Are We Sick of this Depraved Excuse for a Mother Yet?
From my friend - the inscrutable Uppity Woman:
A real American Story: Have octuplets, beg on a website, shop at Nordstrom’s and don’t pay the mortgage
When last we looked, poor poor Nadya Suleman, single unemployed woman who already had six kids and deliberately had a boatload of eggs-fertilized- by- her -boyfriend implanted into her womb, gave birth to 8 babies.

Seeking fame and fortune and already on the government take for three of her earlier children, Nadya hired a publicist and was seeking $2 million to tell her story to American Icon shows such as Oprah!
She also planned to star in her own TV show as a “Child Care Expert”.
No kidding. You can’t make this shit up.
But poor poor Nadya didn’t pass the smell test and she didn’t win her lottery as planned – nor has anybody offered her a TV show.
Denying she was on the public teat because a reporter wasn’t clever enough to ask the “Entitlement” question instead of the “Welfare” question, it was discovered that Nadya was already collecting $450 per month in food stamps and approximately $2400 per month in disability payments for three of her children. In addition, Nadya had collected $165,000 from a compensation law suit (back injury that didn’t keep her from bearing 8 children concurrently) and is purported to be receiving $165 per month as well. That would make the Grand Total: $3015 in non-working income per month from the taxpayer till. But Nadya insisted that none of this was Welfare at all.
Her 8 babies were premature, with several of them weighing around 1 pound. These children will require an estimated $1-3 million dollars for hospital and medical costs for the next two months of hospitalization. That’s if all goes well.
Not doing so well in the positive publicity department, Nadya launched “Plan B”: a website where she blesses everyone and begs for donations.
Thank God, because without those donations, Nadya may have not been able to have her manicure. Nor would she have been able to visit the MAC cosmetics counter at Nordstrom’s. According to TMZ, where the story broke:
Also exposed by TMZ:
The American Dream: The 2009 way: On other people’s money with a hefty dose of neurosis.
Incidentally, would you like to see this shameless exploitive bloodsucking model mother’s exposed pregnant belly? Being the humble, responsible person that she is, Nadya has shared some special photos with the internets. Here’s Nadya’s pregnant stomach 8 days before she gave birth to 8 poor unfortunate exploited children whose only real chance in life is to be parented by other people.

Who amongst us wouldn’t happily donate money to Nadya’s victims kids if only they were no longer living with this woman, thus giving them an actual future?
One more, campers!
A real American Story: Have octuplets, beg on a website, shop at Nordstrom’s and don’t pay the mortgage
When last we looked, poor poor Nadya Suleman, single unemployed woman who already had six kids and deliberately had a boatload of eggs-fertilized- by- her -boyfriend implanted into her womb, gave birth to 8 babies.
Seeking fame and fortune and already on the government take for three of her earlier children, Nadya hired a publicist and was seeking $2 million to tell her story to American Icon shows such as Oprah!
She also planned to star in her own TV show as a “Child Care Expert”.
No kidding. You can’t make this shit up.
But poor poor Nadya didn’t pass the smell test and she didn’t win her lottery as planned – nor has anybody offered her a TV show.
Denying she was on the public teat because a reporter wasn’t clever enough to ask the “Entitlement” question instead of the “Welfare” question, it was discovered that Nadya was already collecting $450 per month in food stamps and approximately $2400 per month in disability payments for three of her children. In addition, Nadya had collected $165,000 from a compensation law suit (back injury that didn’t keep her from bearing 8 children concurrently) and is purported to be receiving $165 per month as well. That would make the Grand Total: $3015 in non-working income per month from the taxpayer till. But Nadya insisted that none of this was Welfare at all.
Her 8 babies were premature, with several of them weighing around 1 pound. These children will require an estimated $1-3 million dollars for hospital and medical costs for the next two months of hospitalization. That’s if all goes well.
Not doing so well in the positive publicity department, Nadya launched “Plan B”: a website where she blesses everyone and begs for donations.
Thank God, because without those donations, Nadya may have not been able to have her manicure. Nor would she have been able to visit the MAC cosmetics counter at Nordstrom’s. According to TMZ, where the story broke:
She was at the Brea Mall near L.A. this afternoon. She bought stuff, though we don’t know exactly what. But here’s what we do know. Eye shadow costs around 15 bucks a pop.It also seems that Nadya is looking for another home, because the one she lives in is about to undergo foreclosure. The mortgage hasn’t been paid in 10 months. Would you like to write Nadya a check and help promote the new popular Redistribution of Income program?
….OctoMom blew some of her hard earned handout money on one tube of clear lip gloss — which ran the food stamp user a cool $14.50 plus tax. In comparison, a 48-pack of Pampers usually runs around $16.99.
Also exposed by TMZ:
According to documents filed earlier this month, OctoGrandma (who owns the house) hasn’t made any payments on her home since May, 2008 — she’s behind $23,224.98.Nadya doesn’t seem to worried though, just so long as she has her makeup, donations rolling in and her Non- Welfare income from the state.
The mortgage company filed a “Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under Deed of Trust” on Feb 5. Translation: “Pay us now or we’re selling your home and kicking you, your daughter and her 14 kids out on the street.”
She may soon not have a place to live but she’ll sure look good.Did I mention that Nadya lives in California, the bankrupt state that is about to hand out IOUs in lieu of tax refunds to its citizens who actually work and don’t give birth to kids they can’t afford?
The American Dream: The 2009 way: On other people’s money with a hefty dose of neurosis.
Incidentally, would you like to see this shameless exploitive bloodsucking model mother’s exposed pregnant belly? Being the humble, responsible person that she is, Nadya has shared some special photos with the internets. Here’s Nadya’s pregnant stomach 8 days before she gave birth to 8 poor unfortunate exploited children whose only real chance in life is to be parented by other people.
Who amongst us wouldn’t happily donate money to Nadya’s victims kids if only they were no longer living with this woman, thus giving them an actual future?
One more, campers!
Nadya Suleman, the California mother caught in a media frenzy after giving birth to octuplets, reportedly is looking to buy a home listed for more than a million dollars — news that follows on the heels of reports that her current home is facing foreclosure.