Harold Hill Will Be Played by Barack Obama
My least favorite musical was always THE MUSIC MAN. Oh, the music itself was masterfully scored, lovely and the play itself is well-written. But it's Meredith Wilson's love story about a con man reformed by real love. It presents the same false hopes that Disney's been selling to females for years now. Love cures all. And the musical is a complete con in itself.

In my ongoing education about the interpersonal exploitation and abuse of trust in emotionally/ psychologically damaging relationships, and the personality disorders that cause this endless trauma, I (and many others) see Harold Hill for what he is. A Destructive Narcissist... that's on the 'low end' of the Cluster B Personality Disorder Spectrum. Even that 'Think Method' of the mythical Hill is pure narcissistic lure.
Don't get me wrong though -- Destructive Narcissists (if you have been reading this blog) are just that: DESTRUCTIVE. They leave a wake of raped emotions, torn souls and twisted trust behind them and feel no empathy. They only protest if you catch them and show them for what they are. And BOY do they rage on & on.
REAL love can't change these people. Nothing REAL can because REALITY is the one thing they are desperate to avoid.
Now here's the elected Hill - Barack Obama. The latest "reality avoidant" candidate. Can't quite pin him down on anything and as Hillary repeated told us "He Doesn't Know the Territory." But that doesn't seem to matter -- Obama's minions roll on cyber-macheting any flack or questions or shadows that follow the Obamessiah. And his Obamaniacs have blinders on to reality in their laser-locked march to the White House. Nothing else seems to matter. Now Hillary's just the "Sadder But Wiser Girl."
Obama is for CHANGE.
Policies: CHANGED.
Churches: CHANGED.
Principles: CHANGED.
Friends: CHANGED.
Convention rules: CHANGED.
And there's no Marion here to change him. Michele is in lock step with the guy and the media as well as Obama's handlers are doing everything they can to 'soften her image.' Hillary couldn't change him... his pathology was even too much for the Clinton machine. Love can't change him as it seems he doesn't know WHAT or WHO to love and stand fast on. All the media can to is "Pick a Little, Talk a Little." His minions are cleaning up the net for Obambi, as said here on No Quarter:
His "Believing in Each Other" sounds about as fruitful as Hill's "Think Method." And there will be no Suspension of Disbelief on this show because if he takes the White House - the ruse is up. Obama can't pack up and get his derriere out of town when everyone wakes up to what he's done. (UPDATE 3/2009: BOING - it took less than 3 months!)

No, there will be no "76 Trombones" in Obama's election finale. There will be an empty suit who is ill prepared for the White House. And country who needs a leader who will be stuck with another pathological for at least 4 years... long enough to do permanent damage to everyone & everything around us. (UPDATE 3/2009: We're scr*wed)
As No Quarter says:
My least favorite musical was always THE MUSIC MAN. Oh, the music itself was masterfully scored, lovely and the play itself is well-written. But it's Meredith Wilson's love story about a con man reformed by real love. It presents the same false hopes that Disney's been selling to females for years now. Love cures all. And the musical is a complete con in itself.

In my ongoing education about the interpersonal exploitation and abuse of trust in emotionally/ psychologically damaging relationships, and the personality disorders that cause this endless trauma, I (and many others) see Harold Hill for what he is. A Destructive Narcissist... that's on the 'low end' of the Cluster B Personality Disorder Spectrum. Even that 'Think Method' of the mythical Hill is pure narcissistic lure.
Don't get me wrong though -- Destructive Narcissists (if you have been reading this blog) are just that: DESTRUCTIVE. They leave a wake of raped emotions, torn souls and twisted trust behind them and feel no empathy. They only protest if you catch them and show them for what they are. And BOY do they rage on & on.
REAL love can't change these people. Nothing REAL can because REALITY is the one thing they are desperate to avoid.
Now here's the elected Hill - Barack Obama. The latest "reality avoidant" candidate. Can't quite pin him down on anything and as Hillary repeated told us "He Doesn't Know the Territory." But that doesn't seem to matter -- Obama's minions roll on cyber-macheting any flack or questions or shadows that follow the Obamessiah. And his Obamaniacs have blinders on to reality in their laser-locked march to the White House. Nothing else seems to matter. Now Hillary's just the "Sadder But Wiser Girl."
Obama is for CHANGE.
Policies: CHANGED.
Churches: CHANGED.
Principles: CHANGED.
Friends: CHANGED.
Convention rules: CHANGED.
And there's no Marion here to change him. Michele is in lock step with the guy and the media as well as Obama's handlers are doing everything they can to 'soften her image.' Hillary couldn't change him... his pathology was even too much for the Clinton machine. Love can't change him as it seems he doesn't know WHAT or WHO to love and stand fast on. All the media can to is "Pick a Little, Talk a Little." His minions are cleaning up the net for Obambi, as said here on No Quarter:
It is one thing to tout your slogan, “Change you can believe in.” But what happens when you change so much that no one knows for sure what the hell you believe in? For Christ’s sake Barack, read your own damn policy paper! You ran on the theme that we cannot win a militay victory in Iraq and promised to have all U.S. forces out of Iraq by December 2009. That’s not my interpretation, it is the policy you signed off on. Here’s the linkhttp://www.barackobama.com/issues/pdf/IraqFactSheet.pdf)Obama's "Trouble in River City" was that campaign of rhetoric where he talked about how things have to CHANGE in Washington... though he wasn't as specific as Hill in what he really thought that trouble was or is... that too, keeps CHANGING.
Of course, we’re trying to do a screen shot because we cannot guarantee the page will still be up tomorrow.
His "Believing in Each Other" sounds about as fruitful as Hill's "Think Method." And there will be no Suspension of Disbelief on this show because if he takes the White House - the ruse is up. Obama can't pack up and get his derriere out of town when everyone wakes up to what he's done. (UPDATE 3/2009: BOING - it took less than 3 months!)
No, there will be no "76 Trombones" in Obama's election finale. There will be an empty suit who is ill prepared for the White House. And country who needs a leader who will be stuck with another pathological for at least 4 years... long enough to do permanent damage to everyone & everything around us. (UPDATE 3/2009: We're scr*wed)
As No Quarter says:
You are committed by your own posted statement to effect an immediate withdrawal of U.S. forces. No matter how much you tap dance, you cannot erase what you have said. You may have impressed folks with your rhythm and dancing skills on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. But watching you dance around the issue of Iraq? You suck.