Childrens Do Learn, Preznents Duzzn't
- Socrates
Anyone like myself, who has children in the Public School Systems knows what a JOKE No Child Left Behind is. I personally am on round three with the Very (NOT) Helpful NYC Department of Education and this time I am forced to bring a parent advocate and an attorney with me to get services for my child - that my taxes PAY FOR and that Pres. Chimpy's initiative assured all us parents we would have free and easy access too.
Right. And just off topic here - I have a parcel of swampland in Florida up for sale just right for development along with a shiny, barely used Bridge in Brooklyn going cheap.
I am usually a very peaceful person. I am forgiving for the most part, even when I shouldn't be. But I do NOT suffer fools gladly. Stupid really irritates me like a bad rash. And Pres. Shrub is an idiot. My Nana of blessed memory would NEVER allow my brother or I to use the word "stupid." Not allowed or we'd get a swat with her wooden spoon. But sorry, Nana - this goof is S T U P I D. And Hashem, please forgive my human fault - I can not abide stupid. Stupid to me is just looking for me to b*tch-slap it.
Who can deny that intellect and educational training are a poor substitute to being born into a rich, well-connected family and being given legacy admittance into prestigious colleges yet squandering the opportunity for personal improvement. Right George? Joel Klein is a lawyer not an administrator and just look what a bang-up job he did with NYC School Buses last year. "Heck of a Job, Joel."
On the other hand, just look at what great decisions and advice Pres. Monkeybrain's gotten from PhD Kindasleezy Rice! Proof that intellect and educational training don't necessarily begat someone with an ounce of sense or compassion either. Take that with your Ferragamo's CONjob.
The stupid virus is upon us. And unfortunately its STILL in charge. If Dubya wasn't from a wealthy, connected crime family - he'd be asking "You want fries with that?" at some joint in Crawford.
Flogging his Draconian No Child Left Behind program, last week, President Bush declared: "Childrens do learn."
by Ed Naha
Now, if you're like me, watching video of Bush mangling the English language, savaging common sense or rejecting reality leads you to coping mechanisms. I've gone through shouting at the TV, hurling objects at the screen, looting the liquor cabinet and chanting gibberish while holding my ears in order to deal with his video visage. Now, during his press conferences and speeches, I try to envision him visiting Michael Vick's house to "pet the pooches."
The problem is: no matter how much we try to cope, or self-medicate or rail against his arrogant illogic, one fact remains. This goof is still in charge. Congress can't or won't do anything to stop him, so, for the time being, we're stuck. On the down side, we're witnessing the nadir of American history. On the plus side, we'll have something to tell the grandkids about - if they're not in a secret CIA detention center in the far-off land of Oingo-Boingo.
Just when you think you know every ass-backward move this mental midget can make, he astonishes you with new ones! Bush, who's long derided "politicians in Washington" (because, as we all know, he isn't one), apparently has decided that, as President, he doesn't have to tackle any subject he chooses to ignore and can feign ignorance about the rest. (Maybe 'feign' isn't the right word.)
Here's a telling exchange from his last press conference:
Q: "Sir, Israeli opposition leader Netanyahu has now spoken openly about Israel's bombing raid on a target in Syria earlier in the month. I wonder if you could tell us what the target was, whether you supported this bombing raid, and what do you think it does to change the dynamic in an already hot region in terms of Syria and Iran and the dispute with Israel and whether the U.S. could be drawn into any of this?"
THE PRESIDENT: "I'm not going to comment on the matter. Would you like another question?"
Q: "Did you support it?"Wow, it's neat to live in a free and open society izznit? (Let's all sing: "I'm dreaming of a rabid Rottweiler.")
THE PRESIDENT: "I'm not going to comment on the matter."
Q: "Can you comment about your concerns that come out of it at all, about for the region?"
THE PRESIDENT: "No. Saying I'm not going to comment on the matter means I'm not going to comment on the matter. You're welcome to ask another question, if you'd like to, on a different subject."
Feeling a pinch in the paycheck? Here are a few examples of Bush brainstorms geared to letting you know he's on the financial case:
Q: "Do you think there's a risk of a recession? How do you rate that?"And:
THE PRESIDENT: "You know, you need to talk to economists. I think I got a B in Econ 101. I got an A, however, in keeping taxes low -- (laughter) -- and being fiscally responsible with the people's money."
Q: "Mr. President, back to the economy for a moment. The Fed took its half-point rate cut the other day. Do you think that was enough to stave off recession? And if not, are there other steps you're prepared to do financially?"And:
THE PRESIDENT: "Roger, I do not comment on the decisions made by the Fed."
Q: "Mr. President, back to your grade point average on holding the line on taxes..."Feel better? He made up his college grade, made the actions of the Fed off limits, confused the rank of Secretary of State with Advisor and has no friggin' idea of how bad our economy is. Oh, yeah. Apparently he got an A+ in snot-nosed comments.
THE PRESIDENT: "Whew, I thought you were going to talk about the actual grade point average. (Laughter.) I remind people that, like when I'm with Condi I say, she's the Ph.D. and I'm the C-student, and just look at who's the President and who's the advisor."
This was the same press conference where he explained the chaos in Iraq thus: "Part of the reason why there is not this instant democracy in Iraq is because people are still recovering from Saddam Hussein's brutal role. (Note: As opposed to America leveling the country and its infrastructure.) I thought an interesting comment was made when somebody said to me, I heard somebody say, 'Where's Mandela?' Well, Mandela is dead, because Saddam Hussein killed all the Mandelas."
He stopped short of declaring that Saddam had also killed all the Gandhis, Mother Theresas and Jesuses after getting an irate text message from Nelson Mendela advising Bush to shut the hell up.
What can one say after so many years of Dubya? "Uncle?" It would be one thing if the man was just a moran (as some of his followers spell the word), but he's a malicious moran to boot.
Last week, the Spanish newspaper "El Pais" published a secret transcript of a meeting held back on February 22, 2003 between former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar and der Shrub wherein Bush threatened nations with retaliations if they didn't vote for a UN resolution backing the Iraq war.
The transcript, prepared by Spain's ambassador to the United States at the time, Javier Ruperez, had Bush telling Aznar that he was going to invade in Iraq in March of '03, no matter what.
"We have to get rid of Saddam. There are two weeks left. In two weeks we will be ready militarily. We will be in Baghdad at the end of March," Bush said. "We can win without destruction. We are already planning a post-Saddam Iraq and I think there is a good basis for a better future. Iraq has a good bureaucracy and a relatively robust civil society."When Aznar expressed concern about Bush's (delusional) optimism, Bush replied: "I am optimistic because I believe I am right. I am at peace with myself."
(I personally wish he was at war with himself, at the time. It could have saved a lot of lives, including 3,803 Americans.)
Of course, while Bush was planning on declaring hisself a war preznent, the White House was proclaiming that no decision on an Iraq invasion had been made.
With a little over a year left of his presidency, Bush seems to be ratcheting up his WTF behavior. He's sworn to veto a bipartisan bill expanding a children's health care program (S-CHIP) because it's too expensive. The bill would add $35 billion to the program over five years' time. Through raising taxes on tobacco products, the bill would help provide health coverage for some 10 million uninsured children.
Aside from the expense, Bush has declared "their S-CHIP plan is an incremental step toward the goal of government-run health care for every American."
Which, of course, would help a lot of Americans...which is a bad thing.
Bush, however, knows how to spend money wisely. He's asking for $42 billion more for his Iraq boondoggle for 2008, bringing the year's total war budget to nearly $200 billion and the war's cost, all in all, to more than $600 billion. At present, we're pissing away about $300 million a day. By next year, the Iraq war will cost more than our entire Viet Nam escapade.
As a result, local governments are being hit hard by the slashing of Federal funds. One of the hardest hit is local law enforcement. Last year, states an FBI report, violent crime in America rose for the first time in 12 years. Coincidence?
The Bush Administration's sins against America and the rest of the world are too numerous to catalogue.
What are the effects of Bush's reign, aside from Battered Brain Syndrome? Here's a headline from "Editor and Publisher" last week:
"GALLUP: Trust in Federal Government, On Nearly All Issues, Hits New Low - Even Less Than in Watergate Era."
And how does Bush see himself regarded these days? Here's a press conference snippet:
Q: "Mr. President, for Republicans seeking election next year are you an asset or a liability?"What more can anyone say?
THE PRESIDENT: "Strong asset."
Q: "Can I follow?"
THE PRESIDENT: "No. I knew I made a mistake calling on you in the first place."
Except maybe: "Lassie, bulk up and come home. Big time. And bring friends. Pit bulls are welcome."