Invasion of the Sanity Snatchers
Every day that I read or watch the news - more of the devastating effects of Destructive Narcissists and their decisions & behavior are all around us. Lisa & I mention this to each other frequently. Sometimes I wonder, are we the only ones who see this?
I have always believed that Britney Spears was the victim of a Destructive Narcissist (Kevin Federline). Federline is all about himself, comes off as the better parent, does all he can to keep his all-important 'image' pallatable - but I watched Britney's acting out after their split with horror and compassion. Shaving off her hair, drinking, possibly drugging, hobnobbing with paparazzi... Britney didn't know if she was coming or going it seemed. Her race from one personal train-wreck to another appeared to be a desperate attempt to run away from pain. Acting out is a hallmark of PTSD, can go on for months are years, and in my opinion - she had it. That desperate attempt to avoid the devastating hurt one feels when the narcissist devalues and dumps you like an old shoe. The victim, once again, was made to look like the 'crazy' one. She finally got back on board with her father as her manager, who got her working on her career again - and I only hope that somewhere in all that, she took some time to heal that PTSD or still is.

The details of the Gosselin's break up is hard to read. Both of them seem very narcissistic but Jon appears particularly so in my opinion. Looks like he just didn't want to parent all those kids and got bored with it... so off he went... another "Sperminator." He had his fun with Kate and the TV show but then there he goes -- leaving Kate to hold the bag. I hope she does well. For the kids' sake.
Lisa and I have talked on the BlogTalkRadio show about the fake Rockefeller - Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter - who was found guilty of assault and kidnapping. Yet hired guns like Dr. Ablow tried to pass off his narcissism as "insanity" when it wasn't. And never will be. It's far too calculated... even if those calculations are based on a destructive reality.
Last week Lisa and I dissected Wes Hayden of ABC'S "The Bachelorette" on the show. So I don't need to go into what a flaming narcissist he appears to be.
Now there's Levi Johnston - the father of Bristol Palin's baby. The press is wondering if all the potshots at her family are what made Palin resign the governorship of Alaska. Levi's going to have his own show soon and his opinion about the state of affairs in Palin-ville pop up in every newspaper and magazine. What a good gig for someone who didn't want to step up to the plate after inseminating some girl for the brief pleasure of an orgasm. He really wants his 15-minutes badly! Sounds like a Destructive Narcissist, don't it? And Sarah Palin is being called a Destructive Narcissist for simply retreating - perhaps to weigh her options.

How long is this going to go on? Forever, I feel. I remain profoundly disappointed in a media that will not verbally or openly posit that these people are Destructive Narcissists or Psychopaths. Or who target the victims when they act out from their PTSD/ aftermath issues. So many victims would be validated by the press if they'd do this. And the public education value would be vast.
Research has very low figures on the amount of Destructive Narcissists wandering through our society today; doing sub-criminal deeds and leave a wake of devastation behind that message boards like this one and self-help books alone simply can not heal. I believe the numbers are much higher than we will ever know.
I feel the worst of it is that Destructive Narcissism is so rampant, that we - as a society - either are so used to it we don't see it, or blow it off as "oh THAT again" without taking into consideration what it's doing to our humanity. Or maybe we're simply so deeply horrified that we turn our heads away and head for Starbucks to numb our brains with Frappucinos so we don't really have to think about it.
I know Destructive Narcissism isn't new. But before it was defined and given a real name as a personality disorder (20+ years ago) we didn't have a name for it. While it comes as a relief to people like me who had a lifetime full of these creatures; including a Destructive Narcissistic parent; it also scares me to think what's next on this invasion of evil selfishness.
Sadly, I'll just have to get tomorrow's newspaper to find out.
I have always believed that Britney Spears was the victim of a Destructive Narcissist (Kevin Federline). Federline is all about himself, comes off as the better parent, does all he can to keep his all-important 'image' pallatable - but I watched Britney's acting out after their split with horror and compassion. Shaving off her hair, drinking, possibly drugging, hobnobbing with paparazzi... Britney didn't know if she was coming or going it seemed. Her race from one personal train-wreck to another appeared to be a desperate attempt to run away from pain. Acting out is a hallmark of PTSD, can go on for months are years, and in my opinion - she had it. That desperate attempt to avoid the devastating hurt one feels when the narcissist devalues and dumps you like an old shoe. The victim, once again, was made to look like the 'crazy' one. She finally got back on board with her father as her manager, who got her working on her career again - and I only hope that somewhere in all that, she took some time to heal that PTSD or still is.
The details of the Gosselin's break up is hard to read. Both of them seem very narcissistic but Jon appears particularly so in my opinion. Looks like he just didn't want to parent all those kids and got bored with it... so off he went... another "Sperminator." He had his fun with Kate and the TV show but then there he goes -- leaving Kate to hold the bag. I hope she does well. For the kids' sake.
Lisa and I have talked on the BlogTalkRadio show about the fake Rockefeller - Christian Karl Gerhartsreiter - who was found guilty of assault and kidnapping. Yet hired guns like Dr. Ablow tried to pass off his narcissism as "insanity" when it wasn't. And never will be. It's far too calculated... even if those calculations are based on a destructive reality.
Last week Lisa and I dissected Wes Hayden of ABC'S "The Bachelorette" on the show. So I don't need to go into what a flaming narcissist he appears to be.
Now there's Levi Johnston - the father of Bristol Palin's baby. The press is wondering if all the potshots at her family are what made Palin resign the governorship of Alaska. Levi's going to have his own show soon and his opinion about the state of affairs in Palin-ville pop up in every newspaper and magazine. What a good gig for someone who didn't want to step up to the plate after inseminating some girl for the brief pleasure of an orgasm. He really wants his 15-minutes badly! Sounds like a Destructive Narcissist, don't it? And Sarah Palin is being called a Destructive Narcissist for simply retreating - perhaps to weigh her options.
How long is this going to go on? Forever, I feel. I remain profoundly disappointed in a media that will not verbally or openly posit that these people are Destructive Narcissists or Psychopaths. Or who target the victims when they act out from their PTSD/ aftermath issues. So many victims would be validated by the press if they'd do this. And the public education value would be vast.
Research has very low figures on the amount of Destructive Narcissists wandering through our society today; doing sub-criminal deeds and leave a wake of devastation behind that message boards like this one and self-help books alone simply can not heal. I believe the numbers are much higher than we will ever know.
I feel the worst of it is that Destructive Narcissism is so rampant, that we - as a society - either are so used to it we don't see it, or blow it off as "oh THAT again" without taking into consideration what it's doing to our humanity. Or maybe we're simply so deeply horrified that we turn our heads away and head for Starbucks to numb our brains with Frappucinos so we don't really have to think about it.
I know Destructive Narcissism isn't new. But before it was defined and given a real name as a personality disorder (20+ years ago) we didn't have a name for it. While it comes as a relief to people like me who had a lifetime full of these creatures; including a Destructive Narcissistic parent; it also scares me to think what's next on this invasion of evil selfishness.
Sadly, I'll just have to get tomorrow's newspaper to find out.