"You Lie!"

Barack’s Bullshit Healthcare Bamboozlement
By Larry Johnson

What garbage!!! Oh, it was smooth. It had some soaring rhetoric. But we’ve seen this tap dance before. The most egregious is his utter nonsense about “working with Republicans.” Sorry, Barry, but if you meant what you said then you would not have convened a Democrats only meeting at the White House yesterday.


If you meant what you said you would not have allowed your Administration officials to go out and savage Americans who dared speak up at town halls.

If you meant what you said you would have invited John McCain to the White House last week or last month to make a genuine push for bipartisan reform. But you did not. You sat on your hands as the various monster plans were exposed for the chicanery they contained.

And then you promise to pay for this mess by producing gold out of cow dung. You promise to pay for this program but fail to make clear how. Oh, you are going to clean up “waste, fraud and abuse?” Hell, you couldn’t even properly vet the radical pass of Van Jones or the tax cheating of Timmy Geithner.
Clean up your own damn act first before you dare tell us that you are going to magically clean up “waste, fraud and abuse.” Look in the mirror!

All you did tonight was repackage the vacuous promises you made on the campaign trail. And we know how you honor your promises and commitments. All we have to do is ask Jeremiah Wright and Van Jones.



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