Mental Illness Delays Justice
It seems there may be no justice for my late therapist, Kathryn Faughey; as you can see in the below article.
It has been over a year since Dr. Faughey was brutally and needlessly murdered by David Tarloff... and I am not over it.
I don't think I ever will be.

But as Dr. Faughey said to me many times, "some things you don't get over. you adapt and move forward." So I can say, yes I have. And I hope your family & friends have too.
I have attempted to sit down and write a note to her husband about the 15 years of care she gave me. I can't do it. (If you are reading this Mr. A - I have tried a number of times in the last 13 months. I think it's just a form of continuing denial on my part and I apologize.) It took me months to remove her phone number from my cell and her email from my contacts. And still many many times I have stopped and said to myself, "I need to call Dr. Faughey"... then I remember.
I still have what I can guess is more PTSD from it. I close my eyes see the press photo through the window of her office where her shades were skewed and you could see one of the paintings she had on her wall. I can still see myself sitting on the other side of those shades, with a glass table between us, pouring out my soul while I stared at that picture just to focus. Or sitting in the waiting room, many times over the years - the same waiting room where death paced impatiently. The office that was a safe haven for me was turned into a crime scene. How does anyone adapt to that?
I haven't gone near that neighborhood since the funeral. I can't. The funeral - throngs of her patients were sitting around me. Some had seen her just a couple years or even a few months - but they were all affected. All were weeping for the loss. It was palpable and much too real.
Dr. Faughey - I think about you all the time. You always had my back which is why I called the press when you were being maligned before they caught Tarloff. You were a cautious, private but compassionate person. You never ever judged me. You listened and gave advice that was not textbook. You understood. I believe you saved my life. You let me open up to you about things I felt I couldn't tell anyone else. You got me blogging, writing and helping others again. Five years ago today you helped me wade through some of the most horrifying treatment I have ever recieved; and see it for what it was. You were not a one-dimensional person and you treated others as multi-dimensional too. You were smart, you were honest and you were there for me many times when no one else was.
And probably the last words you ever said were "Can I help you?" to the murderer in the waiting room.
No, missing you is something I will never get over. And I don't think I am supposed to.
by Laura Italiano
For months, he's believed that he is the Messiah, that the burglary suspect a few cells down is the devil and that DNA tests will someday prove he's the son of still another of his fellow inmates, who he believes is God himself.

But recently, sane-again/insane-again, cleaver-swinging David Tarloff, the admitted killer of Upper East Side psychiatrist Kathryn Faughey, has plunged even deeper off the deep end - just as he was on the brink of being found fit for trial, The Post has learned.
Doctors at a locked city mental institution had been mere weeks away from returning Tarloff, 40, to court. But given this latest setback, they are saying now that Tarloff may never be sane enough to understand the charges against him.
It has been over a year since Dr. Faughey was brutally and needlessly murdered by David Tarloff... and I am not over it.
I don't think I ever will be.

But as Dr. Faughey said to me many times, "some things you don't get over. you adapt and move forward." So I can say, yes I have. And I hope your family & friends have too.
I have attempted to sit down and write a note to her husband about the 15 years of care she gave me. I can't do it. (If you are reading this Mr. A - I have tried a number of times in the last 13 months. I think it's just a form of continuing denial on my part and I apologize.) It took me months to remove her phone number from my cell and her email from my contacts. And still many many times I have stopped and said to myself, "I need to call Dr. Faughey"... then I remember.
I still have what I can guess is more PTSD from it. I close my eyes see the press photo through the window of her office where her shades were skewed and you could see one of the paintings she had on her wall. I can still see myself sitting on the other side of those shades, with a glass table between us, pouring out my soul while I stared at that picture just to focus. Or sitting in the waiting room, many times over the years - the same waiting room where death paced impatiently. The office that was a safe haven for me was turned into a crime scene. How does anyone adapt to that?
I haven't gone near that neighborhood since the funeral. I can't. The funeral - throngs of her patients were sitting around me. Some had seen her just a couple years or even a few months - but they were all affected. All were weeping for the loss. It was palpable and much too real.
Dr. Faughey - I think about you all the time. You always had my back which is why I called the press when you were being maligned before they caught Tarloff. You were a cautious, private but compassionate person. You never ever judged me. You listened and gave advice that was not textbook. You understood. I believe you saved my life. You let me open up to you about things I felt I couldn't tell anyone else. You got me blogging, writing and helping others again. Five years ago today you helped me wade through some of the most horrifying treatment I have ever recieved; and see it for what it was. You were not a one-dimensional person and you treated others as multi-dimensional too. You were smart, you were honest and you were there for me many times when no one else was.
And probably the last words you ever said were "Can I help you?" to the murderer in the waiting room.
No, missing you is something I will never get over. And I don't think I am supposed to.
by Laura Italiano
For months, he's believed that he is the Messiah, that the burglary suspect a few cells down is the devil and that DNA tests will someday prove he's the son of still another of his fellow inmates, who he believes is God himself.

But recently, sane-again/insane-again, cleaver-swinging David Tarloff, the admitted killer of Upper East Side psychiatrist Kathryn Faughey, has plunged even deeper off the deep end - just as he was on the brink of being found fit for trial, The Post has learned.
Doctors at a locked city mental institution had been mere weeks away from returning Tarloff, 40, to court. But given this latest setback, they are saying now that Tarloff may never be sane enough to understand the charges against him.