Removed from Obama's Site: "throw jews in the oven"

I sent this to a number of blogging friends, including my friend Chaim -- who did such a TERRIFIC job with research and graphics, I see no reason to even attempt to improve on what he did.

Here are some excerpts from his blog:
A good friend, Barbara, alerted me to the following page (since removed!!!) from Senator Obama’s web site. You can still see a cached version here:

So why would would this racist viper think that electing Senator Obama would take care of de Joo problem? I’ll let you, gentle reader, do the speculating, I won’t!

Chaim's right... and because I'd like to be able to sleep tonight I won't be speculating either.

Obama's site is full of so much racist, misogynistic and anti-semetic dog droppings every day, you'd think the Obamabots that comb the internet daily trying to spam or shut down blogs speaking truth and concerns about "THE ONE" would be all tied up scrubbing his site of that sort of stuff to do the former, don't you?

And here's today's topper. The new "Obama Salute" -- this one is a winner. Either its saying Obama is a BIG ZERO or Obama is an "external opening of the rectum." (pardon!) You will have to decide that one on your own!


Anonymous said…
Good God. These people are animals.
Anonymous said…
I vote for BIG ZERO because if it symbolizes an "external opening of the rectum", it would be an insult to a-holes everywhere and that's just not politically correct.
Anonymous said…
I've linked to your post [unable to trackback to blogger] from Jeremiah Films' Reflux: Obama visits Israel critics not silent - more Anti-Semitic posts

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