I almost fell off my couch while watching The Daily Show last night, when Jon Stewart introduced JOHN BOLTON!! CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO
Of course we'd never see that on a 'real' news show and Bolton tried to come off as a jovial, Captain Cuckoo-Kangaroo who could laugh at himself and all the mean, mean things said about him. It made for an unbelievable, not to be missed interview between these polar opposites. It definitely trumped Bill O'Reilly and Stephen Colbert trading appearances.
This reminded me of something I posted here in June of 2005. Time for a bump up!
(BTW, Jon - you rule!)
Here’s Senator George Allen, Republican “representing” Virginia and would-be presidential candidate, on nominating John Bolton as United Nations home wrecker:
We are not electing Mr. Congeniality. We do not need Mr. Milquetoast in the United Nations. We’re not electing Mr. Peepers to go there and just be really happy, and drinking tea with their pinkies up and just saying all these meaningless things when we do need a straight talker, and someone who’s going to go there and shake it up.
In other words, if Bush’s nominee had not expressed unveiled contempt for the United Nations on numerous occasions, that person would be “Mr. Milquetoast,” a reference to the Harold Webster cartoon character, Casper Milquetoast, a timid and retiring man. Instead, Allen, as a Bush Republican, believes it is prudent to nominate somebody who would otherwise likely be enrolled in an anger management program, a swaggering bully who wants to home wreck the United Nations and who believes if the “U.N. secretary building in New York lost 10 stories, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference,” in other words there doesn’t need to be a United Nations or international law, just unilateral and preemptive warfare waged by the United States against a shifting roster of enemies.
It should be noted that John Bolton “gained entry to the Reagan administration through strong support from Senator Helms and from New Right strategist Richard Viguerie and his influential Conservative Digest,” according to Right Web. “During Reagan’s second term, Bolton began working together with a team of Federalist Society lawyers under Attorney General Edwin Meese. With Federalist Society members and activists in top policy positions, the Justice Department for the first time came under the ideological influence of the New Right.”
Federalist Society members “oppose liberalism in the international arena in the form of international law and multilateral governance,” in other words they believe the United States, under a hand-picked reactionary leadership, should be running the world. It should be noted that the Federalist Society, described as a “cabal against the libs,” is bankrolled by Richard Mellon Scaife (who has forked over $340 million to fund the ongoing war against the “libs,” or anybody who is not a reactionary nut case positively gung-ho over the prospect of invading impoverished countries and using a wrecking ball on the United Nations building). Strausscon fellow traveler, Newt Gingrich, admits “Scaife’s money laid the basis for modern conservatism,” according to Brooks Jackson of CNN. Thanks to Scaife’s money, “conservative ideas once dismissed as flaky or extreme moved into the mainstream,” write Robert G. Kaiser and Ira Chinoy for the Washington Post. One such idea is that the United States should bomb and kill millions of people and the rest of the world (the remaining 95 percent of all humans) need only sit by and watch.
No, John Bolton is no Casper Milquetoast. Bush and Bolton have yet to claim they own the sword of Mars, as myth claims Attila the Hun did, but it would not be surprising if they did on the day after tomorrow. “A Hun’s perception is reality for him,” Attila allegedly declared, and so it is in Bushzarro world, where a man who hates the United Nations will be appointed as ambassador to that international forum, now deemed irrelevant by a camarilla of psychopathic barbarians in blue pinstriped suits and red ties.