HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Tonight went well. The kids raced through my lovingly made dinner to get to their costumes and start trick or treating. I feel they are still too young to go alone so I accompanied them. It's hard for me because in the small rural town I grew up in, I was the town pariah. I remember going out one Halloween and coming home with huge bruises and goose eggs - one over my eye, one on the back of my head and my costume covered with eggs. I was the town bully target at the time. I rarely left the house and spent a lot of time in my room, just like I do now. This morning, when I walked my kids to the school bus, overhead were 3 traffic copters. Probably reporting on the nearby Grand Central Parkway, LaGuardia Airport situation. One of the kids was fascinated, she said the copter noise made her feel safe. I am glad to know she doesn't remember 9/11 that well. I was hoping it didn't mean something bad had happened on the GCP or bode badly for the day. Along...