I am about to cry "uncle." I guess Bush, Olmert and now (ugh) Peres are really all smoking the same crack. Still thinking they can give away pieces of Israel and negotiate with terrorists.
Boys, let me give you an analogy. Negotiating with terrorists is like trying to talk sense to a dog. I trained my last dog myself. He was well-trained and loved. But I didn't sit down and talk to him. I respected the fact that he was a domesticated animal who didn't speak American English. So look:
Olmert and Peres are kinda like these guys in this picture here. Hopeless. Where is the leadership? (empty echo....) :
I disagree with a lot of what the writer below has to say but he does make a point about Bush (and all of these dopes). Completely out of touch with reality to the point I wonder if I am on the same planet as them. I disagree with this writer about putting pressure on Israel to make life easier for the P.A. We've done that. Remember Oslo? That worked great, huh?
Still, neglect & fantasy is ruling the day for sure.
Bush's Policy: Neglect and Fantasy
by James Zoogby
President George W. Bush's generous offer of assistance to the Palestinian Authority and his intention of convening a regional peace conference are welcome. Unfortunately, they are too little too late, and bear the trademarks of this administration's policies: failing to act when the U.S. could have done some good, and ignoring reality when finally engaging.
The time for the Bush administration to have taken the steps he announced today would have been when Abu Mazen was first elected and had the support of the majority of Palestinians; or when an Israeli Prime Minister was strong and popular. At this point, due to our neglect, neither leader is in a position to make the tough decisions needed to forge peace.
The price of past neglect is that much bolder and decisive leadership is required that can produce immediate and dramatic results, starting with real pressure on Israel to ease conditions that have made Palestinian life unbearable in and have rendered both Gaza and the West Bank ungovernable. That these matters receive scant attention in the president's remarks are a sign of just how out of touch with reality his administration is.