Sunday Marked the Highest Level of Strong Disapproval for Obama
Dear Barry,
Bend over, the American people don't like getting punk'd.
Yours truly -
A Descendant of Passengers of the Mayflower
A Descendant of Soldiers who fought for the Colonies in the Revolutionary War
A Descendant of WWII Veterans who fought to bring down Hitler
and A Proud American & Disgusted Voter

From the always fantastic UPPITY WOMAN:
…..And these numbers were calculated before the President’s announcement that he’s considering screwing his base by dumping the Public Health Care option. I’ll bet those Movey On-ers who busted their butts to elect Obama just can’t wait to be polled now. I’m sure MSNBC will do their own polling and the numbers will be much better. Keith and Chris will get 100 votes each. Rachael will get 50 because she’s a girl, but still….
Maybe the Onion (once again) figured it out:
White House Reveals Obama Is Bipolar, Has Entered Depressive Phase
Bend over, the American people don't like getting punk'd.
Yours truly -
A Descendant of Passengers of the Mayflower
A Descendant of Soldiers who fought for the Colonies in the Revolutionary War
A Descendant of WWII Veterans who fought to bring down Hitler
and A Proud American & Disgusted Voter
From the always fantastic UPPITY WOMAN:
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 32% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -9.Today’s update marks the highest level of Strong Disapproval for President Obama.
…..And these numbers were calculated before the President’s announcement that he’s considering screwing his base by dumping the Public Health Care option. I’ll bet those Movey On-ers who busted their butts to elect Obama just can’t wait to be polled now. I’m sure MSNBC will do their own polling and the numbers will be much better. Keith and Chris will get 100 votes each. Rachael will get 50 because she’s a girl, but still….
Maybe the Onion (once again) figured it out:
White House Reveals Obama Is Bipolar, Has Entered Depressive Phase