My friend at Nuch Epes A Chosid tagged me. Now I have to talk about myself. Dang.
Apparently, there's this thing called being tagged. Basically, if you get tagged, you have to list eight facts about yourself. Then, you have to tag eight other folks, go to their blogs, and let them know they've been tagged...
I have to post the official rules, which are:
1) Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves.
2) The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed.
3) At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
I know, I already told you before I posted the rules what the rules are, but rules are in fact rules.
Here goes...
1. I was born one late February during a blizzard in Buffalo, New York at Children's Hospital. I am very sensitive, altruistic and have a bad tendency to think the best of everyone. I am an avid gardener and have a black belt in bargain hunting.
2. In 1966 my family moved to Central New York where I went through to high school. I hate the place and moved out asap.
3. I have been living in New York City for 28 years as of this August and I love it there. It has always felt like home to me.
4. I was married for 22 years to someone who turned out to have a serious Cluster B personality disorder. Every male I have dated or been involved with (with ONE exception) had/has a Narcissistic, Sociopathic or Cocktail-Personality problem (or a combo thereof) I was severely bullied all through school until high school (this including beatings and bullying by teachers as well.) Therefore, I no longer date and am very cautious with extending my friendship.
5. I have been disabled for 12 years with Atypical M.S. though I function as well as can be expected. I have had PCOS for 41 years and am still battling that as well.
6. I have two "tween" children who I adore and would take a bullet for. They are my everything.
7. After living a life of being abused by one of my parents and most of my boyfriends as well as a number of friends - I have devoted the time I have left over from my children to advocating for those whose lives have been devastated by non-physical abuse (verbal, emotional, mental, online). 3 years ago someone I care deeply for betrayed me so badly, and forced me to report him to the police, that I ended up in hospital a couple times and a clinic for severe PTSD. I understand the cycle abused persons are caught in and the repetition compulsion and I do everything I can to help them break free. This is my TESHUVA for the relationship 3 years ago. I run another blog with information for victims & survivors
8. I am a convert to Judaism (not finished yet). I was raised staunchly Catholic and spent time in Baptist churches, explored Buddism, considered being Unitarian for a while, practiced Gnosticism for a long time. I do meditate regularly. I take regular Torah classes not far from my home and attend a Reform Shul near me.
O.K. now I have to tag 8 others:
1. Layla
2. Menachem
3. Lemon
4. Jude
5. Sultan Knish
6. Keli Ata
7. Kindness Happens
8. Pamela
I have my tag answers on my blog now.
Always nice to meet a former Buffalonian :)
Like you, I also tend to see the good in people. Only after I've been burned repeatedly do I see the truth. I guess you could say I am either very kind or very gullible.
I think it's wonderful that you've taken the painful experiences in your life and used them to help others who are struggling.
K.A. - PLEASE call me Barbara. I truly loathe being called Barb. Only people who don't know me well call me that ;) or B. is fine too.
No harm no foul... btw its been sad to hear what's going on in Buffalo these days.