, one voter paused to tell public school teacher Pat Hynes that Obama is “way out of his league” and that the canvassing project was “a waste of our time and our attention spans.”
Obama is presiding over “the largest con game I have ever seen or heard of in my life,” said the man, a retired federal agent who declined to give his name. “There’s a difference between campaigning and governing. . . . We’re looking for leadership. That’s not leadership.
Okay, I’m willing to step up as Leader. Who will join me, Cinie the Cynical, in opposing the very idea of organizing for a Plastic President and his vague plans to make plans for “change?” First order of business is to choose a name for our counter-offensive, so please vote and keep checking this space for further instructions. Or, just adjust your tinfoil hats 45 degrees while you run your empty microwave oven on high for 20:09 minutes while humming One Nation Under A Groove.
Nan noo nan noo, over and out.