The Cry of a Wolf
By Monica Benderman
We can say with little doubt that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were part of a greater conspiracy to strike fear in the hearts and minds of the American public; enough fear to set off a reaction of anger and rage which was destined to initiate a war we had no business fighting.
We can say with little doubt that it was a group of terrorists who established the organization which planned and executed an attack on our country leaving over 3,000 American civilians dead, thousands more seriously injured and divided this country in ways we could not see coming.
We can say with little doubt that the acts of terror continue, both on our soil and against American citizens now wearing our nation’s uniform in countries half a world away.
We can say with little doubt that the acts of terror were like a universal fuse for the grand finale of a massive fireworks display, setting off a reactionary anger which began with sparks over a tiny country that was never given a chance to make a choice, and has now raged to a mighty inferno incapable of being extinguished by the hands that still feed it, until those armed with the truth rise up together to say “no more.”
What no one can say for certain is who these terrorists are, what they stand for and what they hope to achieve with their madness – or can we?
Fear is a dangerous weapon – a weapon for cowards.
Using fear to intimidate, coerce and manipulate people into bending to their will, cowards hope no one digs deep and learns the truth of their reasons – they are empty, weak, and themselves fearful of the potential strength of those they seek to control.
Cowards hide the truth; seek to control the outlets by which truth should be spread, and use money and position to create illusions of success intended to cover reality with a glamorous façade; temptations meant to lull those “less fortunate” into believing in the power of a false god.
America’s mighty military machine has become nothing more than the frontline defense for those in power to retain their power at the expense of the lives of soldiers who joined believing they would be defending the laws on which their country was founded; instead being exploited by those who believe their money and image buy them the right to re-write the laws to suit their own self-serving purposes.
Young men and women have joined our military services believing in the promises of recruiters who have also been touched by fear – the fear of facing consequences for failing to meet their quotas, for failing to achieve their mission – the fear of failing to support the illusion they may not even realize they are helping to perpetuate.
Young men and women continue to fight on in a war-torn country becoming more devastated by the day, touched by the fear of failing – fear instilled by those in power so afraid of having to face their own failing they will sacrifice innocent lives in an effort to protect themselves.
American citizens allow the war to continue out of fear for the consequences of their actions if they stand up to stop the war; fear the propaganda specialists feed with false terror reports, heightened alerts, and what is fostered by others with stories of martial law, concentration camps and tighter governmental controls over private lives.
Out of fear we allow the next generation to be taught to fight with killing machines rather than teaching them the truth of why we fight, so that they might come to understand there is no need for killing machines except in the hands of cowards who don’t want us to know just how small they really are, and how very much afraid we make them when we arm ourselves with knowledge and face their cowardice with intelligence.
Those in control want us to believe that money buys power as political candidates proudly announce the wealth of their campaign coffers yet give us little insight into just how it is they will lead us once that money has purchased the office.
They want us to believe that money buys success as corporate executives pocket millions of our dollars while their companies produce little of real benefit in return except greater ways for those in control to take more of our dollars, hoping to keep us subservient, begging for their handouts
They want us to believe our military strength is needed to keep our nation secure and strong as they send more of our soldiers overseas to “defend the homeland against enemy attacks” as they leave our borders open and give us reports of upgraded terror threats on our homeland’s soil.
They want us to believe they have a clue as they twist and turn their words until we are so confused that the confusion alone stands to make us even more afraid.
They want us to need them, to plead with them to protect us and care for us, and yet they refuse to follow the very articles of our Constitution which outline the responsibilities of the positions they hold – responsibilities for upholding the laws of our Constitution designed to ensure that the freedoms of this country’s citizens are not lost.
Wake Up!
We have the power when we learn the truth of how they lead us and how they hope to keep us in their control.
We have the power when we learn for ourselves what they work so hard to keep us from knowing.
We have the power when we open our eyes and realize their power is nothing more than what we have given to them by allowing ourselves to fall victim to their propaganda and fear-based tactics.
We have the power when we finally accept our responsibility and take ownership of it; arming ourselves with the real weapons of knowledge and respect for the laws our administration so flagrantly disregards, We have the power when we take a stand to defend those laws with actions this administration is doing everything possible to arm itself against.
We must not be afraid to stand up and act like Americans who care about our laws, care about our character, and care about how we are represented in this world.
We must not be afraid to rise together to fight back against what those who claim to have the “power” have set in motion.
We must not be afraid to look at what we have allowed to happen in this world, in our name, and say “That is Not America , they do not act for me.”
We can continue to follow. We can continue to fear, losing more of our freedoms daily to an administration who seeks to control all that we are.
Or we can look clearly through the illusion and stand face to face with cowards who are nothing more than overgrown schoolyard bullies; shutting them down and taking back what is ours.
The Law and Truth are on our side. Conscience demands we defend them both.
About author Monica is the wife of Sgt. Kevin Benderman, a ten-year Army veteran who served a combat tour in Iraq and a year in prison for his public protest of war and the destruction it causes to civilians and to American military personnel. Please visit their website, to learn more.