In our home growing up, my Nana of blessed memory (who lived with us) would never allow my brother or I to use the word "stupid." We would be grounded or paddled with a wooden spoon. Stupid was up there with Carlin's 7 Dirty Words.
So it is with great pride that I name Ann Coulter STUPID WOMAN of the year. In case you missed "The Big Idea" the other night here's her latest shoe down her throat gem (which would explain why she has an Adam's Apple, too):
America would be better off if everyone were Christian
Ann Coulter was interviewed tonight on CNBC’s “The Big Idea” show. She was asked what her vision of a “Perfect America” would be. Here is how she started her answer:
“Everyone would be happy, Republican and we would look like America did during the NYC Republican convention.”Of course, it didn’t stop there, how could it with Ann Coulter on the show?
Aside from her usual routine of stating that liberals suck, Ann went on to say that non-Christians, like Jews would be Christian in a”Perfect America.” In her view, correcting what is flawed about Judaism, would make things right for our country.
“Jews need to be perfected”The show was abruptly cut and went to commercials and when Ann Coulter was back on the air she was given a chance to explain her statement on Jews and faith.
“Do you really believe that all Americans should be Christian?”
“It would make everything a heck of a lot easier…”
Of course, Ann Coulter didn’t back down. Here’s what she had to say:
"Our testament is a continuation of your testament. We do think Jews go to Heaven, but we consider ourselves perfected Jews. This should not be offensive at all!The new testament is what Christians believe, Coulter argued. Since the New testament came after the Old testament, it must be what God intended for us to adhere to. Coulter was caught a bit off guard by the tension and the controversy that followed. She saw nothing wrong with thinking that America would be better off if everyone were Christian, if “jews were perfected”...
Christian’s consider themselves perfected Jews. "
PERFECTED? Now this excuse for a human being let alone a woman gets to arbitrate religious "perfection"? GAG ME!!! She tried to explain herself but it was too late - she just dug herself in deeper. I tried to change the channel but I couldn't - it was just so shockingly sick - and classic classless Coulter.
Please someone stop giving this open sore that calls herself a pundit platforms to spew her hate and vitriol. PLEASE!!
Last May, as I left the stage after debating Ann Coulter in Hartford, my wife Franni took me aside and whispered: "The poor thing."
Last Monday, after my debate with Coulter at the Universal Amphitheatre in L.A., there was no sympathy from Franni. Just a strong sense of disgust. Because Coulter had chosen a strange strategy.
Offend the audience and then act the victim.
The event was part of a lecture series sponsored by the University of Judaism. The previous debate had featured Newt Gingrich and John Edwards before a crowd of about 5000 subscribers. About 5500 had gathered for me and Ann. The extra five hundred presumably were fans of mine and of Ann's.
Before the debate, there was a dinner for about 75 sponsors – mainly middle-aged-to- older Jewish couples. Between dinner and dessert Ann and I were to each make three minutes of remarks. I had planned to open with my usual at such Jewish events: "I'm going to start by answering the question I've been asked most tonight – Yes, I've had enough to eat."
But Ann went first, and set her tone for the entire evening. "It was fascinating being here for the demonstrations this weekend," she said with a snotty Darien sneer. "I guess that's why I didn't get clean towels in my hotel room this morning."
There was an audible gasp from the Jews. Ann continued: "I haven't seen so many agitated Mexicans since the World Cup Soccer Games were in L.A." As offended as the diners were, the waiters were pissed. Ann was actually dumb enough to drink her coffee afterwards.
I answered by saying that I hadn't seen so many agitated Mexicans since 1846 when James K. Polk invaded Mexico because he thought Santa Ana had weapons of mass destruction. I wasn't sure of the year, but I thought the different approaches to our "agitated Mexican" jokes might give everyone an idea of what to expect.
Fortunately, the debate had something of a formal structure to it. I led off with a twenty minute speech in which I eviscerated Ann, followed by her twenty minutes in which she defended herself by saying she was a flawed person and then proceeded to accuse Democrats of being traitors.
Then there was about an hour with the president of the university leading a discussion during which she lost everyone but her most dedicated fans, of which there were maybe fifty by the end of the evening. At one point, when I was talking about making sure our returning veterans got proper medical care, one of her nutcase followers yelled, "Boring!"