I have a personal philosophy about people. I have shared it with others, hoping they would argue with me and tell me I was incorrect. So far history, humanity and my friends have done neither. They all tell me I am right on. What is it? :
You meet the 10 basic personality types you are ever going to meet by the time you graduate high school. You just keep meeting them over & over & over & over again. Sometimes they are older, a different sex, different race or religion... but at their core - its those same 10 idiots. Ad infinitum.There are those on both sides of the aisle who sweep ALL Republicans, ALL Democrats, ALL Liberals, etc into the same basket. Pundit-punching groups with a sweep of the keyboard. Intellectual midgets at work!
When will the radical right wing give up with using the MSM to flip off the rest of us? Giving liberals the Bronx cheer with "the surge is working" mantra not far behind? Or calling the Democratic Congress a bunch of babies who are still mad that Bush won (STOLE) the election?
What about the new Dhimmitude creeping like mold across the U.S.? The P.C. bending over so we don't "upset" anyone... meanwhile letting people who MEAN THE U.S. harm into this country and then giving them jobs like... oh... checking baggage and passengers at the AIRPORT? And what was it that flew into the World Trade Center towers? A Kite?!
And most of all, getting behind nasty mouthed 'pundits' who smear people to create public stir for themselves and their pathetic, hate-filled careers?
When-oh-when is humanity going to get out of the 5th grade mentality? We think we're right and you are wrong and you should go eat worms.
Uncle and Auntie-Semite: When Will Jewish Fans Finally Abandon Bill and Ann
Ann came for the Jews, and Bill said nothing.
If Bill O'Reilly isn't an anti-Semite himself, then he is most certainly pro-anti-Semite.
Why else would he let Ann Coulter's attacks on the Jewish faith slide.
Laughing with and fawning over Ann Coulter on the "O'Reilly Factor" in a way that even paid Fox contributors found disgusting, Bill refused to confront Coulter on her assorted pummeling of the "imperfections" of the Jewish faith.
Why did the hard-hitting, fearless interviewer who spends a goodly portion of his daily narcissism speaking of other's cowardice and touting his own proclivity to rake his guests across the coals, give Coulter's anti-Semitic media tour a pass?
He said he "never debates theology with a non-theologian, ever."
Of course, that might be true if it wasn't for the fact that it isn't.
For more than a week he has railed his indignation over San Francisco's and the mainstream media's utter disregard for the degradation of Christianity because they ignored two transvestites who took communion in nuns' attire.
Who did he debate that religious issue with?
None other than theologian Dennis Miller. Miller: I guarantee you that if I have 100 gay friends, all 100 of them think these guys who took communion are idiots.
Bill was able to debate the issue with Coulter long enough to place the onus for her plight on to her interviewers, attacking Donnie Deutch - host of one of the shows where she disparaged Jews - as a "twerp" with a "dopey show."
BillO: No matter what you say, they're going to load it up against you.
And I bet the it was the Jews who loaded up against that scamp Mengele, forcing the good doctor to perform all that unnecessary surgery.
Bill told Coulter that "I don't even care," about her comments.
Some looking out for you.
And yet Bill is still the king (dictator?) at Fox News. Some might say that the Jews who can still stomach Bill and Ann - she did say that Orthodox Jews are supporting her - are letting politics trump religion. It doesn't have to. Folks of the Jewish faith who are politically conservative or might even go as far hate secular progressives can continue to do so without lining up behind the Coulters who demean Judaism and the O'Reillys "don't even care" if they do.
If O'Reilly doesn't care what happens to you, why would you care what happens to him.