The piece below is pure satire (just in case after reading it, it wasn't obvious to you.) But it does lampoon something that is pure stupidity. The U.S. thinking that being so politically correct to Islamofascists is going to make them play nice.

I posted an article here the other day about the Sickness Inside an Abusive Marriage. It was right on point. Believe me. I've lived it. Not just with my ex but with friends and guys I dated for a nano-second. At first everything is hunky dory. They may even actually care about you for a second. Then they get tired, bored or just plain cruel and nothing you say or do is right. Nothing you try is enough for them. NOTHING. Everything you say and do is wrong. You are wrong for breathing and you are even MORE wrong for having feelings. They should be able to tap dance all over you with stilletos and you should get up and smile about it. They blame you for everything from global warming to telling you the period at the end of your sentence is constantly upside down. The only thing you can do is get away. Once you realize what's going on, and that often takes a long time.

Here's a quote from that article:
We are recharged with that false sense of power, thinking we know what to do to make it all better. Everything we learn is true and highly effective in the average marriage. There's only one thing missing -- a sane, rational partner. It doesn't matter how fluently or eloquently you can speak English if you're trying to communicate with someone who doesn't know the language. We continue to treat them like normal adult human beings, expecting them to respond as such. When it doesn't happen, we try harder, applying still more patience, effort and understanding. It's like expecting a man with no legs to get up and walk.
But it seems here in North America, the prevailing tide wants to be liked SO badly they will take crap from terrorists and a culture of death. People who blow up their own children. Tolerance is one thing, being doormats is another. We are not dealing with sane, rational people.

And that's why I found this article so funny. Wake up! Do you honestly think people who preach our total annihilation are suddenly going to say "hey, those Jooos/ Americans/ women aren't so bad after all. Let's not bomb and kill them... and maybe we should put down the Koran too." Right. Like that'll happen.

I'm a mom. My kids know they can push me pretty far but some things are just unacceptable. And yes, I have walked out of restaurants, malls, movies and playdates when one of them gets out of hand. And I have taken away privileges, grounded them and on rare occasion applied my hand to their derriere once to make a point. And 99% of the time people ask me what I did to make my children so well behaved. I drew boundaries for them and made it clear where they are. There are people I used to be close friends with for many years that I no longer speak to. In fact, they are dead to me. Why? Because they did something I considered to be unacceptable and never even bothered to acknowledge what they did to me or apologize. They now call me a bitch. I call myself someone with boundaries.

Unless we start taking a hard stand against these people and stop bending over and ...ahem - taking it from them - then we are putting ourselves, our families, our friends and most of all our country - in the toilet.. Along with our freedoms. Let's get our boundaries straight, before its too late.

Bush Signs Bill Making Terrorism Illegal

WASHINGTON (CAP) - In a bold yet somewhat overdue move that is already having widespread ramifications in the war on terror, President Bush has signed into law a bill that makes terrorism illegal in the United States. The measure marks the first of its kind and is expected to be challenged in court.
"Heh, take that, terrorists," said President Bush as he carefully formed what appeared to be a letter 'G' during the signing ceremony in the Oval Office. "Let's see you do something now - I dare ya. No, wait, I double dare ya. Heh."
The new law makes it a crime to be involved in terrorist activities on American soil, and is punishable by up to 30 days in jail and up to a $1,500 fine. Pundits on both sides of the political aisle are applauding the move as the missing link that could put an end to the war on terror.
"We spend millions in homeland security, upgrade and update the color threat levels, yet never take the simple step of just making terrorism illegal," noted CAP News political analyst Tom Brashcott. "Been a long time coming, but I firmly believe America is now a safer place."
In less than 24 hours since the law went into effect, Homeland Security officials say they're seeing a huge drop in the amount of chatter between sleeper cells in the United States. Early reports are that embedded terrorists are packing up and leaving the country by the hundreds, if not thousands.
"Listen, I am a religious zealot, not a criminal," said terrorist Mohmar il-Abdullah as he boarded a plane at Boston's Logan Airport, bound for Cairo, Egypt. "Your government obviously is caring about you very much. I will go now, bye-bye."
Despite the positive response to the law thus far, the American Civil Liberties Union has already filed a lawsuit in federal court, alleging that it violates the U.S. Constitution. According to court documents obtained by CAP News, the lawsuit was filed on behalf of all terrorists residing in the continental U.S.
"Hate the hate, not the haters," said Rev. Jesse Jackson, who acknowledged that he is taking up the terrorists' cause. "I've said it before and I'll say it again - you cannot condemn if you're not one of them."
President Bush's approval rating spiked to 11% following word of the new law.




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