I talk a lot about malignant narcissism because I was exposed to it for so many years. For many years I thought that was NORMAL behavior too. My childhood was colored and skewed by a narcissistic parent . Because of narcissists I will never, ever have another intimate relationship in my life. It's not that I don't want to - it's that I literally can't. And therefore, won't.
Spotted this piece on Hamas and thought, "there they go again. abusive & self-absorbed. that's familiar." You see, narcissistically-skewed groups like Hamas fall into these same patterns. Called on for proof, evidence or truth... they can't really produce it. When they can't they just cry things like "you wouldn't believe us anyway. We are the real victims here. Why can't you see what we see? Don't you see this is all a plot of harrassment, defamation and slander against poor-little-us?" or "You People are always against us!"
Hamas provides limited proof for sweeping allegation against PA gov't --
Documents presented by Hamas Tuesday failed to prove the Islamic movement's allegations that the Palestinian Authority spied for Western governments and collected sexual photos of Palestinian leaders to be used for blackmail.
Instead, the documents - seized following Hamas' violent takeover of the Gaza Strip in mid-June - indicated no more than minor financial improprieties. But Hamas promised more at a later date.
"Today is light weapons against corruption," said Mahmoud Zahar, Hamas leader and former Palestinian foreign minister. "But the heavy arsenal will be used soon."Hamas overran Gaza last month in a violent five-day battle against rival Fatah forces. In response, Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas of Fatah dismissed the Hamas-led unity government and installed one with moderates and Fatah backers, gaining world support and leaving Hamas isolated in Gaza.
Among the documents shown to reporters during a news conference in Gaza City Tuesday were a note to Yasser Arafat warning of a plot to strip the late Palestinian leader of power, as well as papers from Arafat authorizing payments to politicians and private citizens. Neither revelation is considered groundbreaking.
Zahar said Hamas had intercepted a large number of documents, which would be read, filed and eventually brought before Hamas' yet-to-be constructed judicial system.
Some documents would be presented to the media, he said, but those bearing individuals' names or dealing with the moral side of people's lives would not be made public.
Fatah's West Bank spokesman Fahmi al-Zaarer did not deny corruption in the Palestinian government, but doubted the legitimacy of the documents.
"Anyone with a scanner and photocopier can do whatever they want," he said.
You can stick your head in the sand as much as you like, but your body is still hanging out and you will be just as dead if you fall for this nonsense for one second. The below excellent article (again by the illustrious Kathy Krajco) shows this perfectly.
Except in the case of Hamas we DO have to care how mad they get... but that doesn't mean we have to go along with this and over deadly, misguided Islamofascism.
Here is a true story that illustrates the nature of a narcissist.
by Kathy Krajco
A woman who is a malignant narcissist, cannot tolerate a bad word about their narcissistic father from a sister or brother. Ironically, while growing up, this woman had the most animosity for him and had him pegged. He was extremely weird, but the day his wife died and he became dependent and his home and property became obtainable by controlling him, her opinion of him went upside down.
Afterwards, even long after his death, she used to go on and on singing his praises as though he were perfectly normal instead of crazy and filled to the brim with consealed ill will - expecting her sister to listen to this fiction about him without comment. This sister felt, quite accurately, that she was being manipulated into supporting her narcissistic sister's fantasy, and being forced into dishonesty by letting these lies pass – which is a tacit statement that one believes they are true.
So the sister began correcting the narcissist every time the narcissist recounted history falsely, especially about their father.
The narcissist made a federal case of this, twisting it into some sort of "harrassment." As is commonly reported by others about narcissists, she at times even threatened to call the police over someone ANSWERING things she had said. Obviously, narcissists want their unanswered say, and when they tell you to shut up with your answer to their assertion that the sky is purple, they think you must or they have the right to call the police on you for "harrassment."
I kid you not. I have seen this carnival of absurdity myself.
Here is what the sister answered her narcissistic sister (emphasis mine):
YOU are the one who has to shut up. Shut up about Dad if you don't want me contradicting the false things you say about him. That's all you have to do to get silence from me about him. But if you think that you are going to make me play along with your game of pretend, you've got another think coming. Every time you paint him as a saint, I will be honest and correct your lie. I don't care how mad you get.That makes it pretty clear what is going on. You validate their delusion by not contradicting it, even when they shove it in your face.
In fact, shut up about anything you don't want me contradicting your lies about. So, long as you don't try to make me a party to your imagination, I don't care. You can pretend anything all you want. But when you try to make me play along with your fantasies, you get me saying the TRUTH instead. Every single time.
There. I am not some flat character in novel you are writing. I will not be controlled by you. I will not support your delusions by pretending with you that X was anything but mean horse's ass. So, don't blab on to me about what a saint you imagine he was if you don't want me to correct you about that.
Which is WHY they shove it in your face. They use your fear of their temper to suppress you.
But what if you tell the N that you don't care how mad she gets? Then what's an N gonna do?
ORIGINAL: Carnival of Absurdity