Sick of Crackpot Religious Zealots?
I'm with you Uppity my sistah - I'm with you!

Okay, I’m probably going to get smacked here but, frankly, I am so sick of religious zealots, I could just spit. I have yet to meet ONE religious zealot who practiced what he or she preached at everyone else. Not one.
Meet Sally Kern, Republican Theocratic Crackpot Religious Zealot.
These people don’t want to mind your business for you or anything do they? God, if I saw this woman coming towards me I would run away as fast as I can. And to think we are worrying about Iran’s theocracy when we are growing our own potential religious fascists right here in the good old US of A. What’s next, witch burning?

Careful Rep. Kern! You might just clean out your own party out with this proclamation! That “we all fall short of the glory of God” routine every time one of you gets caught, is wearing a bit thin. And when Oh When, will you all learn that you cannot legislate morality or religion? Your proclamation is just one step toward a theocracy. Isn’t that what we object to over in the Middle East? Please stop trying to do God’s job, because frankly you are not very good at it. Try leading by example instead. Perhaps if people like you came with a match instead of a blow torch, more people will want to follow, and you wouldn’t have to write religious proclamations. Ya think?
And……….Please stop this threocratic stuff so that we disenfranchised Democrats aren’t driven away. God knows with the Republican body count, you need us. See? I mentioned God. That’s because I wanted to, not because you want to make me do it. I repeat one more time: You cannot legislate religion. This kind of stuff drives people away. It’s not what rolls off your lips or onto your “proclamations,” Ms. Kern. It’s what’s in your heart and the example you set. I kind of think that when we all have our final conversations, proclamations won’t be high on the list of things the Big Guy will want to discuss with us. Stop with the superficial crap and lead by example, which is much harder. Thank you!
Sorry, but I cannot resist: Ms. Kern welcomes you to the First Self Righteous Church.
Mississippi Squirrel Revival
Okay, I’m probably going to get smacked here but, frankly, I am so sick of religious zealots, I could just spit. I have yet to meet ONE religious zealot who practiced what he or she preached at everyone else. Not one.
Meet Sally Kern, Republican Theocratic Crackpot Religious Zealot.
OKLAHOMA CITY — An Oklahoma lawmaker is once again drawing criticism from gay and lesbian groups from across the nation.
State Representative Sally Kern, and a host of other lawmakers, civic and religious leaders, will gather at the State Capitol next month to sign the “Oklahoma Citizen’s Proclamation for Morality.”
The proclamation urges Oklahoma residents to acknowledge the need for a national awakening of righteousness, but critics say Rep. Kern is again mixing politics and religion.
Read the “Oklahoma Citizen’s Proclamation for Morality”
These people don’t want to mind your business for you or anything do they? God, if I saw this woman coming towards me I would run away as fast as I can. And to think we are worrying about Iran’s theocracy when we are growing our own potential religious fascists right here in the good old US of A. What’s next, witch burning?
And……….Please stop this threocratic stuff so that we disenfranchised Democrats aren’t driven away. God knows with the Republican body count, you need us. See? I mentioned God. That’s because I wanted to, not because you want to make me do it. I repeat one more time: You cannot legislate religion. This kind of stuff drives people away. It’s not what rolls off your lips or onto your “proclamations,” Ms. Kern. It’s what’s in your heart and the example you set. I kind of think that when we all have our final conversations, proclamations won’t be high on the list of things the Big Guy will want to discuss with us. Stop with the superficial crap and lead by example, which is much harder. Thank you!
Sorry, but I cannot resist: Ms. Kern welcomes you to the First Self Righteous Church.