Procrastinator in Chief
from the great Deadenders:
Obama is a lying sack of crap!
I hope no one is surprised that Mr. Present Vote is falling like a stone in the polls. His days of being able to say “hope and change”, and everyone just going along with whatever he says are coming to an end. Every bill that he’s rammed through congress because we “have to do it now or the world will explode”, have been a disaster. They look really bad if you read them too.

With all that bad news and blaming Bush doesn’t quite have the cache it once did. It’s time to come up with a new plan, so here it is. Transparency be damned, that would be more funny if the oilsoc Administration was actually transparent. It’s time to start hiding things.
oilsoc: I never said anything about closing Gitmo
oilsoc: I don’t even know what a budget is, I’m a politician. But I’ll figure out a way to shift the blame to Bush or something.
Why Narcissists Lie Like Crazy
Frightfully Manipulative
Like It Didn't Happen
Obama is a lying sack of crap!
I hope no one is surprised that Mr. Present Vote is falling like a stone in the polls. His days of being able to say “hope and change”, and everyone just going along with whatever he says are coming to an end. Every bill that he’s rammed through congress because we “have to do it now or the world will explode”, have been a disaster. They look really bad if you read them too.

With all that bad news and blaming Bush doesn’t quite have the cache it once did. It’s time to come up with a new plan, so here it is. Transparency be damned, that would be more funny if the oilsoc Administration was actually transparent. It’s time to start hiding things.
oilsoc: I never said anything about closing Gitmo
President Obama on Monday extended by six months a task force charged with determining how terrorism suspects should be interrogated, held in custody or handed over to other countries, putting in jeopardy his promise to close the military detention facility at the U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, by January.oilsoc: I never said anything about cutting spending
WASHINGTON (CNN) — On April 20, President Obama challenged his Cabinet to cut $100 million in spending over the next 90 days.
The deadline came — and went — without a report from the White House on whether or not that promise was fulfilled.
Asked about the spending cuts, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Monday that information still was being compiled.
“Those are being reviewed now, and we’ll release something in the coming days,” Gibbs told the daily White House briefing.

The Obama administration is delaying release of a congressionally mandated report on the nation’s economic conditions, spawning speculation that it is trying to tamp down bad economic news to avoid further complicating the already fraught legislative debate over health care reform.It’s truly amazing how little will be getting done now that the shine is off the car. I think it’s time for this lemon to be put up on blocks or sent to the crusher. Hey American, how do you fell about a do-over?
The report, which is normally published by late July, is being delayed by several weeks, the administration acknowledged on Monday. Officials said the hold-up is not unusual in presidential transition years, noting that Presidents George W. Bush and former President Bill Clinton each published their initial budget updates weeks late.
“Because of the unique circumstances of a transition year, we — like President George W. Bush in 2001 — are releasing the mid-session review a few weeks later than as is usual in non-transition years,” Kenneth S. Baer, communications director for the Office of Management and Budget, said Monday.
Why Narcissists Lie Like Crazy
Frightfully Manipulative
Like It Didn't Happen