I really love Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart. They make me laugh. A lot. That's because they are COMICS. I used to be one. The best kind of comic writing is to reveal the ironies and absurdities of life. Stewart & Colbert have a lot to say. They don't ask you to AGREE with them nor are they promoting themselves as policymakers. They are comics. Sharp, insightful but under it all - trying to be funny. They lampoon themselves as much as they do others. Being able to see the humor in your own nonsense is mentally healthy. And personally, I have problems with people who can make fun of others but not laugh when the joke's on them. Relax Rep. Emanuel. It's a COMEDY SHOW.
Now Carlos Mencia? A whole 'nother story! (that's for my nephew!)
"Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.), the Democratic Caucus chairman, has told new Democratic members of Congress to steer clear of Stephen Colbert, or at least his satirical Comedy Central program, “The Colbert Report.”
“He said don’t do it … it’s a risk and it’s probably safer not to do it,” said Rep. Steve Cohen. But the freshman lawmaker from Tennessee taped a segment that last week was featured in the 32nd installment of the “Better Know a District” series. Colbert asked Cohen whether he was a black woman. He isn’t.
Eyes (but thankfully, not heads) roll in Emanuel’s office when other freshmen stumble, such as the time Rep. John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) got into a debate about the merits of throwing kittens into a wood-chipper, or when Rep. Zack Space (D-Ohio) explained that he is not his predecessor, convicted felon Bob Ney (R).
The freshmen respect Emanuel, but they don’t always follow his orders. On the other hand, avoiding the kind of publicity that only “The Colbert Report” can confer on a lawmaker may be the only advice from Emanuel that freshman Democrats are ignoring.
....Despite Emanuel’s energetic style of browbeating and worrying, freshman lawmakers esteem him.
Now KEITH OLBERMANN - he's a whole different story. (love you Keith!)