Obama Coins -- As Geniune as the Man Himself
Ah, FauxBama's collectables...
as real as his birth certificate!
Obama Collector's Coins Turn Out To Be Stickers Stuck On Regular Coins

You may have seen the commercial where Montel Williams hawks some goofy collectible coins with President Obama's face IN FULL COLOR OMG! If you were planning on ordering some, though, watch this video from KATU 2 TV in Portland, Oregon first.*
A father and daughter bought the coins and discovered that they're just regular money with color stickers applied. One of the news anchors even comments that she could see the face on the coin through the sticker when she looked at it from the side.
The company that's scamming them, U.S. Coin Network (uscoinnetwork.com and obamacoincollection.com), won't let them cancel the remaining orders they placed that haven't shipped yet, either.

We think this looks like the sort of thing the Feds may want to get involved in. And if they don't do anything about it, we're going to go buy some new ink for the old color printer and start selling collectible Obama Pennies online.
as real as his birth certificate!
Obama Collector's Coins Turn Out To Be Stickers Stuck On Regular Coins

You may have seen the commercial where Montel Williams hawks some goofy collectible coins with President Obama's face IN FULL COLOR OMG! If you were planning on ordering some, though, watch this video from KATU 2 TV in Portland, Oregon first.*
A father and daughter bought the coins and discovered that they're just regular money with color stickers applied. One of the news anchors even comments that she could see the face on the coin through the sticker when she looked at it from the side.
The company that's scamming them, U.S. Coin Network (uscoinnetwork.com and obamacoincollection.com), won't let them cancel the remaining orders they placed that haven't shipped yet, either.

We think this looks like the sort of thing the Feds may want to get involved in. And if they don't do anything about it, we're going to go buy some new ink for the old color printer and start selling collectible Obama Pennies online.