The longer I am alive, the more I see how Hashem has a reason for everything that happens. I am not quite sure what the reason was today but here's what happened...
I woke up in tremendous pain. This is the reason I am considered totally disabled, because flares hit me without warning. I got my child, who is in summer school, ready. By then a mild pain killer had kicked in. I got them to school and came home and went back to bed with a heated "oat bag." My long muscles burn when I am in flare and I only know some relief in sleep. The very second I wake up, I am back in pain. I am grateful that I had someone to pick my child up from school and bring them home. I struggled through making and eating dinner. (Now as my second pain killer is kicking in - I am doing my nightly blogging ritual then back to bed.)
The above whinefest was because I had all good intentions of going with 2 friends to the rally today at Dag Hammerskjold Plaza for the Release of Israeli Prisoners. But with unpredictable health - the best laid plans often must be put aside for wellness and my beloved children.
In the morning though, before my pain killer kicked in, I laid on my couch for about 40 minutes flipping through the news and talk shows. I don't really watch much T.V. I have a few pet shows I like and that's about it. So pardon if I am behind the curve here, but a commercial for this new Fall show came on and I was stunned:
And I thought Canada's LITTLE MOSQUE ON THE PRAIRIE was bad enough.
I apologize if my intolerance is showing here. But in September of 2001 I went to enough funerals and memorials to last a lifetime. Yes, maybe I am being unfair. Thank goodness my television has an off switch.
The lunatics are truly running the asylum.