Protesting Muslim Women STONED by Angry Men
Klein: Women stoned protesting sex-every-four-days law. ‘Death to the slaves of the Christians,’ yells rowdy crowd pelting rocks
Hundreds of Afghan women were reportedly pelted with stones today while protesting a law that gives husbands the right to demand sex with a wife every four days unless she is ill or would be physically harmed by intercourse, Aaron Klein, Jerusalem bureau chief at World Net Daily, reports.
The law, passed last month, would legalize marital rape, according to critics. It also requires a wife to seek her husband’s permission to go outside in public.
“We don’t want Taliban law,” said one female protester, referring to the fundamentalist Islamist movement that governed Afghanistan until the U.S. invasion following the 9-11 attacks.
The law only applies to Shiite families in Afghanistan, who comprise about 10 to 20 percent of the country’s 30 million strong population.
According to reports from Afghanistan, some 1,000 people stormed a protest of about 300 women rallying against the new law, pelting the female activists with stones and gravel as police tried to keep the two groups apart.
Some of the counter-protesters shouted at the women, “Death to the slaves of the Christians.”
President Hamid Karzai previously told the media the Shiite family law is being reviewed by the country’s Justice Department and will not be implemented in its current form.
Governments and human rights organizations around the world have condemned the law. Earlier this month, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met Karzai at The Hogue, and, according to reports, strongly protested the law. President Obama has called the legislation “abhorrent.”
The law was passed amid fears of a resurgence of the Taliban, particularly in villages along the border with Pakistan.
Klein: Women stoned protesting sex-every-four-days law. ‘Death to the slaves of the Christians,’ yells rowdy crowd pelting rocks
Hundreds of Afghan women were reportedly pelted with stones today while protesting a law that gives husbands the right to demand sex with a wife every four days unless she is ill or would be physically harmed by intercourse, Aaron Klein, Jerusalem bureau chief at World Net Daily, reports.
The law, passed last month, would legalize marital rape, according to critics. It also requires a wife to seek her husband’s permission to go outside in public.
“We don’t want Taliban law,” said one female protester, referring to the fundamentalist Islamist movement that governed Afghanistan until the U.S. invasion following the 9-11 attacks.
The law only applies to Shiite families in Afghanistan, who comprise about 10 to 20 percent of the country’s 30 million strong population.
The law states: “Obedience, readiness for intercourse and not leaving the house without the permission of the husband are the duties of the wife.”The Shiite law also gives the father full custody of all children in any divorce. It mandates that men must have sex with their wives at least once every four months.
“As long as the husband is not traveling, he has the right to have sexual intercourse with his wife every fourth night,” it says.
According to reports from Afghanistan, some 1,000 people stormed a protest of about 300 women rallying against the new law, pelting the female activists with stones and gravel as police tried to keep the two groups apart.
Some of the counter-protesters shouted at the women, “Death to the slaves of the Christians.”
President Hamid Karzai previously told the media the Shiite family law is being reviewed by the country’s Justice Department and will not be implemented in its current form.
Governments and human rights organizations around the world have condemned the law. Earlier this month, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met Karzai at The Hogue, and, according to reports, strongly protested the law. President Obama has called the legislation “abhorrent.”
The law was passed amid fears of a resurgence of the Taliban, particularly in villages along the border with Pakistan.