Global Warming Deniers - You're on Thin Ice
Gotta love those Global Warming deniers. Safe behind their keyboards. Since so far, this summer has been cool they're saying, "SEE - no Global WARMING! It's COOL out!"

Get a clue. The fact that the predictable weather patterns are varying should tell you something. But most of them aren't gardeners like me, out tending flowers and growing a few veggies to serve to my family (tomatoes and my herbs are doing well so far this year, thanks!). No they'd rather bloviate from their computers and central air conditioned condos. Duh.
And don't ask to debate them. Those bullies will just cut you off and scream louder. HOAX!
I wonder if there's Global Warming in Hell?
by Joel Connelly
Chilling news on hot topics takes different forms, witness two e-mails that arrived cheek-by-jowl one afternoon last week.
Sea ice in the Arctic thinned dramatically between the 2004 and 2008 winters, with thin seasonal ice supplanting thick older ice as the dominant type for the first time on record, reported scientists from NASA and the University of Washington.
The scientists used measurements from NASA's ICESat satellite to make the first basin-wide estimate of the Arctic Ocean's ice cover.
They found overall Arctic sea ice has thinned by about 7 inches a year, for a 2.2 foot total over four years.
What of the second e-mail?
U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Missouri, introduced legislation to prohibit the United States from contributing to the United National Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The panel, which has mapped the warming of the Earth, shared the Nobel Peace Prize with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore.
"We all know that the UN is incompetent when it comes to spending money, and that is why American taxpayers should not be forking over millions more to one of its organizations that not only is in need of significant reform but is engaged in dubious scientific questions," Luetkemeyer declared.
Actually, the congressman deserves kudos for restraint. Global warming deniers are hurling harsher verbal grenades these days.
Former U.S. Senate aide Marc Morano hailed Luetkemeyer's bid to "deny U.S. taxpayer funding for UN's junk science."
King County Republican Chairman Lori Sotelo used the same phrase last week as she called on GOP activists to opposed House-passed legislation to cut greenhouse gas emissions. (Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Wash., voted for the bill.)
The legislation is "based on junk science and wishful theory," Sotelo argued. Is the latest NASA-UW finding "junk science?"
Up in the Arctic, seasonal sea ice usually reaches about 6 feet in thickness, while older "multi-year" ice averages 9 feet.
Using satellite measurements, researchers found that the total area covered by ice that has survived more than one summer has shrunk by 42 percent. Between '04 and '08, multi-year ice shrank by 595,000 square miles -- nearly the size of Alaska's landmass.
"Even in years when the overall extent of sea ice remains stable or grows slightly, the thickness and volume of the ice cover is continuing to decline, making the ice more vulnerable to continued shrinkage: Our data will help scientists better understand how fast the volume of Arctic ice is decreasing and how soon we might see a nearly ice-free Arctic in summer," said Ron Kwok of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
The team's findings were published last week in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans.
It means polar bears are on thin ice, but a lot more. The multi-year ice has long shielded Arctic villages from the full brunt of fall and early winter storms off the Bering Sea.

Villages are losing protection, losing food sources, and being forced to relocate. A haunting picture highlighted a recent exhibit at the UW's Burke Museum. It showed a coffin in a graveyard, partially exposed, along a storm-battered shoreline.
But nothing sways the doubters.
A correspondent named Brad Mosier resumed attacks on the other half of the Nobel Prize-winning duo: "How bout your hero Allen (sic) Gore, comparing fighting Global Warming to fighting Hitler in World War II . . . what a freaking nut case."
Ron Ewart, a local property rights activist, penned a highly critical letter to Reichert over his greenhouse gas vote. He later accused yours truly of drinking the "cool-aid" on global warming, along with other "liberal" journalists. I suggested he visit retreating, shrinking glaciers in the North Cascades.
"I don't need to visit glaciers, Joel, to know a 'scam' when I see one," he replied. "I only need to see what is happening right before my eyes and it isn't global warming and even if it was, man-generated CO2 (carbon dioxide) isn't the cause and there is ample evidence to prove it. You see, CO2 is heavier than air. It sinks. Whatever is in the upper atmosphere as a greenhouse gas is so miniscule as to be virtually insignificant."
Plenty of scientists would disagree with him. How, then, do we get doubters to understand a threat to the earth?
They might just listen to a new Kool-aid drinker, who is decidedly not a "liberal?"
"Water resources and climate change are subjects of great importance for the whole human family," Pope Benedict XVI declared 18 months ago. He warned against "poisons and pollution" that will harm future generations.
In a new encyclical "Caritas in Veritate" (Charity in Truth) released last week, Benedict XVI again takes up the subject:
"We must recognize our grave duty to hand the earth on to future generations in such a condition that they too can worthily inhabit it and continue to cultivate it."
Here is a man who can speak without error. He is, of course, speaking the truth.
Still, I expect e-mails debunking Caritas in Veritate as "junk theology."
Get a clue. The fact that the predictable weather patterns are varying should tell you something. But most of them aren't gardeners like me, out tending flowers and growing a few veggies to serve to my family (tomatoes and my herbs are doing well so far this year, thanks!). No they'd rather bloviate from their computers and central air conditioned condos. Duh.
And don't ask to debate them. Those bullies will just cut you off and scream louder. HOAX!
I wonder if there's Global Warming in Hell?
by Joel Connelly
Chilling news on hot topics takes different forms, witness two e-mails that arrived cheek-by-jowl one afternoon last week.
Sea ice in the Arctic thinned dramatically between the 2004 and 2008 winters, with thin seasonal ice supplanting thick older ice as the dominant type for the first time on record, reported scientists from NASA and the University of Washington.
The scientists used measurements from NASA's ICESat satellite to make the first basin-wide estimate of the Arctic Ocean's ice cover.
They found overall Arctic sea ice has thinned by about 7 inches a year, for a 2.2 foot total over four years.
What of the second e-mail?
U.S. Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Missouri, introduced legislation to prohibit the United States from contributing to the United National Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
The panel, which has mapped the warming of the Earth, shared the Nobel Peace Prize with former U.S. Vice President Al Gore.
"We all know that the UN is incompetent when it comes to spending money, and that is why American taxpayers should not be forking over millions more to one of its organizations that not only is in need of significant reform but is engaged in dubious scientific questions," Luetkemeyer declared.
Actually, the congressman deserves kudos for restraint. Global warming deniers are hurling harsher verbal grenades these days.
Former U.S. Senate aide Marc Morano hailed Luetkemeyer's bid to "deny U.S. taxpayer funding for UN's junk science."
King County Republican Chairman Lori Sotelo used the same phrase last week as she called on GOP activists to opposed House-passed legislation to cut greenhouse gas emissions. (Rep. Dave Reichert, R-Wash., voted for the bill.)
The legislation is "based on junk science and wishful theory," Sotelo argued. Is the latest NASA-UW finding "junk science?"
Up in the Arctic, seasonal sea ice usually reaches about 6 feet in thickness, while older "multi-year" ice averages 9 feet.
Using satellite measurements, researchers found that the total area covered by ice that has survived more than one summer has shrunk by 42 percent. Between '04 and '08, multi-year ice shrank by 595,000 square miles -- nearly the size of Alaska's landmass.
"Even in years when the overall extent of sea ice remains stable or grows slightly, the thickness and volume of the ice cover is continuing to decline, making the ice more vulnerable to continued shrinkage: Our data will help scientists better understand how fast the volume of Arctic ice is decreasing and how soon we might see a nearly ice-free Arctic in summer," said Ron Kwok of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
The team's findings were published last week in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans.
It means polar bears are on thin ice, but a lot more. The multi-year ice has long shielded Arctic villages from the full brunt of fall and early winter storms off the Bering Sea.
Villages are losing protection, losing food sources, and being forced to relocate. A haunting picture highlighted a recent exhibit at the UW's Burke Museum. It showed a coffin in a graveyard, partially exposed, along a storm-battered shoreline.
But nothing sways the doubters.
A correspondent named Brad Mosier resumed attacks on the other half of the Nobel Prize-winning duo: "How bout your hero Allen (sic) Gore, comparing fighting Global Warming to fighting Hitler in World War II . . . what a freaking nut case."
Ron Ewart, a local property rights activist, penned a highly critical letter to Reichert over his greenhouse gas vote. He later accused yours truly of drinking the "cool-aid" on global warming, along with other "liberal" journalists. I suggested he visit retreating, shrinking glaciers in the North Cascades.
"I don't need to visit glaciers, Joel, to know a 'scam' when I see one," he replied. "I only need to see what is happening right before my eyes and it isn't global warming and even if it was, man-generated CO2 (carbon dioxide) isn't the cause and there is ample evidence to prove it. You see, CO2 is heavier than air. It sinks. Whatever is in the upper atmosphere as a greenhouse gas is so miniscule as to be virtually insignificant."
Plenty of scientists would disagree with him. How, then, do we get doubters to understand a threat to the earth?
They might just listen to a new Kool-aid drinker, who is decidedly not a "liberal?"
"Water resources and climate change are subjects of great importance for the whole human family," Pope Benedict XVI declared 18 months ago. He warned against "poisons and pollution" that will harm future generations.
In a new encyclical "Caritas in Veritate" (Charity in Truth) released last week, Benedict XVI again takes up the subject:
"We must recognize our grave duty to hand the earth on to future generations in such a condition that they too can worthily inhabit it and continue to cultivate it."
Here is a man who can speak without error. He is, of course, speaking the truth.
Still, I expect e-mails debunking Caritas in Veritate as "junk theology."