FauxBama Ticks off Military Mother

From the always great DEADENDERS

This mother is none to happy with the Obama administration.

(If you are on an aggregator - click here to see the above video.)

I can’t blame her.
The senior military judge overseeing terror trials at Guantanamo Bay has dropped charges against a suspect in the 2000 USS Cole bombing.

The legal move by the Hon. Susan J. Crawford upholds President Obama’s Guantanamo order to halt court proceedings at the Navy detention center in Cuba.

The military charges against suspected Al Qaeda bomber Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri marked the last active war crimes case at Guantanamo Bay.

Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said Crawford dismissed the charges against al-Nashiri without prejudice.

You commit a crime you should do the time.

You kill our service men and women go to hell.


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