Far-Right Republicans "Loser Recycling Summit"
from the great UPPITY WOMAN, another spot-on post!:
If the Republican "Values Summit" (AKA Zealots who could stand some work themselves instead of meddling into other people’s lives) is any indicator, I want to go on record right now and lay odds of 15 to 1 in favor of an Obama second term.

I don’t think the Republican Party understands that running under the “I am not Obama” banner isn’t going to get them very far. But alas, they cannot resist recycling the same old people as potential Presidential candidates.
Sarah Palin didn’t even show up, which is not surprising, because if Republicans actually think people Like Newt “I know everything there is to know about everything” Gingrich is going to let that happen, they are more out of touch than I imagined. Between the events she is not invited to and the ones she decides not to attend, it’s pretty clear that this is not a member of the inner circle. Sorry folks, but by 2012, Palin might have a daytime talk show or be a FOX contributor. But she won’t be a Presidential candidate.
Newt also didn’t show up. This kind of stuff is way beneath his self-impressed dignity. Besides, Newt is the ultimate Republican Patrician. He decides who runs for what and he picks himself. Just like Dick Cheney, only with more hair.

Here is the result of their whopping 597 votes.
Mitt Romney 12%
Tim Pawlenty 12%
Sarah Palin 12%
Mike Pence 12%
And the winner is…………
….That lovable Theocrat, Mike Huckabee, Praise The Lord! Yes,that’s right! Mike Huckabee is their candidate of choice, garnering 29% of the votes. Mike Huckabee for President. And the knife ran away with the spoon.
Wonder-Boy-for-Five-Minutes, Bobby Jindal, Absent Superior Being Newt Gingrich, crackpot zealot Rick Santorum and Too-Honest-For-America Ron Paul shared the remaining 23% of the votes. Governor Rick “I want to remove my state from the USA” Perry wisely asked to be removed from the ballot.
Alan Keyes must be sooooooo disappointed.
Maybe they can start a Draft Rush movement. That way, Barack Obama won’t even have to leave the house to win in 2012.
I’m really glad that the Republicans have little conventions like this one. It reminds me of why I have no intention of leaving my crackpot party to join their crackpot party.
If the Republican "Values Summit" (AKA Zealots who could stand some work themselves instead of meddling into other people’s lives) is any indicator, I want to go on record right now and lay odds of 15 to 1 in favor of an Obama second term.
I don’t think the Republican Party understands that running under the “I am not Obama” banner isn’t going to get them very far. But alas, they cannot resist recycling the same old people as potential Presidential candidates.
Sarah Palin didn’t even show up, which is not surprising, because if Republicans actually think people Like Newt “I know everything there is to know about everything” Gingrich is going to let that happen, they are more out of touch than I imagined. Between the events she is not invited to and the ones she decides not to attend, it’s pretty clear that this is not a member of the inner circle. Sorry folks, but by 2012, Palin might have a daytime talk show or be a FOX contributor. But she won’t be a Presidential candidate.
Newt also didn’t show up. This kind of stuff is way beneath his self-impressed dignity. Besides, Newt is the ultimate Republican Patrician. He decides who runs for what and he picks himself. Just like Dick Cheney, only with more hair.
Here is the result of their whopping 597 votes.
Mitt Romney 12%
Tim Pawlenty 12%
Sarah Palin 12%
Mike Pence 12%
And the winner is…………
….That lovable Theocrat, Mike Huckabee, Praise The Lord! Yes,that’s right! Mike Huckabee is their candidate of choice, garnering 29% of the votes. Mike Huckabee for President. And the knife ran away with the spoon.
Wonder-Boy-for-Five-Minutes, Bobby Jindal, Absent Superior Being Newt Gingrich, crackpot zealot Rick Santorum and Too-Honest-For-America Ron Paul shared the remaining 23% of the votes. Governor Rick “I want to remove my state from the USA” Perry wisely asked to be removed from the ballot.
Alan Keyes must be sooooooo disappointed.
Maybe they can start a Draft Rush movement. That way, Barack Obama won’t even have to leave the house to win in 2012.
I’m really glad that the Republicans have little conventions like this one. It reminds me of why I have no intention of leaving my crackpot party to join their crackpot party.