ACORN, Little Girls, and the Red Light Business
A couple of staff members at the Baltimore office of ACORN know an awful lot about helping people with very special housing needs. You’ve already no doubt seen how they helped cook up multiple schemes as to how a couple they believed to be a prostitute and her partner could set up a brothel and violate all sorts of tax laws. That made me mad.

But that’s not what made me furious enough to spit nails.
Without so much as a blink or facial twitch, the ACORN staffers freely, even enthusiastically, offered advice about how to handle the 15 underage El Salvadorian girls the couple claimed to be illegally bringing into the country to service the Johns. Their advice as to how to handle an abusive pimp? “Be careful. Train them [14 year olds] to keep their mouths shut.” How to get away with not reporting the money the girls brought in? No problem because as long as they are under 16, “they don’t even exist.” Indeed, handy tips flowed about how this illegal operation could safely avoid detection.

If I ask what is the worst thing that one human being can do to another, I’m pretty certain that the sexual abuse and exploitation of children would be at the top of most people’s list. That ACORN, already beleaguered by other scandals, would hire people who are capable of casually participating in the sexual slavery of kids is beyond outrage.
The couple seeking ACORN’s advice, of course, was actually conducting a sting. The only saving grace is that those 15 underage girls were just talk. Thank God–this time anyway.
For full No Quarter stories and video on this ACORN scandal, see: here and here
A couple of staff members at the Baltimore office of ACORN know an awful lot about helping people with very special housing needs. You’ve already no doubt seen how they helped cook up multiple schemes as to how a couple they believed to be a prostitute and her partner could set up a brothel and violate all sorts of tax laws. That made me mad.
But that’s not what made me furious enough to spit nails.
Without so much as a blink or facial twitch, the ACORN staffers freely, even enthusiastically, offered advice about how to handle the 15 underage El Salvadorian girls the couple claimed to be illegally bringing into the country to service the Johns. Their advice as to how to handle an abusive pimp? “Be careful. Train them [14 year olds] to keep their mouths shut.” How to get away with not reporting the money the girls brought in? No problem because as long as they are under 16, “they don’t even exist.” Indeed, handy tips flowed about how this illegal operation could safely avoid detection.
If I ask what is the worst thing that one human being can do to another, I’m pretty certain that the sexual abuse and exploitation of children would be at the top of most people’s list. That ACORN, already beleaguered by other scandals, would hire people who are capable of casually participating in the sexual slavery of kids is beyond outrage.
The couple seeking ACORN’s advice, of course, was actually conducting a sting. The only saving grace is that those 15 underage girls were just talk. Thank God–this time anyway.
For full No Quarter stories and video on this ACORN scandal, see: here and here