by Ben Schwartz
News today that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' top aide Monica Goodling will take the 5th Amendment to avoid answering Senate questions on the US Attorney firings is more bad news for the White House and hopefully good for me.
This follows revelations on Friday of Gonzales' own vacation from the truth when he said he knew nothing of the firings as they happened, when he most certainly did.
It all primes the market for a Bush reality show I've been meaning to pitch somewhat based on Donald Trump's The Apprentice. I call it, The Accomplice. In Trump's show, actual business skills supposedly propel you to the top. In The Accomplice, skill and competence rank second to how far you'll go to put over the Bush agenda. 10 Bush appointees go through 13 weeks of ethical tests to find the most dishonest. Starting with white lies, the contestants work themselves up to outright fraud, obstruction of justice, and irreparable slander and malice towards other teammates or their spouses.

Each episode, the too-honest (read: the weak) are eliminated by an all-star panel of disgraced Bushies like Harriet Miers, Scooter Libby, and Michael Chertoff. Finally we get to the last Bushie standing, the most shameless, inept, arrogant, and greediest of the pack. It's that person who wins first prize (finishing out Gonzales' term) and gets to hear those magic words from Dick Cheney himself: "You're hired."
News today that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' top aide Monica Goodling will take the 5th Amendment to avoid answering Senate questions on the US Attorney firings is more bad news for the White House and hopefully good for me.
This follows revelations on Friday of Gonzales' own vacation from the truth when he said he knew nothing of the firings as they happened, when he most certainly did.
It all primes the market for a Bush reality show I've been meaning to pitch somewhat based on Donald Trump's The Apprentice. I call it, The Accomplice. In Trump's show, actual business skills supposedly propel you to the top. In The Accomplice, skill and competence rank second to how far you'll go to put over the Bush agenda. 10 Bush appointees go through 13 weeks of ethical tests to find the most dishonest. Starting with white lies, the contestants work themselves up to outright fraud, obstruction of justice, and irreparable slander and malice towards other teammates or their spouses.
Each episode, the too-honest (read: the weak) are eliminated by an all-star panel of disgraced Bushies like Harriet Miers, Scooter Libby, and Michael Chertoff. Finally we get to the last Bushie standing, the most shameless, inept, arrogant, and greediest of the pack. It's that person who wins first prize (finishing out Gonzales' term) and gets to hear those magic words from Dick Cheney himself: "You're hired."