Cheney: Watching a Psychopath in Action
Cheney creates his own reality: U.S. 'succeeded' in Iraq
Former Vice President Dick Cheney said in his first television interview since leaving office that the Iraq invasion was "worth doing" and the U.S. succeeded with its goals - a view that is shared by few others.
Comment: No doubt he refers to the minority of pathological individuals who consider success the over one million dead Iraqis, almost five thousand dead US troops and the complete destruction of an entire country.

"I think it was absolutely the right thing to do and I think when history reviews this period 10 or 20 years hence, what will be significant was that we did, in fact, accomplish what we set out to do," he said. "The other things are interesting and important but, you know, they're secondary to the basic result."
Cheney said on CNN's "State of the Union with John King": "We have succeeded in creating, in the heart of the Middle East, a democratically governed Iraq. And that's a big deal. And that is, in fact, what we set out to do."
"In terms of whether or not this was worth doing, I think it was," Cheney added. "If you hark back and look at the biggest threat we faced after 9/11, it was the idea of a rogue state or a terror-sponsoring state with weapons of mass destruction - say nukes, for example - providing those to a terrorist organization.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney said in his first television interview since leaving office that the Iraq invasion was "worth doing" and the U.S. succeeded with its goals - a view that is shared by few others.
Comment: No doubt he refers to the minority of pathological individuals who consider success the over one million dead Iraqis, almost five thousand dead US troops and the complete destruction of an entire country.
"I think it was absolutely the right thing to do and I think when history reviews this period 10 or 20 years hence, what will be significant was that we did, in fact, accomplish what we set out to do," he said. "The other things are interesting and important but, you know, they're secondary to the basic result."
Cheney said on CNN's "State of the Union with John King": "We have succeeded in creating, in the heart of the Middle East, a democratically governed Iraq. And that's a big deal. And that is, in fact, what we set out to do."
"In terms of whether or not this was worth doing, I think it was," Cheney added. "If you hark back and look at the biggest threat we faced after 9/11, it was the idea of a rogue state or a terror-sponsoring state with weapons of mass destruction - say nukes, for example - providing those to a terrorist organization.
"What happened in Iraq is we've eliminated that possibility. We got rid of one of the worst dictators in the 20th century. We got rid of his government. There's no prospect that Iraq is going to become a place where once again they produce weapons of mass destruction, or support terrorists."King asked Cheney if it was "mission accomplished."
"I wouldn't use that term just because it triggers reactions we don't need," Cheney said. "But I would ask people in the press to take an honest look at the circumstances in Iraq today and how far we've come - the defeat of al Qaeda in Iraq, the writing of that democratic constitution, a series of elections that involve power sharing among all the various groups, the end of sectarian violence."