Those poor Palestinians! No one truly understands their struggle, their pain, their sorrow. They are merely fighting for what they believe in. Its out of their control.


This is where I and many of my fellow liberals part company. The Palestinian and other terrorist leaders are in total control. They know perfectly well what the outside world is like and they isolate their people from it. They don't take care of their own and then blame the horrible Joos or the nasty Zionist state for their problems. They lie and spew propanganda so skewed - an American 4th grader would laugh at it.

Israel keeps extending the olive branch, Israel offers apology for things they didn't even do, Israel offers help and aid.

And what do the Jewish-blood thirsty terrorist leaders do? Take a wild guess.

I have always had horrendous motion sickness. The media spin coming from these murderers is truly making me ill.

Cry me a river..

The Palestinians, Alone

by Khaled Abu Toameh

Some 6,000 Palestinians have been stranded for the past month on the Egyptian side of the border with the Gaza Strip because of the closure of the Rafah border crossing. The terminal was closed after the European monitors who had operated there for the past two years left their jobs following Hamas’s takeover of the Gaza Strip in mid-June. At least 20 of these Palestinian travelers have died either of illness or other causes while waiting on the Egyptian side. Most of them are complaining that the Egyptian authorities are not doing anything to alleviate their suffering. Attempts by Israel to find a solution to this humanitarian crisis have been foiled by both Fatah and Hamas, who turned down an Israeli offer to help the Palestinians return home through the Israeli-controlled border crossing at Kerem Shalom.

Meanwhile, not a single Arab country has come forth to help the marooned Palestinians. Egyptian and Palestinian families living along the border have been hosting some of them, but the majority, including women and children, are forced to sleep in mosques and on sidewalks.
“The Arabs don’t care about us,” Muhammed Haj Jamil, a university student who was on his way home from the Gulf, told me in a phone interview. “The Arabs hate the Palestinians. The Egyptians are treating us as if we were terrorists. Even the Jews treat us better than most Arabs.”
And he’s absolutely right. Most of the Arab countries stopped providing the Palestinians with financial aid when Yasser Arafat and the PLO openly supported Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Since then, the Palestinians are almost entirely dependent on handouts from the U.S. and Europe. Many Palestinians who travel to Arab countries complain of maltreatment and harassment at by intelligence officers at the airports and border crossings.

Today, most of the Arab countries don’t want to help the Palestinians because of the Fatah-Hamas fighting and the Palestinian leadership’s failure to establish good governance and end financial corruption and anarchy. The Arabs are simply fed up with the Palestinians’ failure to get their act together. In the absence of Arab support, Israel is the only country that has been sending tons of food and medicine to the Gaza Strip on a daily basis over the past month.

The Egyptians, who have a joint border with the Gaza Strip, don’t allow Palestinians to enter Egypt in search of work. The Jordanians, for their part, “divorced” the West Bank in 1988; since then they haven’t wanted anything to do with the Palestinians living there.

The dream of many Palestinian laborers today is to work in Israel—as they used to do in the days before the “peace process” began. Or as one Palestinian in Gaza told me recently: “We wish the [Israeli] occupation would return and improve our conditions.”

original article here

I have to turn, again, to my go-to-girl, blogger extraordinaire, Kathy Krajco. Her wisdom has helped so many abuse victims I work with - and her insights always extend into my political field again. So I will let her writing prowess speak for itself in regards to my comments & the article above:

So narcissists can't control themselves, eh?
by Kathy Krajco

Story Situation:

Narcissist walks into a room. There is a young, unmarried female colleague or his wife. He takes a quick glance around and sees that no one else is there. Then he abuses the woman.

Several hours later, he enters the same room. There she is again. But this time a half-dozen other people are present as well. He goes up to her and accosts her in the friendliest tone, complimenting her on something and just really gobbing the make-up on his image.

Now what was that about narcissists being unable to control themselves? What was that about them not "meaning" to hurt people?

There. That's dispensing with the gobbledygook of fuzzy abstractions and stating the proposition in concrete terms that even an imbecile can understand. The scenario I described above is the MO of the narcissist. It is common knowledge, and no one denies it.

There is but one valid conclusion to draw from this FACT about how narcissists operate. And, denying that they can control their behavior FLIES RIGHT IN THE FACE OF IT!

If he resisted his predatory urges the second time, he could have resisted them the first time, duh.

There is also but one logical conclusion to draw from the fact that, no matter what, some folks just don't get it: anyone who claims that narcissists can't control their conduct is a moron.

Sorry, but a moron is what a moron does, and that's what a moron does = builds a forehead a foot thick to keep the truth out. It's as intellectually dishonest as make believe that 2 + 2 = 5.

You can tell when you're dealing with a moron: after you have substantiated your assertion that the sky is blue, laying out all the evidence for it, the moron pretends to "answer" by saying, "Yes but the sky is purple."

"Yesbut...yesbut...yesbut...." Kinda like a Chatty Cathy doll.

If you nail the moron for failing to substantiate his claim that the sky is purple, he just pulls another stunt: he pretends that he knocks down your proof by simply pointing to a famous person or other authority figure who says the sky is purple.

Wrong. I don't care if the "authority" is God Almighty: his statement that the sky is purple does nothing to disprove my facts and logic proving that it is blue. To legitimately answer my argument and defeat it, you have to show contrary facts and logic and show how mine are wrong. Which no moron ever can do.

Morons just relentlessly "yesbut" and pretend that big-name-dropping (or PhD dropping) constitutes a valid argument against all your FACTS and LOGIC proving that the sky blue. (How's that for infallibility? The Pope's claims of it are modest compared to these.) But morons must duck and dodge and cheat like this, because they haven't one valid thing to say in support of their opinion.

Reasonable people can and do disagree about many things, but this is not one of them. There is a definite right and wrong answer to this question, and only the willfully blind don't know it: narcissists can and do control their behavior.

In fact, they calculate it.

CLICK HERE FOR: What Makes Narcissists Tick



Anonymous said…
Poor? HEH! The so-called Palestinians are getting what they deserve! I hope they rot in HELL for what they have done to the Jews and Israel!

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