Rush Gets Played

I have never liked Rush Limbaugh or any of the Right Wing Pundits. I don't like pot-stirrers but Rush is the most selfish, bloviating jerk of them all. I am a talk-radio addict, but the sound of this rhino's voices makes me cringe and hit the button on my Sirius reciever faster than Rush swallows Oxycontin.

Granted, Obama and Rahm don't thrill me either but it looks like Rush really allow them to put a big steamin' pile right under him and then proceeded to step in it. You can always tell when the Right Wing gets clipped too close because of their over-the-top reaction (I call it "pathological rage").

Thank goodness Rush is a too much of a coward to do this debate for real. By the way, anyone sending any "support the troops" monies to this drug-addicted whale lately? LOL

Rush Gets Played by Rahm

By Jon Taplin

Here is the contest the the DNC is running. You send in a slogan for a "Message to Rush" --the winner will be placed on a billboard in Rush's home town.

How did Limbaugh, a supposedly canny guy, get so played by the White House? Ranting on, last Saturday night at the CPAC Conference, looking like a bad Russian Mafia imitator -- proclaiming his deep desire to see Obama fail -- was the kiss of death.

I had lunch with a very conservative friend today. We haven't seem each other since early October of last year, before the Obama victory. The lunch was very civil and we found some common ground when my friend said upfront, he was glad Obama beat McCain and Palin. And then we found some more common ground on Health and Education Reform. So the meal was a lot less tempestuous than I expected. As we were getting in our cars, I asked him "How did Rush allow himself to get played like a stradavarius by Rahm Emanuel?".

It was at this point that my friend went ballistic on me and said "Obama was a chicken" not to debate Limbaugh one on one, like Rush has been asking on the air for weeks. As I was driving away he was still ranting and I thought, only if Rush is the Republican Presidential candidate in four years, will he actually get a one on one debate with President Obama. Until then, he's just a bystander who helps the Democrats attract the 80% of the country who think El Rushbo is a drug addled loon.

Because he is becoming the Republican Brand, Limbaugh will find out just how small his "base" of white males really is. This is what I call the "Whig" strategy. Make your party's base so small that centrist's (like Abe Lincoln leaving the Whigs) break away and form a new party. Leaving you with just the dittoheads and the crackers.


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