Due to personal health issues - I won't be home and will be doing limited if any blogging for the next week. I will be back shortly. I hope.


Barbara, I hope you're doing better now.

Of course I was touched by the comment you left on my site, and thank you for your feedback. You affirm me that I'm not lazy or worthless. So does the article I read linking fibromyalgia to fluoride.

I didn't even know that the spinal and cranial fusing was caused by fibro until I found this article Saturday, and the doctors were still saying it was all in my head!!! This condition is caused by prescription pills, therefore they'll never address it. It's one huge cover-up and the doctors are totally left in the dark, as they continue to create more business by prescribing more drugs, making more people sick.

To read the article, written by a man with fibromyalgia, here's the link - just scroll down the page:

“Fluoridation could turn out to be one of the top 10 mistakes of the 21st century.”

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