ObamaCare: Ladies! Public “Option” will Put Your Uterus under Congressional Control
An astute reader sent this to us. From the WSJ:

FemiSex posted on this last week. Read it again..
And remember that THIS moment in time (Blue White House, Senate and House) will be followed by times when Reds will be in control.
There is no doubt that a public plan will crowd private insurance out of the picture in the long haul. And then women will be dependent upon the vagaries of Congress to pay for their contraception, hormones, reproductive care.
It is no big stretch to imagine Congress dishing up legislation that refuses to pay for genetic testing for amniocentesis when the results might be used to terminate. Say you find out you have a fetus with Down syndrome. Will Congress order the public “option” not to pay for such tests and terminations that result from such testing? You betcha sweet ass they will.
Will they refuse to pay for Guradasil to ward off sexually transmitted HPV that leads to cervical cancer? Most likely they will.
What about IVF? Many private insurance companies now pay for at least one round, and many more pay for the very costly drugs that go along with this. Do you think Congress will ration this away? Yes, they will for certain.
Private insurance is far better for repro-aged women.
Am I progressive? Sure.
For women who don’t have private insurance, let’s tax the benefits of those who get coverage from their employers and use that money to cover those without benefits. But no public option or TRUST ME this will lead to ineluctable deletions of your reproductive care and more government control of what happens with your reproductive life. (And remember, now women via egg or embryo donations, and some with egg freezing, can extend their repro life well into their 50s!)
Women over 65 do not face such problems and that is why Medicare works for them. Congress doesn’t give a shit about their wombs, but be very very certain, they do care about young women’s uteruses. They want to control them and a public “option” will just set women back decades in their repro health care needs.
This is Big and important stuff. It goes way beyond abortions, and women under the age of 65 are far and away better off with private insurance that covers our reproductive care without Congressional fiddling!!!!!!!

Women turned into beggars.
In fact the astute reader sent us this from Slate http://www.slate.com/id/2225272/
This article says fine let Congress screw women out of repro health care, just get charity to pay for our needs.
Great just what a woman wants, to go a beggn’ for her repro health care costs to be covered. And, of course, the bright idea behind this says you will also have to prove you can’t afford to pay for repro health care on your own.
Women be very very very wary. A public option will interfere with the care you now take for granted from your private insurance, and it will open the door to all sorts of meddling in our bodies.
We need reform to our system, yes. But the public option is anything but an option for women under 60. When Uncle Sam is paying he just can't help himself from inserting his ideological controls.
An astute reader sent this to us. From the WSJ:
WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--A group of anti-abortion Democrats opposed to U.S. House health-care legislation in its current form have emerged as a major obstacle to Democratic leaders' goal of passing the measure by August.
A group of 20 House Democrats signed a letter sent Friday to House Democratic leaders stating they "cannot support any health care reform proposal unless it explicitly excludes abortion from the scope of any government-defined or subsidized health insurance plan."
FemiSex posted on this last week. Read it again..
And remember that THIS moment in time (Blue White House, Senate and House) will be followed by times when Reds will be in control.
There is no doubt that a public plan will crowd private insurance out of the picture in the long haul. And then women will be dependent upon the vagaries of Congress to pay for their contraception, hormones, reproductive care.
It is no big stretch to imagine Congress dishing up legislation that refuses to pay for genetic testing for amniocentesis when the results might be used to terminate. Say you find out you have a fetus with Down syndrome. Will Congress order the public “option” not to pay for such tests and terminations that result from such testing? You betcha sweet ass they will.
Will they refuse to pay for Guradasil to ward off sexually transmitted HPV that leads to cervical cancer? Most likely they will.
What about IVF? Many private insurance companies now pay for at least one round, and many more pay for the very costly drugs that go along with this. Do you think Congress will ration this away? Yes, they will for certain.
Private insurance is far better for repro-aged women.
Am I progressive? Sure.
For women who don’t have private insurance, let’s tax the benefits of those who get coverage from their employers and use that money to cover those without benefits. But no public option or TRUST ME this will lead to ineluctable deletions of your reproductive care and more government control of what happens with your reproductive life. (And remember, now women via egg or embryo donations, and some with egg freezing, can extend their repro life well into their 50s!)
Women over 65 do not face such problems and that is why Medicare works for them. Congress doesn’t give a shit about their wombs, but be very very certain, they do care about young women’s uteruses. They want to control them and a public “option” will just set women back decades in their repro health care needs.
This is Big and important stuff. It goes way beyond abortions, and women under the age of 65 are far and away better off with private insurance that covers our reproductive care without Congressional fiddling!!!!!!!
Women turned into beggars.
In fact the astute reader sent us this from Slate http://www.slate.com/id/2225272/
This article says fine let Congress screw women out of repro health care, just get charity to pay for our needs.
Great just what a woman wants, to go a beggn’ for her repro health care costs to be covered. And, of course, the bright idea behind this says you will also have to prove you can’t afford to pay for repro health care on your own.
Women be very very very wary. A public option will interfere with the care you now take for granted from your private insurance, and it will open the door to all sorts of meddling in our bodies.
We need reform to our system, yes. But the public option is anything but an option for women under 60. When Uncle Sam is paying he just can't help himself from inserting his ideological controls.