Old habits die hard. I used to be a working actor and part of my job, when doing a role, was to step inside the psyche of someone else. I still like to figure people out or at least their actions. TV like the CSIs and Law & Orders are 'appointment television' for me. I rarely miss them.

So when I saw this article about Saraa Barhoum, the star of "Tomorrow's Pioneers" (the Hamas 'kiddie' show) I decided to dissect for myself the mentality of adults who poison the minds of other adults and children this way. And poison them from the womb all the way to the pieces of their bodies strewn all over Israel's landscape along with innocent Israelis.

I have said it before and I will say it again, they have the classic abuser mentality. The closed system of logic, the indoctrination, the no rules but the abuser's, the reality is that the abuser wants you to have, etc. So read on while I do a little deconstructing of the sick mentality some think we can still TALK TO...

By Dion Nissenbaum

GAZA CITY -- Saraa Barhoum picked at the buttons on her pink bellbottom jeans as she twisted on a chair inside the bustling new Hamas television headquarters. The afternoon light bounced off the sparkly outlines of butterflies on her frilly top, and a colorful hijab framed her 11-year-old face.

Saraa wants to be a doctor. If she can't, the young star of Hamas television's best-known children's show said, she'd be proud to become a martyr.

Saraa says little Jewish girls should be forced from their homes in Israel so that Palestinians can return to their land.
With the show's producer helpfully offering written tips during an interview,

Saraa didn't get into how she hopes to die for her cause, be it suicide bombing, fighting the Israeli military or some other way. She carefully sidestepped any suggestion that she's subtly calling for the destruction of Israel .
"Israel says that we are terrorists," Saraa said minutes before an interview with her was interrupted by an errant Israeli airstrike that slammed into an apartment building on the adjacent block. "But they are the ones that must stop their attacks against us and our kids."
Saraa is the sweet face of "Tomorrow's Pioneers," a weekly, hour-long Hamas television children's show best known for bringing the world a militant Mickey Mouse look-alike and then having him killed off by an Israeli interrogator. With her jarring mix of innocent charm and militant rhetoric, Saraa is at the center of the militant Islamist group's increasingly sophisticated campaign to become the dominant force in Palestinian politics.
"Hamas is fighting a political war for the hearts and minds of the West Bank and Gaza Strip ," said Robert A. Pape , a University of Chicago political science professor and the author of "Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism."
"They are trying to show that they are the true heart-and-soul of the community, all the way down to an 11-year-old-girl," Pape added.
Since it went on the air last year in the Gaza Strip , the Hamas -funded al Aqsa television has gained momentum and expanded its audience to include the West Bank . Taking a lead from Hezbollah's al Manar television station in Beirut , Hamas is using al Aqsa to promote its agenda and challenge its rivals, in this case Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his fractured Fatah allies.

During its decisive June military showdown with Fatah in Gaza , Hamas used its television station to broadcast footage of Fatah leaders joking with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other Bush administration officials. The message was clear: Fatah is in bed with America.

After Fatah lost Gaza to Hamas, Fatah forces laid siege to al Aqsa's offices in the West Bank and arrested several employees.
The station, which operates with a license from the Palestinian Authority, also features religious lessons, cartoons, advice shows and militant music videos.

One video hailed a female suicide bomber whose young daughter vows to follow her mother's example.
"Tomorrow's Pioneers" sparked an international furor in April when it began featuring Farfour, the Mickey Mouse look-alike who sounded more like Iran's firebrand President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad than a Disney character. Mustafa Barghouti , then serving as the Palestinian Authority's information minister, called the show a "mistaken approach" to helping Palestinians and tried unsuccessfully to force the show off the year.

The Israeli government and activists who monitor Palestinian programming accused Hamas of poisoning the minds of young children with the show.
After two months, Farfour was beaten to death on the show by an Israeli interrogator. Nahoul, a larger-than-life bee, is now carrying his message.
"A lot of people in Palestine have died as martyrs, and lots of Palestinians hope to be martyrs," Saraa said of Farfour's demise. "This is one of the ends."
Asked if she hoped one day to be a martyr, Saraa instinctively nodded her head.
"Of course," Saraa said. "It's something to be proud of. Every Palestinian citizen hopes to be a martyr."
Saraa helps deliver similar messages to Palestinian children from a Hamas TV set filled with colorful numbers and pictures of kittens. During the show, Saraa fields calls from Palestinian children who warble songs about Islam, liberating Jerusalem and finding answers in the barrel of a machine gun. On one show, she cut off a caller who was singing about surrendering herself, presumably to God's will.

"We don't want to surrender," Saraa told the caller. "We want to resist."

The show has provided new fodder for Israeli activists, who say that Saraa is the true face of Hamas , an extremist group that's using an innocent front to conceal its real agenda.
Hamas television officials defend the show, saying it's designed to help young children connect with their country and their God. Israel and the United States both have pressured the Palestinian Authority to change school textbooks, radio shows and television programming that are seen to be fueling anti-Israeli hatred. On the show, Saraa offers moral lessons to viewers and urges them to do what they can to fight Israeli occupation. After some prodding in an interview, Saraa offered a personal message for Israeli girls her age.
"They have to leave," she said. "This is our country. They kicked us out and stole our happiness. This is a natural result."
Within minutes, an explosion hit the building, rattling windows and sending Saraa and the staff rushing outside. At first, no one was sure if it was an accident or an Israeli airstrike. Then, it became clear that the blast was caused by an Israeli missile that missed a car filled with militants and slammed into an empty bedroom on the top floor of a three-story apartment building.

Standing outside the Hamas building with her producer protectively putting his arm around her shoulders, Saraa looked pensive and anxious. Hamas camera crews and an ambulance rushed down the block. Saraa kept quiet and gazed down the street. The coached revolutionary rhetoric disappeared. Instead, she looked like any frightened young girl caught up in events beyond her control.

Then, after it was clear that no one had been killed in the airstrike, Saraa and her producer headed back upstairs to prepare for the next episode of "Tomorrow's Pioneers."


Hopefully your stomach isn't turned too badly. "Hearts and Minds?" They haven't left their people with anything but an 'empathy deficit' and faulty information about their neighbors - the JEWS. Maybe we know to expect this sort of horrendous talk from a little girl who should be listening to Hannah Montana and wanting to dress like a Bratz doll. We're just numb to it. So now let's look at the sick psyches behind the production of these human death machines. I put my comments in purple.:

Why Do People Abuse?

Understanding Abuse

People have difficulty understanding the motives of people who are involved in abuse. Why people choose to abuse other people is a common question. Neither of these questions have easy answers and even the strongest attempt to educate yourself as to why people might make these seemingly irrational choices will not lead to complete understanding. Abuse situations must be lived in and experienced before their internal logic makes any sense. However, we can try to do our best to understand.

Especially when sick terrorist jerks are poisoning the minds of people who don't know any better. Who have NO CLUE that life isn't like this. Who don't get that there is no Palestine. Who are being lied to in the name of outright insanity and hatred. What we do need to understand is that there is NO REACHING these people - and strong & swift defense is the only way.

Why Do People Abuse?
The first question, "Why do people abuse other people?" has multiple answers. Some abusers learned to abuse from their parents. Their early history consisted of receiving abuse themselves and/or seeing others abused (one parent abusing the other or their sibling, etc.). As a consequence, abuse is the normal condition of life for these people. (Applies to Palestinians)

Such people internalized a particular relationship dynamic, namely the complementary roles of "abuser" (Israeli) and "victim" (Palestinian).

As they become adults, they simply turn this relationship dynamic around and start acting out the "abuser" side of the relationship dynamic they have learned. By choosing to be the aggressor and abuser, they may get their first sense of taking control over their own destiny and not being at the mercy of others. That they hurt others in the process may go unregistered or only occur as a dim part of their awareness.

(in the case of terrorist jihad, they are led to believe that ALL bad things in their lives are the fault of Jews - when it really is that they are being oppressed from within their own society. However, in the jihad-closed-system-of-logic, they would have no way to know this)

Still other people who abuse end up abusing because they have an empathy deficit, either because of some sort of brain damage, or because they were so abused themselves that their innate empathic abilities never developed properly.
(Definitely applicable to Palestinians - just look at the format of "Tomorrow's Pioneers")

Such abusers cannot or will not relate to other people as people, choosing instead to treat them as objects. In effect, they confuse people for things. They treat people as though they were there solely for their convenience and do not otherwise have an independent, important life.

Abusers who treat people in this manner are very likely psychologically ill, and possibly medically ill as well. They may have an antisocial (sociopathic, psychopathic) or narcissistic personality disorder, and they may have impulse control issues.

Such people may abuse because of the benefits they receive from doing so, for instance, sexual gratification, or the simple allure of power over other people's lives. Think of any dictator that springs to mind and you will have the personification of this type of individual (Saddam Hussain seems to fit well and comes to mind easily). The character of Tony Soprano from HBO's television series, "The Sopranos" is also a good example of this type. What makes Tony's character so interesting to watch is that he is aware of his tendency towards narcissistic sociopathy and struggles against it at times with varying rates of success.
(as do the Extremist Muslim Jihadists!!)


Does this help us understand? (I have given up on Olmert, Peres and Bush... just in case you were wondering. You can't reach the crazy!)

Shame, the Arab Psyche & Islam - Dr. Sanity
Enabling Behaviors for Terrorism - Dr. Sanity



Anonymous said…
Another day, another group of children abused by their terrorist elders. No wonder they grow up to be suicide bombers and hate

Thanks for the comment at The HILL Chronicles. I'm posting for Layla for a few days while she is taking care of some business. I appreciate your comments.

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