A family member recently wrote the below for Daily Kos. It sparked a very lively "conversation" amongst bloggers & armchair pundits.

Iddybud makes a great point on her site about political bloggers:

A lot of our success, in blogging, has come from the simple fact that we are informed. We commit ourselves to being informed and that, alone, is a powerful tool because it allows us, individually and on a daily basis, to challenge the rhetoric that once slid past the ears of most people and left the discussion concerning the political realities to political junkies and concerned citizens on isolated barstools, street corners, and sitting rooms.

Mr. Ford
(DLC Chairman) again, went for the lowest common demoninator and continue the spin that so many have actually believed, that says "Daily Kos bloggers are anti-Jewish." Spare me. That's patently false and a smear campaign by the Neocons to keep the Jewish voters despite the fact they've peed all over Israel & keep saying its rain. No matter what side you come down on, I urge you to click the link at the bottom - watch the video for yourselves - and USE THE BRAIN HASHEM GAVE YOU to come to your own conclusions.

"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves."
-- Edward R. Murrow

Why Markos Won
by Iddybud

I want to tell you why I believe that Markos (aka Daily Kos) won the debate with Harold Ford Jr. this morning on NBC's Meet The Press

While I appreciate David Gregory and NBC having cast a national spotlight on this much-needed debate between DLC Harold Ford Jr. and Markos this morning, I couldn't help but see that it was a tired corporate media framing of 'the centrist v. the liberals'.

Markos won because he dispelled that belief by deconstructing the corporate media frame in fine populist form.

The humble Markos did a great job of clarifying who Daily Kos is. It's not him alone, but hundreds of thousands of voices, although Mr. Gregory tried driving a point home about Markos being a "liberal partisan."

I was disappointed when Mr. Ford went for the lowest common demoninator and set a frame where Daily Kos bloggers are anti-Jewish. We know that this is not true of us. He should be ashamed of his undercutting of so many Democrats who participate at Daily Kos to make this nation a better place. There was no need to insult all of us in this Fox News manner. Why would he want to give Bill O'Reilly more Democrat-burning fuel? While I realize it was a sign of his realization that he had begun to lose control of the debate, Mr. Ford's major mistake was forgetting that when he attacks in this manner, he is personally insulting and alienating hundreds of thousands of very intelligent and passionate Democratic activists who may have supported his olive branch, had his criticisms sounded sincere.

Markos had him on the run.

Harold Ford kept taunting Markos with the statement "You can't have it both ways," yet I observed Mr. Ford scrambling to take DLC credit for Bill Clinton while denying John Breaux's policy shortcomings like Peter denied Jesus .. and avoiding discussion of disappointing DLC losses for many years after Clinton.

Markos showed Mr. Ford that "You can't have it both ways."

While I credit Mr. Ford for his offer to attend next year's Yearly Kos, it was clear that his pained offer still encompassed his allegiance to a political organization that has lost political face. It was just a bit more stubborn than gracious.

Markos refreshingly helped explain and define the new center of the Democratic party while Mr. Ford sounded like the consultant-punditry-as-usual. Markos remained at ease and never strayed from reason and the truth about who we are.

He helped us this morning, and I want to take this opportunity to tell him and to thank him.




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