Obama Birth Certificate Controversy Continues...
In 1981, I applied for a U.S. Passport. I needed to get a copy of my birth certificate, which my mother gave me. However, it wasn't the one issued by the city and state of my birth - the only one she had was notification of my Baptism - just a couple weeks after I was born. Wait a second... nothing in my life has really ever been that simple...

I wrote the Health Dept. of the city where I was born and obtained a State-Certified copy... along with a note... that my original birth certificate had not been 'stamped' (i.e. that the official seal of the State had not been embossed onto it) and that they had redone that for me. Now everything was all nice and legal. I looked into and found that the city of my birth had 'forgotten' to 'stamp' over 500 birth certificates the year I was born (a baby-boomer year)... so that means for over 20 years I wasn't official. However, I undertook every means to clear it up, make it official and subsequently - got my Passport.
Seems Barry has been unable to do this is just the 7 months he's been in office and the years he was a Senator in Illinois.
by Larry Johnson
The Obama birth certificate controversy emerged again in the last couple of weeks thanks to the questioning of Lou Dobbs:
I think it is important to put to rest the notion that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. He was not. He was born in Hawaii, a U.S. state, and by virtue of that fact is a U.S. citizen. So what’s the big deal? The Obama team have refused to release the original birth certificate and that fact fuels speculation that they are hiding something. Well they are. What?
Barack Obama was not named “Barack” in the original birth certificate. He was “Barry” not Barack. But that’s not all. The birth certificate was amended when he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian muslim, around 1968. David Axelrod and Barack Obama decided against trying to explain these issues, worried that the Soetoro birth certificate would reinforce the charge that Barack was a secret muslim. Such a charge would have muddied the waters and alarmed too many folks in the midwest and south. They covered it up and, with the help of an incurious media, kept these questions tamped down.

If you want to read more about Barack’s life as Barry Soetoro you should go back and read a post I did a year ago.
Let me be clear. Barack Obama meets the Constitutional requirements to be President. He was a young boy when he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro. As a youngster he had no say in the amendment to his original birth certificate. He also was introduced to Islam through his step-father. But that relationship ended when Barry Obama Soetoro returned to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. He never renounced his U.S. citizenship. The refusal of Barack Obama and his political team to forthrightly address these issues has kept the controversy alive.
The following video by video blogger syc1959 illustrates how a birth certificate is legally “updated” to reflect an adoption.
Barack Obama is now caught in the lie. If he comes clean with the original copy of the birth certificate he will be damaged politically because it will be clear he was not forthcoming or transparent about his childhood. People will realize the story he has told is more myth than fact.
This in turn will fuel a new meme, namely, that Barack Obama cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
Similarly the rightwing will be damaged if it persists with the nonsense that Barack was born in Kenya. I know many believe this but it is not true. The real reason Barack Obama is evasive about his original birth certificate is that he wants people to forget he once was an Indonesian muslim boy named Barry Soetoro. It is that simple.
I wrote the Health Dept. of the city where I was born and obtained a State-Certified copy... along with a note... that my original birth certificate had not been 'stamped' (i.e. that the official seal of the State had not been embossed onto it) and that they had redone that for me. Now everything was all nice and legal. I looked into and found that the city of my birth had 'forgotten' to 'stamp' over 500 birth certificates the year I was born (a baby-boomer year)... so that means for over 20 years I wasn't official. However, I undertook every means to clear it up, make it official and subsequently - got my Passport.
Seems Barry has been unable to do this is just the 7 months he's been in office and the years he was a Senator in Illinois.
by Larry Johnson
The Obama birth certificate controversy emerged again in the last couple of weeks thanks to the questioning of Lou Dobbs:
I think it is important to put to rest the notion that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. He was not. He was born in Hawaii, a U.S. state, and by virtue of that fact is a U.S. citizen. So what’s the big deal? The Obama team have refused to release the original birth certificate and that fact fuels speculation that they are hiding something. Well they are. What?
Barack Obama was not named “Barack” in the original birth certificate. He was “Barry” not Barack. But that’s not all. The birth certificate was amended when he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian muslim, around 1968. David Axelrod and Barack Obama decided against trying to explain these issues, worried that the Soetoro birth certificate would reinforce the charge that Barack was a secret muslim. Such a charge would have muddied the waters and alarmed too many folks in the midwest and south. They covered it up and, with the help of an incurious media, kept these questions tamped down.
If you want to read more about Barack’s life as Barry Soetoro you should go back and read a post I did a year ago.
Let me be clear. Barack Obama meets the Constitutional requirements to be President. He was a young boy when he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro. As a youngster he had no say in the amendment to his original birth certificate. He also was introduced to Islam through his step-father. But that relationship ended when Barry Obama Soetoro returned to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. He never renounced his U.S. citizenship. The refusal of Barack Obama and his political team to forthrightly address these issues has kept the controversy alive.
The following video by video blogger syc1959 illustrates how a birth certificate is legally “updated” to reflect an adoption.
Barack Obama is now caught in the lie. If he comes clean with the original copy of the birth certificate he will be damaged politically because it will be clear he was not forthcoming or transparent about his childhood. People will realize the story he has told is more myth than fact.
This in turn will fuel a new meme, namely, that Barack Obama cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
Similarly the rightwing will be damaged if it persists with the nonsense that Barack was born in Kenya. I know many believe this but it is not true. The real reason Barack Obama is evasive about his original birth certificate is that he wants people to forget he once was an Indonesian muslim boy named Barry Soetoro. It is that simple.
If BHO shows his original long form birth certificate, indeed showing he was born in Hawaii, it will also show his father was American citizen, Frank Marshall Davis, not the Kenyan/British citizen, Barack Obama Sr. While that would allow Barack Jr. to be POTUS eligible as BOTH a “citizen”/“native born citizen” AND an Article 2 “natural born citizen” — that is, born to two American citizens on American soil — it would simultaneously show he is a fraud hiding his real father — an unacceptable political debacle.
If, on the other hand, BHO keeps hiding his original long form birth certificate — while simply repeating, without showing, he was born in Hawaii — he can still CLAIM BOTH he was born in Hawaii AND his father was the Kenyan/British Barack Obama Sr. This would enable Barack Jr. to claim he’s a “citizen”/“native born citizen” but it would mean (if a federal court would ever get around to declaring and thus far no one has standing to bring the suit) that he’s NOT an Article 2 “natural born citizen” and thus not eligible to be POTUS — a legal/constitutional debacle since all acts under an illegal POTUS are void.
So it seems, BHO has elected option one until forced to go option two because for now it looks like no federal court will ever find a plaintiff with standing. (Of course, there’s the additional issue of BHO losing American citizen status if/when he became an Indonesian citizen — that is, IF he returned and was naturalized he would be a legal citizen, but would lose both native and natural born status, and, IF he returned and was not naturalized, he would be an illegal immigrant unlawfully in this country — but we’ll leave that for another day.)