WRAP week sheds light on porn blight

The 20th annual White Ribbons Against Pornography (WRAP) Week begins Sunday to raise awareness of the harmful affects of pornography. Concerned Women for America (CWA) joins the national campaign to provide opportunities to fight pornography and sexual addictions and call for a respect for sexual virtue.

Wendy Wright, president of CWA, notes that "75 percent of convicted rapists admit they were acting out what they had seen in pornography, and 80 percent of child molesters admit their spiral down began with pornography."

WRAP Week began in 1987 as a result of one woman, Norma Norris, who sought to sensitize the public to the magnitude of the pornography problem in everyday life. For one week, people are asked to wear or display a white ribbon in solidarity against pornography.

The Supreme Court ruled in 1973 that the First Amendment does not protect "obscene material" (hardcore pornography). People can complain to businesses that distribute pornography, write letters to the editor, distribute information to the community, educate community leaders, ask pastors to address the sin of pornography, support those fighting pornography, contact prosecuting attorneys to complain about violations of obscenity laws and ask legislators to curtail "sexually oriented businesses."

More information regarding particular state laws and ordinances is available at MORALITY IN MEDIA and OBSCENITY CRIMES.



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