Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamofascists, The Religious Right, The Obama Administration or that person who harasses or harangues you offline or on. Bullies follow a pattern. A pattern that is a form of a personality disorder, of which the worst form is sociopathy.
Sociopaths have no guilt, no shame, no empathy, nothing. They will stick by their closest friends and family (they have to because they need sycophants to bail them out all the time) and have no compassion for those they hurt. They only play-act as if they have human emotions (learned by watching others) because they can't feel.
They don't have an anger problem - their problem is with YOUR anger. Heaven forbid you should be hurt or angry.
- If a sociopath raped someone, he'd be mad that she sought medical and legal attention.
- If a sociopath stole something, she'd be angry you called the police or even had the temerity to ask for your things back.
- If a sociopath hit you with their car, they'd be angry you reported them to their insurance company... besides YOUR car was in THEIR way.
Narcissists are the same except one difference - to a Sociopath: NO ONE is a human being but them. No one. They can't imagine anyone else has feelings - to them you're a paper doll person. Everyone is. Even their families, spouses and so on - who they bamboozle with their charm & words. All a facade.
These are people much like toddlers, with zero boundaries. If they want it - its theirs and if you say NO you are the evil enemy. Whether its absolute power, land, your body, your mind, big oil, money, sex, silence, or a cookie - if they lay eyes on it and you don't give it over to them no questions asked - you're the bad one. Not them.
They deserve it, don't you see? They are entitled. Everyone else isn't.
They're GOOOOD too. Smooth talking, great story tellers, unbelievably good liars. They could sell ice to an eskimo. They will make you believe they want peace, that they are doing whatever "for your own good," and if you question them - they will manipulate your friends, your family, the media, their congregation - whoever they have to to shut you down or turn the truth off. These people invented "Spin".
They will do anything to get what they want:
lie (that's the big one),
send your children off to an illegal war;
scream terrorism or racism every time they want your attention;
kill you because you're Jewish or female;
tell you you're pretty or wonderful (maybe even marry you) to get in your pants and/or get money from you;
offer a truce and then lob kassams at you;
even say "I love you" when none of it has any real meaning for them at all.
As a society we need to wake up. These people need a spanking. A good, hard spanking that they will feel for a long time. The political correctness or worrying about looking too harsh must stop. We shouldn't negotiate with bullies, we should sit them in the corner and get them away from the rest of society.
If they hurt you, speak out - if they rape you, report them - if they threaten to kill you, kill them first - if they tell you they are your friend and then do the opposite, expose their lies.
And let's do it fast.
Here's another great piece from the great Kathy Krajco on this subject.
From "Narcissists, NPD and the serial bully" at BullyOnline.org:
The serial bully displays behaviour congruent with many of the diagnostic criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Characterised by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity and self-importance, need for admiration, and lack of empathy, people with narcissistic personality disorder overestimate their abilities and inflate their accomplishments, often appearing boastful and pretentious, whilst correspondingly underestimating and devaluing the achievements and accomplishments of others.Read the rest here.
Adult bullies do basically the same thing that child bullies do. Child bullies pick on littler kids. As in the old cliche, if the victim punches the bully in the nose though, he goes running home crying to Mama. That isn't just a cliche: it is true.
Likewise adult bullies pick on those, who for some reason or other, are most easily hurt, vulnerable and they think can't or won't fight back.
All too often, any effort to fight back is condemned by by the bystanders, who thus are complicit in the abuse, because they are suppressing the only thing that can stop it.
I often wonder why the bystanders do this. Are they just that brain dead? Do they really not see that the right to self preservation by fighting back is the most basic human right there is? That if someone is hitting you, you have a moral obligation to make him stop, by hitting back?
That if someone pulls a gun on you, you have a moral obligation to shoot him if necessary to defend yourself? Yes, that's right: you have not just the right but the moral obligation to protect yourself by making a bully stop.Or are the bystanders just pretending to be brain dead? Are they just pretending to not know any better? Are they just siding with the bully so he doesn't get mad at them. Him they FEAR, because he's abusive and mean. The victim they needn't fear, so the victim is the one they attack.
Which is it?
PS - For those who would cite Dr. Martin Luther King and Ghandi, I must point out that either one or both of them said their tactics of non-self-defense would work only as an appeal to a society with a conscience. But that against an enemy without conscience (a bully), you had to just come to blows with him and bloody him for hurting you.
Dr. King was appealing to American society, and Ghandi was appealing to British society, both of which had a conscience. This WAS the smart way to lead their people. That prevented their enemies from suckering blacks and Indians into anger and fury that would backfire, frightening whites and losing them the sympathy they had among most whites. It WAS the winning strategy in that case.
But can you imagine where their methods would have gotten them under Adolph Hitler? Bullies abuse BECAUSE you don't fight back! Otherwise they wouldn't have the guts to.