Wolf Attempts to Sanitize -- Chelser Tells It Like It Is
More from the great Uppity Woman.
And more reasons I adore Uppity and Phyllis Chesler. I can't improve on what UW says so I am giving her some bandwith.
How long are we going to put up with nonsense like Naomi Wolf's in trying to sanitize these monsters?
For those of you who don’t know of Naomi Wolf, here she is at roughly 2:35.
Now that you are refreshed, please read Naomi’s article, ”Behind The Veil Lives A Thriving Muslim Sexuality”. No kidding. That’s the title. Please read the entire piece before you read the rest of my post. Take your time. I want you to get it all. I’ll wait….
Dum De Dum, De Da Da…………………
…………..All done reading?
How ya doin’? Are your eyes bulging? Is that a head explosion I just saw in the second row? Honestly, at first I thought this article was a satire.
To recap, Ms. Wolf wore a head scarf and a ”shalwar kameez“ (a far cry from a burqa) during her visit to Morocco (for a trip to the bazaar) and, judging from her account, she appeared to have found it to be a wonderful experience, and she treated us to a description of the feeling, complete with the state of her legs and breasts. Notice this was Morocco, not Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran or Afghanistan, where Naomi would still be if she had dared to enter - while she waited for Hillary to trot over there and rescue her. Just ask Roxana Saberi, who was incarcerated for buying a bottle of wine. See. the thing is, Iran is not Morocco.
I kind of figure trying out a head scarf, a hijab, a burqa or that hazmat outfit known as the chador for kicks, and then evaluating how wonderful and liberating it is seems a lot like trying out a casket, hopping out and then going to lunch. I mean, let’s face it, you don’t really know what a casket is like unless you are dead and in it for eternity.

Ms. Wolf also mentioned that Americans “demonised” the Taliban for denying cosmetics and hair dye to Afghan women, which is why we attacked them. She didn’t mention that what really bothers us is the way the Taliban has that annoying little habit of disfiguring, raping and killing women and girls at will. So yeah, for the most part, we think they are animals. That’s because they are. In that Godforsaken place, makeup is the least of a woman’s worries. It’s not about “Choice” for them at all. Well, maybe it is, if you consider that they have a “choice” to either wear the garbage bag over their entire body or die. Sometimes they die anyways. I guess the women on the left “Chose” to die in their hazmat suits. I also notice how casual the men and boys seem as they watch them bleeding out from the head. How romantic these men must be! I know that any woman would feel a sensual rush seeing her husband return home to tell her all about it, right?
Ok well, let’s move on.
Now I will refer you to Phyllis Chesler’s post entitled, The Burqa: Ultimate Feminist Choice? with the subtitle, Naomi Wolf Discovers Shrouds Are Sexy–which I have to admit, did appear to be a bit of a touche.
Next I will refer you to Phyllis Chesler telling her readers in a follow-up post that Wolf Demands An Apology, Chesler Won’t Back Down.
For real entertainment, don’t forget to read all the comments in both of Phyllis Chesler’s posts. Oh, and don’t forget to tell Phyllis and/or Naomi what you think. With all the sexual discussion that definitely didn’t betray the title, I myself fully expected Fabio to jump off the page.
Gosh I wish I had the popcorn concession for this Chesler-Wolf event. It’s really too bad that booking bets is illegal, you know?
So Who is your money on? I remember Phyllis well in the days when my generation got the battle scars on behalf of women’s rights. She was a champion for women. A true warrior and a noted scholar. She also spent some interesting time, to say the least, in Afghanistan, married to one of those Islamofascists beasts. So let’s just say Phyllis knows a bit more about the Middle East and how much “choice” women there really have than she might have learned on a vacation in Morocco.
I’m betting 3 to 1 on Phyllis. Make that 5 to 1. But hey, I lose bets a lot.
Phyllis Chesler’s most recent book release is a reprint of Woman’s Inhumanity To Woman
Naomi Wolf’s recent publication is The End Of America: Letter Of Warning To A Young Patriot
And more reasons I adore Uppity and Phyllis Chesler. I can't improve on what UW says so I am giving her some bandwith.
How long are we going to put up with nonsense like Naomi Wolf's in trying to sanitize these monsters?
For those of you who don’t know of Naomi Wolf, here she is at roughly 2:35.
Now that you are refreshed, please read Naomi’s article, ”Behind The Veil Lives A Thriving Muslim Sexuality”. No kidding. That’s the title. Please read the entire piece before you read the rest of my post. Take your time. I want you to get it all. I’ll wait….
Dum De Dum, De Da Da…………………
…………..All done reading?
How ya doin’? Are your eyes bulging? Is that a head explosion I just saw in the second row? Honestly, at first I thought this article was a satire.
To recap, Ms. Wolf wore a head scarf and a ”shalwar kameez“ (a far cry from a burqa) during her visit to Morocco (for a trip to the bazaar) and, judging from her account, she appeared to have found it to be a wonderful experience, and she treated us to a description of the feeling, complete with the state of her legs and breasts. Notice this was Morocco, not Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran or Afghanistan, where Naomi would still be if she had dared to enter - while she waited for Hillary to trot over there and rescue her. Just ask Roxana Saberi, who was incarcerated for buying a bottle of wine. See. the thing is, Iran is not Morocco.
I kind of figure trying out a head scarf, a hijab, a burqa or that hazmat outfit known as the chador for kicks, and then evaluating how wonderful and liberating it is seems a lot like trying out a casket, hopping out and then going to lunch. I mean, let’s face it, you don’t really know what a casket is like unless you are dead and in it for eternity.
Ms. Wolf also mentioned that Americans “demonised” the Taliban for denying cosmetics and hair dye to Afghan women, which is why we attacked them. She didn’t mention that what really bothers us is the way the Taliban has that annoying little habit of disfiguring, raping and killing women and girls at will. So yeah, for the most part, we think they are animals. That’s because they are. In that Godforsaken place, makeup is the least of a woman’s worries. It’s not about “Choice” for them at all. Well, maybe it is, if you consider that they have a “choice” to either wear the garbage bag over their entire body or die. Sometimes they die anyways. I guess the women on the left “Chose” to die in their hazmat suits. I also notice how casual the men and boys seem as they watch them bleeding out from the head. How romantic these men must be! I know that any woman would feel a sensual rush seeing her husband return home to tell her all about it, right?
Ok well, let’s move on.
Now I will refer you to Phyllis Chesler’s post entitled, The Burqa: Ultimate Feminist Choice? with the subtitle, Naomi Wolf Discovers Shrouds Are Sexy–which I have to admit, did appear to be a bit of a touche.
Next I will refer you to Phyllis Chesler telling her readers in a follow-up post that Wolf Demands An Apology, Chesler Won’t Back Down.
For real entertainment, don’t forget to read all the comments in both of Phyllis Chesler’s posts. Oh, and don’t forget to tell Phyllis and/or Naomi what you think. With all the sexual discussion that definitely didn’t betray the title, I myself fully expected Fabio to jump off the page.
Gosh I wish I had the popcorn concession for this Chesler-Wolf event. It’s really too bad that booking bets is illegal, you know?
So Who is your money on? I remember Phyllis well in the days when my generation got the battle scars on behalf of women’s rights. She was a champion for women. A true warrior and a noted scholar. She also spent some interesting time, to say the least, in Afghanistan, married to one of those Islamofascists beasts. So let’s just say Phyllis knows a bit more about the Middle East and how much “choice” women there really have than she might have learned on a vacation in Morocco.
I’m betting 3 to 1 on Phyllis. Make that 5 to 1. But hey, I lose bets a lot.
Phyllis Chesler’s most recent book release is a reprint of Woman’s Inhumanity To Woman
Naomi Wolf’s recent publication is The End Of America: Letter Of Warning To A Young Patriot